
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Good Karma Might Be Worth An Extra Cookie And Pudding!

     It wasn't so cold out today, it was in the 50s with a little wind, and I underdressed for a change. I ran right after the Tuesday Physical Therapy session, but I left the long sleeve top I was going to wear as well as my ear covering at the house. On days like that I just need to keep my ears warm, and I had some ear plugs that kept the wind out so yea for that.  At least I remembered my sports drink and my Amino Boost.  It was kind of an average run, almost hit for the cycle, I just missed the nickel.  Some days it's 71 coins like two Sundays ago and some days it's two quarters like yesterday.  That's the thing ..... you just never know!  

      I usually don't pick up anything that has a point, like the self-tapping screw in the picture or the roofing nail in Sunday's picture. Those generally will put a hole in your pocket.   Usually, I'll just toss the nails I see in the road somewhere else, grass, flower beds, anywhere they won't get into a car tire.  It's good karma, right?  A zillion nails in the road equates to a zillion flats I'm thinking.  All those people I've saved from getting a flat, I figure that's got to be worth an extra cookie and pudding, right?

     Something else I see a lot would be those lead weights they use to balance your tires.  They're everywhere!  Wouldn't you expect there'd be a lot of cars on the road that get to highway speeds and start to 'shake, rattle, and roll?' (maybe because they're missing a lug nut or two as well?)  I would think about hanging on to some of those lead weights, but I just can't think of a good use for them--unlike all the nuts, bolts, washers and other pig iron I have been keeping (that should get me another eye roll from my honey!) 

     I found a very new looking Walmart gift card today in the grass next to the road. Turns out it had a zero balance, but I found one recently that had 5 or 6 dollars left on it.  That's like finding a $5 bill in the road, which I have also done recently.  As you can see, I found a Sports Clips "Touchdown" card where you can get your 6th haircut for half price.  It says you get a punch for every full price haircut and I'm hoping that they just mark the card and don't actually smack you when they're done with the shearing.  And I also found probably the 6th or 8th folding knife.  Fortunately, the sharp blade they warn you about had already fallen out after being run over so many times so that's another blessing, not sticking yourself with a knife in your pocket while running.  

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
