
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Well LA-DE-DAH! : 08 30 2022

  My honey once got me a wall plaque that reads, "ALWAYS be yourself.  Unless you can be BATMAN.  Then  you should ALWAYS be BATMAN."  Well, today I found a Batman cape in the road on MidCities Blvd, so maybe today I'll be Batman.  Ha!!   Moving on, the last Dr Schols shoe insert I found was Jan 21st, and 6 months later I finally find the mate, go figure.  I found the screwdriver handle for various kinds of bits, straight, Phillips head, star point, etc. at a busy intersection on Davis Blvd.   There was something else out there near it, but traffic didn't let me get any closer, something for another day. There was another Allen wrench which I ended up finding across the intersection from where the screwdriver handle was orphaned.  Since I looked up 'Phillips head' yesterday, I looked into 'Allen' wrenches today.  And according to online 'Flat Pack Dan' they aren't called Allen wrenches, they're called a 'hex socket key'.  Well la-de-dah!  Excuse me for calling them that for the last half century.  They were first patented in 1910 by the Allen Mfg. Company in Conn and even the company website now refers to them as Allen.  I guess that tells ol Danarooney what's what!  Lastly, there were two very beat up but much appreciated pennies in the road today. I don't expect it to be a fortune in the road every day, but I am appreciative of the pennies that always seems to find me. And thank you Creator of all things for these two symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!!

WELL, NOW YOU KNOW : 08 29 2022


     A little bit of everything today but nothing new really.  The cell phone case was on the sidewalk and I didn't see a phone anywhere around so hopefully it was just the case by itself.  I've never been to WinStar but now I can say I've at least seen a room card.  And...a $10 dollar bill to go with the 20 I found last week so I'm starting to build a Monopoly stash.  That thing above the Monopoly money was a head scratch-er, but consulting with  'Da Googles' I find it's a "Kiss Gel Fantasy Ready To Wear Nails" packet.  That's another reason I'm glad I'm not a girl, it's enough work just to keep my nails trimmed, let alone having to paste a bunch of fake nails on, and then probably color them too??  Yup, I know...wahhh!!    I found 2 more pens, I know I know, that's what, three hundred lebenty five at least now.  I'm thinking at the next garage sale I'll bundle 10 or 20 together and sell them for a buck.  Or at the rate I'm going I might bundle them and then pay people a buck to take them.  Lots of change scattered about, 4 quarters, 5 dimes, and 12 well driven over pennies, but thank you anyway Creator of all things even for the much maligned pennies.  Lastly, there was a small Phillips head drill bit and I have to ask, who's this Phillips guy?  Well, you ask 'Da Googles' and you find out.  "Phillips head screwdrivers are named after the man who invented them, Henry Phillips. Phillips was working on a new type of screw that would be easier to use than the standard slotted screw. He came up with a design that had a cross-shaped head, which he patented in 1932."  Well, now you know.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

ENCOURAGEMENT! : 08 28 2022


     Six quarters, 10 dimes, 6 nickels. 21 pennies today, which is a pretty normal collection of change for a Sunday. That will almost buy a gallon of gas, or a tall Caffe Latte at Starbucks. Don't get them mixed up please, the Latte is way better tasting.  (and thank-you Creator for all the little blessings!)  Three more lug nuts in the road, three more cars driving around with only 4.  There were 3 tire stem caps, wonder if those same three people lost them?  Anyway, another Walgreens pen, I wonder whose parking lot that was in?  That black square thing at the top right is a knee pad, that's the first one of those I've.  And, a shout out from yesterday I almost forgot.  I was running around the median at Precinct Line and Hwy 26 waiting for the traffic to clear and a guy in a car also waiting at the light rolled his window down to give me an atta-boy. Thank you sir for your encouragement!!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

JACKPOT! : 08 27 2022


     Today's route is my usual Saturday one, and it's always interesting to see what's accumulated in a week's time.  I found the really long drill bit first and I was able to set it aside and not have to run with it hanging out of my pocket.  There was a football ticket and a lanyard from one of the high schools, no idea of which one, you'd think they'd label them. (ha)  There were 7, no make that 8 nuts in the road today, only seven of which made the picture (ha again).  There was also in the road an extension for a drill and also two nut drivers that might fit in that extension, go figure.  The change came all along the route but no quarters so I had to finally swing by my go-to place for quarters before I wrapped things up.  And there were three--Jackpot!!  So again we 'hit for the cycle', thank you Creator of all things for all these little treasures!

No Street Sweepers Please! : 08 26 2022


      I've learned not to prejudge what I might find on a route because you really never know what or where, or at least I certainly don't.  Pennies are normally one of the first things I find but today I had everything but. I even had lug nuts and a socket for 'hitting for the extended cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug nuts), but no penny.  Unexpectedly, in a crack in the road full of dust and crud, the first one shows up.  A couple more show up in a few 'less likely' places but still it goes to show that they're out there, I just need to be patient, keep my eyeballs open, and be open to being blessed one more time.  And of course, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance.Yeayuh!

     In fact, there wasn't much of anything in the road at all for quite a while this morning, making me wonder if the street sweeper had been through there recently.  It's nice to have the roads clear and all but jeeze Louise let's thing about me for a moment here.  Where am I supposed to find all this interesting crap to write about if the city is 'brooming' up all my treasures?  I'm sure the city would find that call to complain "amusing."  Well anyway, the stuff did start to appear, with the usual pig-iron including a wing nut. I'm not sure why I like those, maybe it's because you don't have to have a wrench to snug them.  There was one really big lug nut, right on the curb line and I usually wonder how big the tire was to need one of these, a question for the ages.   No, maybe not.  There were a couple of hooks, both I can use to hang something in the garage with probably.  And there was a strap with a clamp end on it today.  Usually they have a hook, this was the first one like this I've found.  Just another was to secure your "stuff."  And the older you get, the more stuff you have to 'secure.'

