Yesterday's and today's routes had some overlap, and I again passed the "dinosaur dig site" I wrote about yesterday. And I had to laugh, I missed a couple of 'relics' which must have also been there yesterday. I found the other foot, and also the head of maybe a velociraptor. And to think, these could have been lost to posterity. HA!
There's always nuts and bolts in the road, but no lug nuts today, but I think I'm covered though with the ten I found last Monday. There are usually tools to be found and today it was a socket and a socket adapter, also Allen left another wrench lying in the road (he never listens!). There were lots of shiny pennies today (my favorite!), pretty much from the start to finish, 17 of them as well as 3 dimes. (thank you Creator!!)
I have found too many cell phones now to count, with some of them still working and some pretty beat up. But I have to say that somebody is NOT setting a very good example. Today I found a Samsung phone back and battery in the street which means that phone is history, but just a little ways away I found a face plate for a children's 'Kid Tech' play phone. Isn't that cute? Wanting to be just like mommy and daddy and losing your phone in the road. Somebody needs to set a better example for that little tyke. Just sayin!
I saw it on thanks.