
Monday, May 8, 2023

Train Crossing

 Train Crossing Guard...Jim got a big kick out of playing honorary crossing guard when the DFW to FW transit train was coming down the rail. If he was lucky enough on his daily run, to be there at the same time as the train, guard arms down, traffic stopped,  with his quirky sense of humor, he would extend an arm as if to stop the already stopped traffic...🙄...and then wave the train through. Often getting a horn toot from the train engineer. Then he would release everyone to go about their day with a howdy-do! Some people got it and had a good laugh...others were perplexed,  maybe to get it later...some just...whatever.  That made it funnier to him. But, if he could give you a smile or make you forget your troubles for a second, that was his goal.  So our train Crossing Guard, Jim, is still in the hospital. Moved from ICU after 18 days to trauma unit the last few days and trying to recover enough to go to rehab and see what he can accomplish. This vital, strong, funny, sweet man. At any given moment, your life can change. So when you see the train, or a bus, or a runner for that matter, give a quick thought to Jim, and send him some good energy and prayers, please. He is trying very hard to recover from TBI ( traumatic brain injury) incurred when he was struck by a vehicle, while on the sidewalk, and running his daily distance.  So think of Jim, aka:, and try to lighten someone else's day on his behalf.


  1. ❤️🙏Come on, Jim! For those who do not know, Jim has a great singing voice . We met him when he played Frank Butler in" Annie Git Your Gun," and heard him sing with church and professional choirs. May his voice be heard soon. J&k

  2. I'm really looking forward to hearing him again! It's coming! ❤


Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