ANOTHER BIG SMILE! : 08 25 2022


          Well, guess who found a 20 dollar bill?  Next time we play Monopoly I'll already have 20 in the bank, thank you Milton Bradley.  I actually found some cold hard cash too, and 'hit for the cycle' again.  That's getting to be the norm, not that I expect it or that I'm not appreciative of it. But still, it always makes me smile.  There were quite a few well driven over pennies today, with some that surprised me with where they ended up and how amazingly, I still spotted them. Maybe I had a little help (ya think?!)  The key at the upper right goes to a Cobra High Security Plug Cylinder Lock, which is just the thing you need to keep all your super secret ninja spy stuff safe.  Boy, that's a load off!  Not much pig-iron today or at least much that I felt like picking up, but the nuts in the road I'm pretty much obligated to get.  Somehow 'One More Machine Screw In The Road' just doesn't convey the same meaning. Oh, and one last thing, about 'hitting the hitting for the cycle' today, I had 3 of the 4 coins, was almost finished, and was wondering where the quarter would show up.  And He did it again, right there on Rufus Snow, just a couple of hundred yards from being done, right where I had already past by once already, there in the road was my quarter.  Another big smile, and a thank you!

A NEW WORD : 08 24 2022

     Today's running stuff is kind of a hodgepodge.  Some of it I'm not sure what it is so I'll take it to look up later.  Like that small 3" knurled bar (I learned another word), which 'Da Googles' wasn't sure of either but I think is part of a small tool, something old like my Dad would have had in his tool chest.  Which means I'll need to look there later.  There was a Flip Flip Hooray Cane Flippers and Target Sheet which might have been useful for anyone over 18 months that had the little Cane's plastic flipper dog thingy which was missing.  Well, it made the picture.  The Motel 6 room card was from a place out on 35 North which oddly enough is a quite a jaunt from here.  Another koozie, "to have to hold, and keep your drink cold" tells me whoever got married might not be keeping their fav beverage cold but might still have a chance with the 'forever and ever' stuff at least.  

     Somebody lost their access card, no markings except a code at the bottom so no idea about the what-where.  The blue glass I debated on, it's not like I haven't found a bunch of these already, but with all those pens I talk about, maybe this is a new pen holder?  Oh crud, there's the 'internationally famous eye-roll' again.  Is it the glass honey or the pens?  Both?  I should have known.  I looked up that pin at the top right and it's an Arrow Drilled Bolt Safety R Pin which gets used on a Ski-Doo, John Deere equipment, Hydra Fitness stuff, etc., but where I envisioned it went was with a hitch pin with a hole in the end.  Whatever.  Another lug nut today and I really need to get serious about working up that 'Lug Nut Award' I've talked about, aka the 'Bless Your Heart' award.  There was a useful hose clamp in the road that I rescued and also 4 very shiny coins.  The shiny un-beat-up pennies will end up on somebody's greeting card.  That's been the tradition of late, to share these little blessings with somebody else.  And of course, thank you Creator of all things for the all the little symbols of Your infinite abundance.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

They Can't All Be Winners : 08 23 2022


     Rain was tapering off today, and I think I even saw a dove.  Spritzed a little is all.  I figured the rain would unearth all those treasures that were there just waiting, buried under a layer of dirt, and as expected, all that rain washed them up.  That faucet splitter I actually found yesterday on my way out.  I set it on a storm drain to pick up on my way back, but I came back on the other side of the street and missed it.  The threads are a little wonky so it'll get recycled, but it was in the street so it made the picture.   I did get to direct traffic again today over on Davis Blvd.  It's a 2 or 3 minute wait for traffic when the train reaches Smithfield Station and I was pretty close to the crossing.  So, when the crossing arms come down I step into the street, stop the already stopped cars, direct the train through the crossing which is crossing anyway, and then signal the cars to continue on, which they're going to do when the arms go back up.  And three lanes of traffic, four or five cars deep all waved or gave a thumbs up.  I just love it when everybody gets it, we all have to wait, what does it hurt to have a little fun in the process?  And I'm a big fan of having a little fun.  There were a number of nuts in the road and, all together now, they were picked up by One More Nut In The Road, yeah, yeah I know.  The socket was in the middle of a street crossing and with no traffic coming I had time to go back and rescue it.  It's another 10mm, which seems to be the popular size anymore.  Two nickels, a dime, and a penny and the penny was near my driveway even---go figure!!  The other coin looked like a foreign coin but turned out to be a novelty token.  Guess they can't all be winners.  But.......thank you Creator of all things for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance.  (yeayuh!)

Monday, August 22, 2022

RAIN!!! : 08 22 2022


      Yes, I was the only person out running this morning.  I don't know where everybody else was, it wasn't 115 degrees outside, although it was a little humid out.  Ok, maybe it was a lot humid because it was raining buckets out there this morning.  I can't remember when I've gotten any wetter running before.  You've seen pictures of children jumping in puddles?  That's what I'm sure I looked like out there.  With it pouring out and water running off everywhere it was collecting in every low spot and was ankle deep places when I was finishing.  I knew it was raining when I started so I had worn my waterproof socks and it went well for the first few miles.  But after a while enough had run down my legs that I think the socks were keeping the water in.  The gutters were pretty full and most people were good about moving over into the middle lane if they could, but toward the end there were a couple of pickem-up trucks that just drenched me (thank you Bubba).  And you know, it didn't even make me any wetter.  The run took over an hour and I think I laughed the whole way.  The water was getting higher in the street, on the sidewalks, driveway crossings and I was really starting to kick up some water.  I didn't see any white caps though so that was good.  Believe it or not that was one of the most fun I've had running in a very long time.

     So, what was there to find out there in the rain?  The wheel cover was early on, and 'Da Googles' says it's a 1995-1997 Mercury Marquis center cap hubcap for 12 spoke alloy wheels.  Heck, anybody knows that.  They're $20 nice used, I'm not sure how much 'rundover' used would bring.  There were two golf balls in the grass in front of a bank.  Iron Horse golf course is two miles away so somebody is hitting some kind of major league slice to put one waaaaaay out here.  And there was a baseball just up the street, and with the rain, this one is already pre-spat for anyone wanting to throw a spitball.  That little pink sock I actually found on Saturday's run and somehow it didn't make the picture.  The owl potholder I'm pretty sure was lost, first off it's the wrong season, and second playing in the road in the rain is never good.  There was another Mastercard debit card in the street this morning and it turns out to be a Door Dash driver card.  Who knew?  I never use'em, but then I'm probably too cheap to pay somebody else to go get dinner.  There was a very realistic looking grape on the ground in parking lot and since I've found a lot of other fruit this summer I had to look.  Plastic, fooled me.  I 'hit for the cycle' again today --- Woo & Hoo!  Almost hit for the extended cycle, I found a large lug nut but there was no socket to be found.  But, thank you Creator of all things anyway for these symbols of Your infinite abundance.  And also for not drowning today.

