This picture actually goes with yesterday's post for Feb 10 (which was stuff from the 9th). I know I've already mentioned that stuff pretty much finds me everywhere now, and this picture was from after the morning run. I had to drive over to Carrollton to do some contract engineering, around the same spot where that penny found me in the dark back on the 1st. So, I was inspecting utility poles and walking the curb line and of course a shiny dime appears, along with a wrench, golf ball, socket, and a little ladybug doober (what's a doober? It's just a little thingamabobby). And I found a little American flag on the ground, and I really hate to see our flag on the ground. It's just not supposed to be there. But the good news is, the US flag was not made in China, it's marked "Made In The USA" thankfully. Maybe I'm just crazy but it seems crazy to me for us to be buying US flags somewhere besides the U S of A. One last thing to mention, there was that small key at the bottom, not sure what that might go to, but it was unusual enough that I had to grab it, at least for the picture.
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