
Sunday, July 3, 2022

Thanks For The Humidity! : 07 03 2022

      80 degrees and humid at 6:45am, and by run's end I was about as drippy as you could get. Took an extra bottle of Sustain sport, as well as branch chain aminos to hydrate and recover. There was the usual scattering of 'pig iron' as well as a very large lug nut remover. Another Pokémon card, this one is Yanma (Yan-what?) ) whose super secret ninja spy power is speed diving. Alrighty then.  The hanger I might not have taken but I was almost finished and I had a use for it.  And of course, I 'hit for the cycle' again today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), several times even. If I do it again tomorrow maybe I can buy a gallon of gas. Booya! (and thank you Creator for the small blessings!) 

     I guess if I'm inclined to do any grease monkeying today, I've got the gloves to do it.   The card next to the Pokémon card is a room keycard for a Hall Arts Hotel, guess they're still using those old fashioned cards instead of having you use your cell phones like at the Hilton. There were a couple of pens, and there was some nerf ammo.  Last, and maybe least, there was a Trumpster 2020 sun visor in the road.  I normally don't hold ANY politician of ANY party in very high esteem so say good-bye to the visor.  To be fair though, there are a small number of local elected officials that are worth their salt.  So if that sun visor had Ft Worth Turkey Trot running buddy, ex-mayor Betsy Price's name on it, that one I'd keep.

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