BLESS HIS HEART! : 08 21 2022


     Typical early Sunday run of late, warmish out, nice breeze, some familiar stuff, some new stuff in the road. Take the lobster shower cap, that's a first. According to 'Da Googles' it's part of the Under The Sea Headband and Shower Cap Set. I never knew to look for the marching headband, guess I could look again next Sunday to try and complete my set.   Actually my 1st thought was that it was for somebody working at a seafood restaurant. Oh well.  I picked up the koozie because it said American Steel on it and I'm hoping that their carports they make are actually made from American steel. Let's hope. There was a very small piece of a cell phone in the street, that was it, nothing else was left.  Hope whoever lost it had their files backed up, and that they don't put the phone on top of the car EVER again.  The socks in the upper left looked kinda like some that I run in and looking online, I didn't see those exact same ones.  But they are definitely sports socks so they may end up as an addition to the 'Rundover' Store's collection of fine sportswear. Yes-siree.  Step right up.  
     Three pens today, along with 2 sockets, guess that makes a full house.  And a giant lug nut, so with all that change we have 'hit for the extended cycle' again today (see previous blogs for reference).  Not the most change I've found on a Sunday before but still, 9 quarters, 8 dimes, 2 nickels, and 24 pennies is gladly accepted.  And thank you Creator of all for all these little treasures.  With the price of gas slowly falling back to something a little less stupid, that would be a gallon of gas at one of the more expensive stations.  So, there was also a small wrench in a parking lot I passed, I think the stores there were all food related so no telling how it got there.  When you get right down to it, how did any of this stuff get where I found it??  Since I run this route usually once a week, you'd think at some point, that I would have found all the 'fun' stuff that's out there to find.  It just cracks me up to keep finding all the change scattered about.  And it's fun now that so many of the people in the places where I poke my head in the door as I go by remember me and I get a nice smile and a wave.  At worst they're thinking, "bless his heart!"


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Just Park The Truck Out Front : 07 23 2022

          I'm ready for my Silverado, just park it out front and I'll clear space in the garage for it.  I found another TX lottery 2nd chance scratch off today and entered it another chance at that big boy.   This is a frequent Saturday route and what I found is typical, although you never really know what awaits.  There was a package of machine screws and I appreciate whoever dropped the bag, I only have to stop once. What I have been calling a hitch pin is, according to 'Da Googles' a Stainless Steel, 304, Safety Pin.  I stand corrected.  There was a Bedford Public Library card and it seems that I had one years ago back when I lived pretty close to Bedford.  It sorta kinda looks familiar.  There was the usual smattering of pig-iron and also another pen to add to the collection.  The tennis ball was right about where I've found the other ones on this route which is nowhere near a tennis court.  Go figure.  I did hit for the cycle again (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), almost twice if I had found a second nickel.  Let me say though that I'm always grateful for whatever I happen to run across (pun intended of course).  And as usual, thank you Creator of all for all these symbols of your infinite abundance.  Yaah Hooo! (mixin it up a little)

STALK AWAY! : 08 20 2022

     The runs are slowly starting to get cooler, in the 70s when you start and also when you finish, instead of 86 when you start and 95+ when you get done.  And when I say get done I mean 'stick me with a fork' get done.  Wahhh.  I know.  Moving on.  The hat with the propeller looking thing on the front is actually a Cicis Pizza hat.  Or according to 'Da Googles' it's a Cicis Pizza Hat Cap Black Strap Back Adjustable.  What, Pizza Hat is too easy?  Ok, ok, at least it's not as bad as the purple ball from yesterday,  the air baby anti-stress sensory ball pool plastic etc mess.  There were 19 nuts in the road which were picked up by, we all know, "one more nut in the road".  Yeah, yeah, ha, ha, sad but true.  And it could have been more, there were a few that were either too rusty or just not convenient to get with traffic, so it would have been the complete family reunion with all nuts on board. I'm hoping that my honey realizes that I don't pick up every piece of scarp iron in the road that I see.  Let me say it for you, "yeah, just the shiny ones."  Waiting for the eye-roll and.....there it is, thank you!

     This was a route I that I run most Saturdays of late and it's a just a short drive from the house.  Park the car (someplace secure!!!!!), sunblock on, lock it up, then go get at it.  On the way over, a couple of blocks away at an intersection I caught a glint of something shiny in the road and I knew there was a small treasure there.  And finishing up I finally made it back and sure enough, it was a shiny nickel.  Those always make me laugh.  What was more of a challenge was the penny stuck in the asphalt in the middle of a side road.  I don't always go that far down that street, and it was directly in the middle of the road too so I could easily have missed it. 'beckoned to me' and after waiting for the traffic to clear 4 or 5 times, I pried it out.  That one I earned!  As for the rest, once again they were scattered over the whole run.  Quite a few coins were pretty beat up and even a quarter got bent.  The only coin I don't think I've seen bent up is a nickel, I guess they're too thick.  Needed the nickel to 'hit for the cycle' and right before I got finished I stumbled across one in an unlikely place -- I was running through a bank parking lot.  Right after that, I got the other coin I had spotted in the street on the way over, which was also a nickel.   And lastly there was one on the ground not far from where I parked the car.  It really does amaze me how they're everywhere!!  Have they always been there and I never saw them?  Or have they just recently started stalking me?  I'm ready for the $100 bills to start stalking me.  Stalk away!

