
Saturday, February 26, 2022


      True to form, most of what I found was unexpected.  Like the Racqua-barefoot-hiking-diving-walking shoe.  Very very light weight, and they go for around $80 on Ebay so I figure this one's worth $40?  And another bungee cord, not very long but if I hook it up together with the other lebenty-nine of these cords I've found, I figure you could pretty much bungee anything.  Just sayin.  And, Jacquelynn, do not be leaving your name badge on the curb anymore!  I'm not going to continue to follow behind you picking up after you.  Kapeesh? 

     That white two ended hooky thing looked like something you could hang something from in the garage, or maybe hang a plant outside and drop it down from the soffit a foot or so (most plants kinda sorta like being able to catch a little sun).  Lots of nuts in the road, which kind of goes without saying, but one of the three lug nuts had gotten torqued, there was a chunk of it missing.  I'm thinking that one didn't come off without a fight.

     Didn't hit for the cycle, once again it was the quarter being elusive instead of a nickel, but for every penny that showed up (instead of a quarter) you still have to be thankful.  And after all, I do have a good use for all the shiny pennies, everybody that gets a card or letter gets one of them attached.  That way you get to share that little blessing.

     I had a PT session for those cranky IT band tendons first thing in the morning and would have had time to run before the dentist appointment 90 minutes later, but would not have had time to shower afterward.  I decided not to share all that "stinkatude" (and you have to say that with an Austrian accent) with Dr Baker and staff, so I ran after my appointment.  It was an area I'd driven by zillions of times, but you get a completely different viewpoint at the curbline. I was running along a 4' concrete median at an intersection where there's three lanes in all 4 directions.  I had scanned the intersection (nothing interesting there) and was running along the median and something registered, one of those "did I just see that?" moments.  I went back and there at the curbline, was a Pink Racing Bippy!  I don't even want to know how or why a very short person could have lost it there.  But I am pleased to announce that I'll be introducing a new children's line at the 'Road Store', we will now offer the stylish Pink Racing Bippy.  Pre orders are welcome.

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
