We really are all connected. I'll admit that I'm the guy that on my morning run will say hello to, or wave at, or acknowledge pretty much everybody I see. The guy at the gas station filling up, or the girl stopped at a driveway that backs up to let me go by, or the person pushing the stroller along on the sidewalk, or the guys on the bikes, or any number of people I run past on a daily basis. On a typical Sunday I'll pop my head in the Race Track front door to tell them have a good weekend and I get a wave and a smile. And the smiles multiply. We're connected. I had a really nice person named Jeremy stop in his truck today, he gave me an atta-boy and said that he sees me running a lot and I inspired him to keep working out on his Peloton bike. I think we all interact with others whether we know it or not. Anyway, Jeremy is the manager at the Auto Zone on Rufe Snow near Chapman and with his personality and smile, that store is no doubt doing well. Thank you sir for sharing a smile.
It would appear that it's Self Serve day, but it could have easily been Full Service day as that's on the other side. Luck of the draw, come back tomorrow and you'll get the Full treatment. The last week or so there has been a slew of gloves in the road and I took this one because I've picked up all the others and I didn't want this one to feel left out. And it was kinda lime green too, not sure if I have any of those. There was another baby bib today--how do you lose one of those in the road? And a very small 'Dobby' size sock, just one. The purple ball seemed pretty normal but I did confer with 'Da Googles' who tells me it's a "Soft Plastic Pool Ball for Playpen Colorful Anti-Stress Air Baby Sensory Toy." Seriously? All that for "purple ball for a child to play with." Oh yeah, and not be stressed. Well, it was from a French site, who by the way asked me to "accepter les cookies." Bite-ez vous les tookus-ez vous, parlez vous. That's three years of high school French taulkin here. Moving on, no socket or lug nut today, it happens. But we did hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) which is becoming more and more common. Or maybe it's getting easier for them to find me? Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!!
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