Friday, August 19, 2022

We're All Connected : 08 19 2022


     We really are all connected.  I'll admit that I'm the guy that on my morning run will say hello to, or wave at, or acknowledge pretty much everybody I see.  The guy at the gas station filling up, or the girl stopped at a driveway that backs up to let me go by, or the person pushing the stroller along on the sidewalk, or the guys on the bikes, or any number of people I run past on a daily basis. On a typical Sunday I'll pop my head in the Race Track front door to tell them have a good weekend and I get a wave and a smile.   And the smiles multiply.  We're connected.  I had a really nice person named Jeremy stop in his truck today, he gave me an atta-boy and said that he sees me running a lot and I inspired him to keep working out on his Peloton bike.  I think we all interact with others whether we know it or not.  Anyway, Jeremy is the manager at the Auto Zone on Rufe Snow near Chapman and with his personality and smile, that store is no doubt doing well.  Thank you sir for sharing a smile.

     It would appear that it's Self Serve day, but it could have easily been Full Service day as that's on the other side.  Luck of the draw, come back tomorrow and you'll get the Full treatment.  The last week or so there has been a slew of gloves in the road and I took this one because I've picked up all the others and I didn't want this one to feel left out.  And it was kinda lime green too, not sure if I have any of those. There was another baby bib today--how do you lose one of those in the road?  And a very small 'Dobby' size sock, just one.   The purple ball seemed pretty normal but I did confer with 'Da Googles' who tells me it's a "Soft Plastic Pool Ball for Playpen Colorful Anti-Stress Air Baby Sensory Toy."  Seriously?  All that for "purple ball for a child to play with." Oh yeah, and not be stressed.  Well, it was from a French site, who by the way asked me to "accepter les cookies."  Bite-ez vous les tookus-ez vous, parlez vous.  That's three years of high school French taulkin here.  Moving on, no socket or lug nut today, it happens.  But we did hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) which is becoming more and more common.  Or maybe it's getting easier for them to find me?  Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance.  Yeayuh!!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Watch Your Door Step : 08 18 2022

          Some familiar finds, some that aren't, that's generally how it works most days.  I guess if I hadn't already picked up a bunch of gloves this week I might have passed these but there was another black Ninja glove, and also one of Milwaukee's finest XL ,10", Cut Level, 1 aka Smartswipe.  I've heard of SmartA** but Smartswipe's a new one, sounds more like an intelligent paper towel.  Whatever.  I found another cell phone and this one never had a chance.  Someone lost it where a fast food restaurant driveway met Davis Blvd and everybody leaving had to drive over it.  I can tell it was an android and I know what the inside of a cell phone battery looks like now. The memorial service will be Saturday, it will be closed box, and in lieu of flowers you can tell Samsung how much you really care. Sure.

     I found the same identical dust pan Aug 11th over on 377, go figure.  And it seems that somebody was a Las Vegas basketball fan who unfortunately is missing their car and house keys now.  Those were in an intersection by a gas station driveway, hopefully they had spares.  In the gas station pump area I found that Mattel 2020 HotWheels racer from a Burger King giveaway. Can't tell you the last time I ate at Burger King--and they probably didn't give me anything but food.  Sheesh!  There was another bungie cord, I think I'm going to start leaving them on my neighbors door step.  Just like those neighbors we all have, the ones that have a garden and grow WAY too many cucumbers and squash and leave bags of it on their neighbors door steps at midnight.  

     The CD was from a musical group I don't really care for and I accidentally bent it 8 or 10 times and it sorta got broken.  Oops.  There was a DVD out there today, Blood For Blood, which 'Da Googles' tells me is a movie that's a "twisty serial killer thriller".  Fortunately that one was already coming apart and I left it in the median.  That is a really cool adjustable Husky Pro 10mm ratcheting combination wrench I found---which will go in the tool box. Thank you to whoever donated it.  Three pennies, two dimes, and a nickel, but missed the quarter.  Ahh, no worries, I'll no doubt find two tomorrow.  And of course thank you Creator of all things for these symbols of Your infinite abundance.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

ANOTHER TRAIN!! : 08 17 2022


     Some days it's playing cards, others it's credit cards/gift cards, go figure. The top two cards were plasma donor cards and I've seen them before. I don't think I had much luck getting these back to people last time, but I'll give it a go again.  I got to 'direct' traffic again today!  The timing was really good at the train crossing on Rufe Snow.  Looking to the south you don't get much notice as the tracks curve, but I saw the train headlights and I picked the side of the street with the most cars and waited. When the crossing arms came down, I stepped out in the middle of the street and stopped the cars that are ready stopped, and wave through the intersection the train that's coming through anyway. And I get a blast of the horn from the engineer! Yaa whoo!!! That doesn't happen very often. I got laughs and thumbs up from the people in the front row of cars, it's nice when everybody gets it. We're just having a little fun at the crossing as there's nothing else to do but wait anyway.  And maybe folks will forget about having been delayed and remember laughing with the knucklehead out in the road. 

     The Ford wheel cover and the ginormous bolt next to it I actually found yesterday and stashed to pick up at the end of the run, and I forgot about them.  So, two more really really valuable items to take their place in the garage with the rest of the garage sale stuff.  Which will happen when the weather/temperature is less stupid.  Back to the credit cards, one was for a Grubhub driver and the other one was an Aspire "credit" card.  According to 'Da Googles' the Aspire card is an expensive unsecured credit card for people with bad credit.  I'll call the lost or stolen number on both of these but maybe it's just as well somebody lost the Aspire one with all their annual and monthly fees. Almost forgot, there's a Dave & Buster's (yes both!) rechargeable game card.  Let the fun begin!!
     There was another gas cap, some pig-iron, another black Ninja glove and lots of change.  We hit for the cycle again today---Wu and Hu!!  It was spread out over the whole run with a number of the pennies having been driven over a lot.  Not to fear smallest of change, you've found a home now!  And of course, thank you Creator for all these little treasures.  Every day, I never know where, I just know.  I suppose it's kind of like life.   Most days I never know what's going to happen outside of a general plan.  Life fills in the rest.  I just have to be open to finding something interesting and be positive enough to know that it will happen.  All the other stuff gets worked out and is way above my pay grade.

