Yes, I was the only person out running this morning. I don't know where everybody else was, it wasn't 115 degrees outside, although it was a little humid out. Ok, maybe it was a lot humid because it was raining buckets out there this morning. I can't remember when I've gotten any wetter running before. You've seen pictures of children jumping in puddles? That's what I'm sure I looked like out there. With it pouring out and water running off everywhere it was collecting in every low spot and was ankle deep places when I was finishing. I knew it was raining when I started so I had worn my waterproof socks and it went well for the first few miles. But after a while enough had run down my legs that I think the socks were keeping the water in. The gutters were pretty full and most people were good about moving over into the middle lane if they could, but toward the end there were a couple of pickem-up trucks that just drenched me (thank you Bubba). And you know, it didn't even make me any wetter. The run took over an hour and I think I laughed the whole way. The water was getting higher in the street, on the sidewalks, driveway crossings and I was really starting to kick up some water. I didn't see any white caps though so that was good. Believe it or not that was one of the most fun I've had running in a very long time.
So, what was there to find out there in the rain? The wheel cover was early on, and 'Da Googles' says it's a 1995-1997 Mercury Marquis center cap hubcap for 12 spoke alloy wheels. Heck, anybody knows that. They're $20 nice used, I'm not sure how much 'rundover' used would bring. There were two golf balls in the grass in front of a bank. Iron Horse golf course is two miles away so somebody is hitting some kind of major league slice to put one waaaaaay out here. And there was a baseball just up the street, and with the rain, this one is already pre-spat for anyone wanting to throw a spitball. That little pink sock I actually found on Saturday's run and somehow it didn't make the picture. The owl potholder I'm pretty sure was lost, first off it's the wrong season, and second playing in the road in the rain is never good. There was another Mastercard debit card in the street this morning and it turns out to be a Door Dash driver card. Who knew? I never use'em, but then I'm probably too cheap to pay somebody else to go get dinner. There was a very realistic looking grape on the ground in parking lot and since I've found a lot of other fruit this summer I had to look. Plastic, fooled me. I 'hit for the cycle' again today --- Woo & Hoo! Almost hit for the extended cycle, I found a large lug nut but there was no socket to be found. But, thank you Creator of all things anyway for these symbols of Your infinite abundance. And also for not drowning today.
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