Jim has always been very stealthy...as he prefers to call it. Prides himself really, as to how clever he can be to hide a gift while we are shopping. Something he thinks I would like or made mention of in passing, then quietly tuck the purchase under the opposite arm that wraps me or holds my hand. Swapping the package back-and-forth as needed to try to keep the secret, and having so much fun pulling it off. Even if I saw it, or caught on to the game, I would never let on. It was too delightful letting him go on with it. Then when my birthday came, I would be surprised all over again and make a big deal about how clever he was. Like a magician. Slight of hand, in a good way.
So a week ago, we had a visitor at the facility and were gifted some mini blueberry muffins and a bin of sugary cookies to shard with the staff. The word... Sugar... stood out like a red flag, and I kept them sealed but we enjoyed a blueberry mini muffin.
It was time for an afternoon nap, and I left the cookie bin on the table in the middle of Jim's room, grabbed the laundry of the day and told him I'd be back shortly and have a good nap. About 2 hours later, I returned with clean laundry to hang, and noticed his sleeping position was different. That's unusual. A half eaten cookie on the nightstand.
The cookie bin was still on the table, but the seal was broken and the lid was loose. Hmmm.
There are really two options. Somebody helped themselves.... Or another somebody helped himself.
Yesterday, in talking with a Tech who is very attentive, lots of fun and very observant, she noticed. I was working with Jim on using the phone. She was curious if he knew how to call me. He was curious as to why he should call me when I was standing there in the room.🙄 Phone on the table, he went straight to the contacts icon...my photo on top of the page...phone icon...ring ring. He made quick work of that request.
Continuing the chat with the tech about the cookie incident, she let me know that he is sometimes sitting on the edge of the bed when she arrives in the morning. Often, she told me, the middle closet door is open, the wheelchair is moved to the other side of the room and some other items can be moved. So again, two options. Elves. Or Jim is getting out of bed on his own and exploring.
I think we can safely rule out elves, and narrow the suspect list to one.
One clever, healing and resourceful man who is still stealthy. And, continues to be clever and find ways to surprise me. I think God is getting a kick out of Jim as well.
So funny! Love it!