ADDENDUM (how do He do that?) : 08 16 2022


      I'm approaching the 200th blog, or what should be 200. 194 published and 20 that are started and should be/will be published soon--go figure!  Lately, instead of deciding on what route to run as I'm heading out the door, I'm now feeling like I have to give it some thought. I'm thinking if I run the same old streets day after day, all the fun stuff will be gone. And it never is, there's ALWAYS something. I should know that by now you'd think. And there have been a few times where a shiny penny shows up and I know I had just looked there and there was nothing. Two days ago I stopped for a sec in the shade at a gas station next to the air pump. And I scanned the ground around me, as I always do. I stow the Sustain Sports drink bottle and there at my feet is a shiny penny. And there wasn't one there a minute ago. Yesterday evening I'm finishing up walking a fiber optic project and it dawns on me that I haven't looked for anything "fun." OK already, it was hot and I really wanted to wrap things up and didn't think to look. But the thought finally hit my little punkin head and I'm heading back to the car, knowing there's going to be something there. And 6' from my car, on the ground where I've already walked several times, there's my shiny penny. Ha!!! How do He do that?!! Anyway thank you Creator of all things for this symbol of Your infinite abundance!!! Alright, everybody together ....on three.....three....Yeayuh!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

HOOEY? : 08 16 2022

     Any time there's a rubber duckie on the route, it's a successful run.  And this forlorn little guy was in the road, trying not to get 'rundover', not knowing that he'd be part of a new flock this afternoon.  I've got a spot with all the ducks, dragons, chickens, hippos, pterodactyls, snakes, and etc and I count 23 rubber duckies.  Thought there were more....oh well.  I pass a lot of locks in the road and most are keyed but today there was a stout Master combo lock that was open.  So when I have a chance to fuss with it hopefully the combo that's still on it will work.  There was another wrench today, this time a 12mm so my string of 13mm tools is broken.  There was another hook today, not great for over the door but maybe on an outside fence to hang a basket of flowers.  Still, it's useful.  There was a fuse tester just to the right of the duckie, or at least I think that's what that yellow thing is. I might have to check on that one.

     There was another hat and this one is a 'Hooey Men's "Chi" Trucker Cap', retails for $30.  Hooey?  Chi?  News must travel slower where I live.  Fortunately 'Da Googles" keeps up with all that kind of stuff.  There was lots of bolts in the street today, the biggest of which I actually stashed to pick up later.  And after an hour plus in the heat this morning my little fried brain forgot.  Oh well, it can keep the Ford truck wheel cover company.  I did find a lug nut, but no 'hitting for the extended cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket lug nut) as the socket and nickel I didn't spot.  The quarter was at an intersection and with traffic stopped I stepped out and snagged it.  I got a smile from the lady in the car beside me who was watching me poke around the intersection.  Probably thinking, "well bless his heart."  But of course thank you Creator for all the little treasures.  Lastly, there was a Chick-a-Fil gift card that I'll have to check, maybe there's a free chicken wing in somebody's future.

   Well one more last thing, a shout out to my buddy Dylan at Therapy Partners. He works at a physical therapy place I went to early in the year for some IT Band issues and I swung by there before my run this morning to say hello.  It's very nice to be able to run without cranky tendons and he did a great job. The whining has decreased considerably, right honey?? (wait for it, wait for it...and of course the internationally famous eye roll)

Monday, August 15, 2022


     I'm sure I'll look back in 5 or 6 months not on the heat but on how easy it was to only put on one layer and you're out the door, instead of 6 layers because we got our yearly ice storm.  Wahhh!  Ok, it was hot by the time I got out, my bad, so suck it up.  There was still lots of interesting stuff out there and it appears it's playing card week.   I only picked up one of these today, they were part of a Hawaiian deck and I included the back side, kind of an interesting deck.  There were two room key cards for Wyndham's LaQuinta with specific instructions.  Insert or swipe card, remove key, and turn handle, is that it? What about push and open door and then close it once you're in.  At least they were very positive, "Tonight you unlock your best self. Tomorrow you triumph."  I like that, well put. 

     I found a long USB cord passing a car wash and although it's not the same type of ends as my current phone, I still have lots of stuff that use that kind.  And I did ''hit for the cycle' today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) with the quarter finally showing up in the last place I looked.  I don't have to know where it will all be, I just have to know that it will be somewhere.  And thank you Creator of all for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance.  Yeayuh! (all three syllables)

SOCKET-ZILLA : 08 14 2022


     Socket-zilla!!  Aieee, aieee, run for the hills, it cannot be stopped!!  That has got to be the biggest socket I've ever found, it's way bigger than the lug nuts on the car even.   It's 1 1/8" for a very large socket handle, and a proud addition to the 'Rundover' Store's fine line of quality tools.  Step right up.   Seems also that it was Firm-Grip day as opposed to Gorilla-Grip day or Ninja-Flex day or Maxi-Flex day as I found 3 Firm-Grip gloves.  Ya just never know.  There were some repeat offenders here today, I've already written about "chucking the Chuckit", that round blue 'Dog Fetch Toy Whistler Ball Noisy Play-Fits Launcher' back on March 8th.  That has got to be another item that must sell by the word as a two pack sells for about $18.  That playing card I wrote about on Aug 13th, I'd found half a deck walking around working one of my jobs in the same area that I run on Sundays.  "Whataburger--Order Up for #60", I found the other half of that on Aug 7th, just up the street from my Whatabuddies.  The brother of that hook at the top left, I found several years ago, and with the chains and hooks I've found in the road, I had converted it into  manhole/handhole lid puller. I left it at a job site out in Plano and never found it again.  Now I get to make a new one!  

     There was a pair of tweezers in the CVS parking lot, I guess somebody bought them and somehow they never made it to the house.  They got all tweezed out right there in the parking lot.  There was one of those specialty screws at the top middle, 'Da Googles' couldn't tell me exactly what it did though.  There was a Google Play gift card that may or may not have a balance left on it.  There was 'Kohls Cash' in the road as well, the code to scan is on the back and even if it's expired they honor those for 10 days more.  That might make up for the two Kohls Cash receipts we had tried to use Saturday and were just slightly longer than 10 days expired. Cosmic payback??  There was a shiny little Shaklee doober in the middle of an intersection that says "Future Masters".  I'm not sure about that one, is that Future Multi-Level-Marketing Master?  Great if you're one of those multi-level guys I guess.  And of course, there was the usual Sunday cache of little treasures, 29 pennies, 2 nickels, 11 dimes, and 6 quarters scattered about everywhere.  It truly makes me laugh to find the shiny pennies (that was the title of my first blog back on Jan 13th), they're probably my favorite thing to find right behind Rubber Duckies (of which I've found 20+).  I guess if you can appreciate the little stuff, you'll be OK on the big stuff.  And lastly, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of your infinite abundance.  Yeayuh!!  Oh--one more thing, I've been asked about how to be able to follow all this silliness and I finally got a "Follow" button to come up but it only shows up on the Web Page version.  Oh well, small steps....

