
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Well LA-DE-DAH! : 08 30 2022

  My honey once got me a wall plaque that reads, "ALWAYS be yourself.  Unless you can be BATMAN.  Then  you should ALWAYS be BATMAN."  Well, today I found a Batman cape in the road on MidCities Blvd, so maybe today I'll be Batman.  Ha!!   Moving on, the last Dr Schols shoe insert I found was Jan 21st, and 6 months later I finally find the mate, go figure.  I found the screwdriver handle for various kinds of bits, straight, Phillips head, star point, etc. at a busy intersection on Davis Blvd.   There was something else out there near it, but traffic didn't let me get any closer, something for another day. There was another Allen wrench which I ended up finding across the intersection from where the screwdriver handle was orphaned.  Since I looked up 'Phillips head' yesterday, I looked into 'Allen' wrenches today.  And according to online 'Flat Pack Dan' they aren't called Allen wrenches, they're called a 'hex socket key'.  Well la-de-dah!  Excuse me for calling them that for the last half century.  They were first patented in 1910 by the Allen Mfg. Company in Conn and even the company website now refers to them as Allen.  I guess that tells ol Danarooney what's what!  Lastly, there were two very beat up but much appreciated pennies in the road today. I don't expect it to be a fortune in the road every day, but I am appreciative of the pennies that always seems to find me. And thank you Creator of all things for these two symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!!

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
