
Saturday, May 6, 2023


 I just listened to Doctor Caroline Leaf, Neuro Scientist, and an enlightened guest talking about the science of prayer. That's actually quite beautiful. The science of prayer. It somehow, addresses the logic I tend to seek in life, along with the deep spiritual connection that is embedded in each of us to access. We come with it. A connection. A direct line of communication to the Creator of all things. We also come with the gifts and promises he made. Something like 8,000 of them stated in his Word. And, prayers are the keys to access what is already promised and provided.

What was interesting in the Leaf conversation was that prayers are often used to tell God what we want. To impose our view on the situation or person. God, I want this job. God, save my wayward son. God, fix this or that. We pray from a self centered perspective rather than to ask God what he wants or how he can use the situation or person to his purpose. And, his purpose is always love. We were created with it. We come with it. We are surrounded with it.

We can get off track so easily. Think about the strategy to corrupt someone or interrupt the God-link. Pretty easy actually. Just cause so much distraction, outrage, division... subtlety, of course... through tiktok... Nightly News... Snip Snap and pop chat... that there is simply no time left to talk to God. The calendar and hours of the day are already so full. There's no additional moment you could add before you drop into bed, only to get up and do the same thing again. Tomorrow. But, that is so backwards.

Do you walk all 3 miles right off the bat, when you've hardly walked one hundred yards purposefully? Do you cook a chef quality meal with no real prep, or do you need some time to study? Do you read "Atlas Shrugged" in one sitting?

15 minutes here and there, with purpose, accomplishes much. Including starting a habit. A good one. Take the access keys out of your pocket and use them. Use them for others. Ask God what to pray for. That we might be more loving, more caring, more gracious.

And, thank you for the keys that you have used, and continue to use, to unlock all the healing, love and strength for Jim and me, too. We are very grateful.


There was a doctor Zoom meeting Yesterday. Jim is basically stable, medically. He is on room air now, with added moisture. I see improvements. Doctors do not consider them remarkable. I think I need to pray for the doctors.


  1. Father, we pray direction, guidance, and revelation for each of Jim's doctors and that they would be drawn and committed to his case, that they would think outside the box to bring his recovery . Bless them, the nurses, and the hospital. Please shower your power and mercy on them, as well our friends.Judy and Kent


Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