Saturday, August 13, 2022

MAXI-RIP : 08 13 2022


     There's been Ninja-Flex days, Gorilla-Grip days, today was mostly a Maxi-Flex day except for the Maxi-Rip.  Ooops.   That triangle shaped thing that says CAILIN is a phone mount for a Mercedes.  I had figured phone mount for something, just didn't know they got so specific.  There were two drill bits today and we've got both ends of the spectrum covered it seems. There was the usual assortment of washers and machine screws and nuts (oh my!), with an S-hook thrown in.  Our friends at Frost bank contributed another pen, so kind of them.  And of course there was the nickel and pennies, always appreciated.  

     On the far right are just a few things that found me a couple of evenings ago while I was out walking a street area of Keller for a fiber placement project.  There was most of a deck of cards scattered about.  The quarter I had to laugh about as I had to climb over it twice getting in and out of the car while stepping over a puddle before I finally noticed it.  And three more pennies that jumped out at me, as always thank you Creator for these little treasures.  It sure seems like all the stuff, the little treasures, the silly things in the road, it seems lately like it's snowballing.  There's more and more stuff on a daily basis and even when I'm not on a run, stuff is finding me.  I have to wonder where all this it taking me.  Is it a message?  Judging from my garage I'm probably supposed to start a salvage shop to repurpose pig-iron (there's that internationally famous eye roll again--thanks honey!). I did actually wonder about all those tire weights in the road--there's a zillion of them (yes, you heard me, a zillion) and if they're lead, they might be worth something.  A thought for another day.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Thank You Kinney's! : 08 12 2022


     I'm writing today's blog from Kinney's Muffler shop on Rufe Snow Dr. I drove out again to park the car and run from a different location and when I returned to the car two A-holes were trying to cut my catalytic converter off. In broad daylight in a business parking lot. I'm tempted to park it there again tomorrow and wait for an hour with a baseball bat.  Anyway, thank you to Jesus and the guys at Kinney's for welding where they started cutting and for the guard to make it harder to steal.  Another guardian angel looking after me today.  

     Ok, otherwise, it actually was a pretty good day as I was finding little treasures everywhere. Was missing the dime to' hit for the cycle' (penny nickel,dime,quarter) and then that's all I was finding. Goes to prove that you just never know.  And thank you Creator for all the little symbols of Your infinite abundance.  I may have to come up with a new category because I have found paper money and Kennedy Half dollar coins and silver dollars every once in a while.  If I'm going to keep baseball terminology, maybe 'inside the park' could refer to finding paper $$ in the street. Whatever.

     For all you Oakland Raider fans (I don't care where they are now thank you) we've got your hat here, step right up.  Next to the hat was some 'Covergirl Cheekers'.  Seriously?  Cheekers?  Gee I wonder where that gets used?  I'm sure I would make a terrible girl because I'm way too lazy to use the cheekers and streakers and various and  sundry things I see advertised for women. In fact I've started using a combo body wash, shampoo, and conditioner--all in one.  I bet I've saved 50 seconds on my morning shower time, time I can use to write blogs about cheekers, and boneheads that try to steal catalytic convertors.  


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Harris County Toll Road Token : 08 11 2022


     I could say I really cleaned up on today's run, but would I use that trite a cliche?  Sure I would.   I really cleaned up today and yes the red dust pan was in the street.  Some of this stuff just screams to be picked up and fortunately I was only half a mile from being done, so I carried the dust pan along with the radiator cap that was sitting beside it.  Seems it was lug nut day, there's six of them and they were all within a few hundred yards of a particular tire shop/garage.  It makes me wonder, I passed at least half a dozen automotive places but only these guys had lug nuts out front.  They have heard of a lug wrench, right?  Or a torque wrench even? 

     This was a completely new route today as I drove a few miles from the house to explore someplace new.  It was a busy area, 7 lanes and lots of traffic so you need to be aware of what's going on around you.  Getting out early is definitely a plus though, it helps with the traffic not to mention the heat. I 'hit for the extended cycle' today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug nut)--woo and hoo!!  It just makes me laugh, all these treasures.  And of course thank you Creator of all things for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeahyuh!! And there was an odd coin too, token actually.  It happens to be a Harris County Toll Road Authority token.  HCTRA for you insiders.  So how is it you'd need a toll road token in Harris County??  There's no date on it but 'Da Googles' said the tokens were used from 1989-2003 on Houston area toll roads.  Believe it or not I have been around long enough to remember the days of pitching quarters in the toll lane basket.  It wasn't that big a deal to keep a bunch of toll change in the car but having to get tokens and keep them around just seems like too much trouble.  They are for sale on Ebay so I guess somebody remembers them, fondly or not.  That's today's history lesson, it may be on the mid-term.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

ADDENDUM 08- 02&03 -2022

      This picture is definitely the result of One More Nut In The Road picking up One More Nut In The Road but it wasn't running this time.  It was doing my Outside Plant Engineering job working on where to place more fiber optic cable.  I do a lot of walking around along city streets, driveways, parking lots, and alleyways.  These are places where you see telecommunications cables now and they would be the same kinds of areas where I run every day.  As you can see, I find pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, lug nuts, gift cards and assorted pig-iron and as you can see it really doesn't seem to matter where I am or what I'm doing, this stuff is finding me.  At the gas station, at the supermarket, at CVS, or Big Lots, and on and on and on....   And again, I'm wondering "why am I finding all this now" (instead of 30 years ago) and what's the meaning of all this?  I mean outside of the obvious--these are small symbols of the infinite abundance of the Creator of all things, I get that and I'm extremely thankful.  But what else is going on here?  Could it be that I have too much room in my garage and just like the universe abhorring a vacumn, it's letting me know that I don't have enough pig-iron and that I need to fill the empty spaces. (ok honey, the eye roll is appropriate here...)  We'll continue this thought. 

