Once again--I 'hit for the extended cycle', and also found a shoe for a very short person. I'm thinking a very young short person. Someone that shouldn't be crossing the street by themselves short person if you know what I mean. I figured they must have been running so fast that they just ran out of one of their little sneakers. If I run into whoever I can let them have a sparkly red doll shoe I recently found that's about the same size--just so they don't wear that sock out.
Shiny pennies are a blessing for sure but who'd have thought an 'achy to point of distraction' upper arm, and also leg tendons that hurt to drive might be a blessing? Both finally prompted me to visit the doctor who sent me to a Physical Therapy clinic nearby. They're focusing on core strength and flexibility and in the last few months I can see a major difference. It dawned on me that I had been slacking off on a lot of the strength workouts and stretching I used to do. There was always a lot of everyday stuff--work and life as usual, and I would rush stretching and weights after a workout to where I wasn't doing much at all. If not for the injury I would have been rocking along, physically just slowly inching downhill. So.....don't forget....if you don't use it, you'll lose it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.......now where have I heard that before? Here's blogging at you kid.....
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