
Wednesday, March 23, 2022


      Not sure why there seems to be so many gloves in the street lately, but that being the case, I can be selective with what I pick up.  Today I found a Milwaukee Cut Level-1 glove, normally $4 at Ace Hardware ...and today only at the 'Rundover Store''s half price! 😃 Also found another lottery ticket, a  Tinseltown Takeover scratch off, which I entered for another shot at Hollywood.  Not a lot of change today (relatively speaking), a nickel and 3 pennies, but then all of them are appreciated.  And more than I had when I started the run.  Quite a few nuts in the road this morning, literally and figuratively, and I'm pretty much required to pick those up.  The key I assumed was a car key, but is pretty smooth, not a lot of 'teeth' so it might go to a lot of things.  There was another socket where the driveway of an auto parts store hit the road, which is a little ironic.  I figured somebody was working on their car in the auto store parking lot and lost a socket in the engine compartment, which fell out when they left.  There also was a little silver A-frame shaped metal thingamabob, picked that up because I hadn't seen one in the road before.  Lastly there was a little squishy multicolored ball, with a smiley face on it, he'll have a lot of rubber dickies to keep him company!

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