THE USUAL STUFF : 08 02 2022

      This was kind of a short run, the last week or so has been challenging.  We got exposed to COVID and have been dealing with it as best we can.  My honey has been getting a lot of rest, thank goodness.  and I still have run every day except yesterday.   I got pretty cooked on the long weekend runs and I just needed a day away, so I didn't run Monday.  I can keep clear from everyone while running so no worries there.  And with what I'm doing at work, I'm outside removed from everyone so all I have to do is brave 100+ heat.  Needless to say, I was not moving at warp speed.  But I did at least get out to stretch my legs a little today, that's a plus.  And I did 'hit for the cycle', that's a plus. (Thank you Creator!!) And I had the infamous Gorilla Grip, that doesn't happen every day. There was another micro-fiber towel, probably from the nearby car wash.  There was also some kind of socket adapter, it fits a 1/2" socket and has a round ribbed top, not sure where you use that one.  It was a day with the usual stuff. 

     I also included things I stumbled across while out working (at impulse speed) the evening before and it's the same stuff I find when I'm out running.  A lug nut, a Contour Grip glove, a small baby S-hook, shiny pennies, and a dime.  I find more and more now, that this stuff follows me wherever I go.  How is that???  I look down somewhere and there's my shiny penny.  Am I more aware of it now?  And why is it 30 years ago that I never noticed the pennies that show up now?  Have they been there all along and I was oblivious, or has the Creator of all things just waited until now?  I wouldn't call me clueless 30 years ago, but I do think I'm more aware of what's around me now.  And maybe more thankful.

SMELL'EN LIKE A ROSE : 08 03 2022

      I have to say I came out of this run smell'en like a rose, thanks to whoever shared the rose car smell'em upper. There was a pair of glasses frames minus the lenses, I guess for those times when you want to look distinguished but not have to worry about lenses getting dirty or fogging up.  There was a very large socket, and these long ones are definitely handy to have.  Not much pig-iron today, this route doesn't normally have as much to offer and the fact that I run it once or twice a week means it's already been fairly well picked over.  That makes the shiny pennies I find every day all the more special.  And much appreciated--thank you Creator!!  That curved piece of glass was one of many scattered up and down that section of road.  I'm not sure if it's glass from a vase, or from a fish tank, or some other artsy kind of purpose but there were probably a couple of dozen scattered about.  That's for anyone that has an itch to get a little artsy. 

Recycling the Picked'em Ups : 08 10 2022

      Well, there was nothing I found today that would wear out a pocket.  It was rather subdued, just the usual change which means 'hittin for the cycle' again.  Thank you Creator! Yeayuh!  It was starting to get hot out by the time I got out the door, up at 5:30 and still don't start until 9am.  Sheesh!! At least I didn't have to listen to a bunch of whining this morning (yes, I just shut up already!)  A shiny lug nut, with probably a socket that snuck past me so no 'extended', but having another new morning, and having the wherewithal to get at it, that's two shiny pennies right off the bat.  There must have been 4 or 5 edger blades in the street, I pass them all the time and wonder why somebody need to share their trach with the world.  Mommy doesn't want to pick it either Zippy, so just do the right thing and find the trash can.  And there were other things I could have picked up today, but I'm starting to show a little restraint (no honey, the eyeroll is not appropriate here!).  I'm working on what's the best way of recycling all this pig-iron instead of just trashing it all.  I don't have a pick'em up to take all my picked'em ups in so it would be a whole bunch of trips in the CRV to move the 'merchandise', but it's a work in progress. 


DOG CHOW?? : 08 04 2022

     I have seen people running with their dogs many times but running in the street's a bad idea.  And as for the unopened can of Purina Dog Chow I found, I think feeding your dog in the street is also a bad idea, even if it's Purina Dog Chow with real Chicken in Savory Gravy.  I gotta say that is the first rosary I've found in the road.   I have though found a rosary CD before, it was a rosary group saying the Luminous Mysteries which 'Da Goggles' tells me were added in 2002.  Now you know.  There also was another tennis ball and a golf ball to add to the offerings at the 'Rundover' Store's sports section.  I kept seeing playing cards in the grass along the curb and I picked up a few (just because I could) but they'll get recycled right after the picture.  There was another credit card in the road, and I called the bank who let me know it had already been reported so I cut up the card.  Done and done.  

     There was another Allen wrench, Allen has been generous this week it seems.  And there was change all over the place, lots of everything except quarters for some reason.  Odd, usually the nickels are elusive.  But thank you Creator for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance.  Yeayuh!   Lastly, I found a very large purple ball in a culvert next to the road and since I only had about 4 blocks or so left to run I took it.  Not what I'd call pocket material, but I would have stashed it and come back later for it otherwise. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

LET THERE BE LIGHT : 08 05 2022

     Ok, what-do-we-got today?? I have a lot of hats I've found in the road, but I don't remember if I already had a WhataHat.   Worst case, I do now.  To the left of the WhataHat is a remote control for a small round, battery operated, color changing light.  I already have one of that kind of light but turns out my remote's different.  There were a couple of more lug nuts, seems like they've been coming in waves, two or three and then none for a while.   The VW emblem was in a pile of debris just off the curb and it looks like the VW made out ok, but whatever it hit wasn't doing as good. There was a purple Pentel Ener-Gel liquid gel ink pen and I'm betting that they charge for this by the word.  It does write at least.  There was another clear marble, you don't see many of those now.  There's always change, this time a dime and 4 pennies and it's always seems a miracle that any of those little treasures find me.  Every day.  No matter where I run.  And even when I'm out working they show up.  So thank you Creator for all these little symbols of your infinite abundance. And for Your sense of humor in where You put them.  Lastly I almost missed the light pen, it was at a street crossing and didn't work when I picked it up.  I figured the batteries were dead which is kind of old tech, but I found a mini USB charging port and as soon as I plugged it!  Let there be light!


