
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Are Lebenty Seven Hubcaps Really Enough? : 03 12 2022

      I thought I'd change things up a little and drive to a spot on one of my routes and start the run onward and upward from there.  Got there and had forgotten sports drink, watch, overflow belt, etc.  Sheesh!  Drove back to the house and decided to go somewhere else to run, to the end of another area I've only run twice.  No idea what kind of treasures would be there, but you can see from the picture there was a little bit of everything!  And a lotta bit of sockets and lug nuts! Lots of pig-iron, I think it was 20 "nuts in the road" today (21 counting your truly).  I definitely hit for the extended cycle this morning (all 4 coins-socket-lug nut).  And I found both small sizes of sockets and also an adapter to use with either socket handle, definitely handy.  

     What a pretty day today!!  That of course was the 1st shiny penny of the run.  I got out pretty late for me, it was probably 10am already and it was brisk but not too cold.  I did make the Sustain sports drink warm today, I forgot yesterday, and it was brain-freeze cold on a cold morning.  

     The change today was kinda beat up, with one quarter bent in half, and for one of the pennies there was only about 25% of it left.  Small treasures, small blessings, still something to be thankful for.  I picked up the 1st glove thinking I had another one like it, and then saw a 2nd and grabbed it to keep the 1st one company.  The hubcap was in the turn lane of a pretty busy intersection and people must have been driving around it since it was pretty much unscathed.  So, here's another one to add to the tub in the garage that already has lebenty seven hubcaps in it already.  Or better yet, that could be part of the 'Rundover' Store automotive section along with the 12V car cigarette lighter I found this week.

     I found the garden hand spade just down the street from the hubcap, and I probably have a found-in -the-road handle around here somewhere.  It's better than the hand spade I already have, the spade part bends too easily.  The small convex fisheye mirror I found I remember having on several cars years ago, I guess we'll toss that in the automotive section (you lucky shoppers!)  There was half a credit card today, and fortunately the number part was gone so I won't worry about getting it back to anyone.  Also another S-hook for a bungie cord.  Those guys are also really good for hanging stuff, I have all kinds of things hanging in the garage with those.  Lots of little treasures, lots of little blessings, a whole lot to be thankful for.  

1 comment:

  1. Plastic hubcap in your picture might possibly be Mine it's common for those to break off the metal mounting ring and fly off. If its 7 in across then it's a match. is there some way we can meet up in the future and I can recover it. Thanks very much Duke


Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
