
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

WELL, NOW YOU KNOW : 08 29 2022


     A little bit of everything today but nothing new really.  The cell phone case was on the sidewalk and I didn't see a phone anywhere around so hopefully it was just the case by itself.  I've never been to WinStar but now I can say I've at least seen a room card.  And...a $10 dollar bill to go with the 20 I found last week so I'm starting to build a Monopoly stash.  That thing above the Monopoly money was a head scratch-er, but consulting with  'Da Googles' I find it's a "Kiss Gel Fantasy Ready To Wear Nails" packet.  That's another reason I'm glad I'm not a girl, it's enough work just to keep my nails trimmed, let alone having to paste a bunch of fake nails on, and then probably color them too??  Yup, I know...wahhh!!    I found 2 more pens, I know I know, that's what, three hundred lebenty five at least now.  I'm thinking at the next garage sale I'll bundle 10 or 20 together and sell them for a buck.  Or at the rate I'm going I might bundle them and then pay people a buck to take them.  Lots of change scattered about, 4 quarters, 5 dimes, and 12 well driven over pennies, but thank you anyway Creator of all things even for the much maligned pennies.  Lastly, there was a small Phillips head drill bit and I have to ask, who's this Phillips guy?  Well, you ask 'Da Googles' and you find out.  "Phillips head screwdrivers are named after the man who invented them, Henry Phillips. Phillips was working on a new type of screw that would be easier to use than the standard slotted screw. He came up with a design that had a cross-shaped head, which he patented in 1932."  Well, now you know.

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