DIALING IT BACK : 08 09 2022


     I mentioned in one of the blogs I posted yesterday (yeh, yeh, I know I'm behind) "where's the fun stuff?"  Today I had it covered as I found a Fun Card right off the bat and I'm expecting it will be a gateway to tools, rubber duckies, and folding money.  I did in fact find tools, a 10mm open end wrench and an 8mm socket.   No new little duck buddies today, I guess the 'herd' has found a shady spot where it's not 104 out.  Missed 'hitting for the cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), missed the nickel, and missed the lug nut for the 'extended' but let's not be ungrateful here.  Thank you Creator for all these little blessings.  Now I also found a quarter sized Power-Ful token and even 'Da Googles' drew a blank on it, maybe for an arcade game?  Lastly, sometimes you have a Gorilla Grip, some a Mega Grip, yesterday it was the infamous Ninja-Flex, but today it's simply a Firm Grip.  I guess some days you need to dial it back a little.  

Monday, August 8, 2022

It's Best To Lock Your Car : 08 06 2022

           I didn't have a very good run last Saturday, and was happy just to finish.  Wasn't feeling very good to start off, and it was 97 degrees (and add the heat index) when I finished so definitely not my finest hour. Some days you're just happy to make it back to the house.  Ok so, I found the Costco Exec Member Card about 10 minutes out and  believe it or not I was able to contact the owner.  She said she had left her wallet in her car unlocked and some dipwad went through the car and stole the wallet.   Jerk!  Anyway she had gotten a new card and asked me to cut up the old one.  Done and done.  There were a couple of shiny lug nuts (yeah, shiny helps), and I really need to make that Lug-Nut Award plaque so I can make use of some of these.  FYI, I'm pretty sure I made mention of that back in February and maybe once or twice since.  I found a couple of tools, a drill Phillips head attachment, and also a nut driver to add to the collections.  There were nuts in the road picked up by, yes we know, one more nut in the road. Lastly there were 5 dimes and 5 pennies, thank you Creator for these little symbols of your infinite abundance.  Now, there's a red penny in with the group, that was in a driveway where they had painted a red fire lane stripe and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, it had been painted red.  It was the right size and shape so I did a double take and went back and sure enough, it was a shiny penny on the other side.  Which we definitely like!

WHERE'S THE FUN STUFF? : 08 08 2022

     After the mega finds on the Sunday runs I kind of get used to just finding a shiny penny or two come Monday, but today change was finding me left and right (and left).  Thank you Creator!!  And I did 'hit for the cycle' again today, that's starting to be the norm of late. And passing a car wash I saw the fake plastic nickel--I'm guessing that it's a copy.  I could be wrong.  Now that strawberry I've been seeing for at least a week now and I wasn't surprised since I do find fruits and veggies intact in the street.  I've been waiting for that strawberry to get flattened or eaten by ants or some other critter so I had to look today.  And come to find out it's made out of very hard plastic.  Go figure?!  There was another Allen Wrench today, thank you Allen.   And, a hitch pin and another long pin that's probably part of a hitch I suppose, and a 12' strap with a hook on the end. Somebody had some stuff fall off a flatbed trailer I'm thinking  There was also a very small socket on the curb-line, I almost missed it.  No doubt I would have found it in a day or two though. 
      There was a Honda wheel cover and I might have been able to leave that one except that I drive a Honda.  Not that I need one, but I wanted to check the car when I finished running (you know, just to be safe).  And of course it's one more to add to the group for the garage sale.  Something else that I needed to consult 'Da Googles' about was that gizmo below the wheel cover.  Seems it's a DIRECTTV DSWM 21 Tuner reverse band, for satellite hookups with multiple tuner receivers, yes you heard me right, multiple receivers.  HELP, I think my eyeballs are glazing over.  Where's the fun stuff, where's the rubber duckies??  Maybe tomorrow. 

NINJA-FLEX : 08 07 2022

     Where to start?  How about with the Super Secret Ninja Spy glove AKA Ninja-Flex?  Ninjas don't ever wear those on the job, I'm mean really--red??? Those would be the dress gloves for schmancy occasions and they would wear the BLACK ones while working.  And you wouldn't even see those because they can't be seen---you know, Ninja?!  Moving on, I can remember many times when I was so busy going in so many different directions that I didn't know which way was which.  Well thank goodness, now I have a reference for which way is the front, back, top, bottom, even the sides.  Thank you Allied Universal, where would I be without you? (pun intended)   Early on I found the Whataburger order #60 card, that's a lot of orders for 7am, they must be selling a lot of those breakfast thingeys.  That's a really really tiny shoe, not sure what that's part of.  I asked "Da Googles" but didn't get a definitive answer, some kind of doll shoe I guess.  So how'd it get in the road??

     We've got black tape and we've got white tape.  I suppose if we're going to make sure nobody gets their drawers in a wad because we missed their favorite color, we'll just keep looking for some clear tape.  That way, whatever you put it on is whatever it is.  My apologies for not trying to spark some kind of controversy here, I know that as a society we seem to thrive on outrage, but that's pretty much the opposite of what I'm trying to do here.  Lots of things to laugh at out there, myself included.  

     I saw what I thought was a tennis ball, and years ago that might have been true, but this yellow 'Tuff Balls' guy is an Industrial Strength Dog Toy.  Personally, as long as they bounce decently, I'd play tennis with them.  And while we're on dogs, I found, passing a bank drive up window, an extremely small dog treat (to the right of the shoe).  How many of those would it take to make a respectable mouthful for the average dog?  (well Andy Rooney??)  I also found another live round in the road, this one is a 9mm.  I always put those by themselves in the running belt, I wouldn't think it was all that bright to put one of those in a pocket full of change and nuts,and bolts, and screws and not expect something bad to happen.  

     I found another credit card, and it's just been easier lately to call the credit card company and report it rather than try to look up whoever lost it.  The result's the same, and it takes me less time.  I found another screwdriver, I usually alternate between straight edge and Phillips head, with a straight head this time.  And last but not least, I 'Hit For The Cycle' again (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), and it's hard not to on a longer Sunday run.  I fact I had that accomplished in the first 5 minutes today and of course let's not forget--thank you Creator of all for all these little symbols of your infinite abundance.  Yeayuh!!  There's about enough for a gallon of gas already!

Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
