This has to be one of my best days for finding change! 18 quarters, 9 dimes, 5 nickels, and 29 pennies. That's about enough for a gallon of gas most anywhere!
Even close up the brown cord in the upper right corner looks a lot like a snake. I did a double double-take going by, finally deciding to stash it and pick it up on the way back. And I found a Lexus symbol to go with the Kia symbol from yesterday.
I found two more items for the children's line at the 'Rundover Store'. Not only a giant white Lego, and also another 'bippy' (or pacifier) and this green guy was found at a very busy intersection. Must be a popular location for infant runners to 'spit the bit.'
I found a gigundo blue scoop, not sure where that gets used but it does says don't use for anything else so it's probably something potent. There was also a green magnetic cap for diesel fuel-not sure why the magnetic part, a small Phillips head screwdriver, and a small Ace Hardware velcro strap. Some more items for our 'garage line' of shop stuff (or the next garage sale?)
I find lots of plastic cards and this one was a room card from the Omni Hotels which said on it they'll make a donation to 'Feeding America' when you stay there. Way to go guys!!
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