I ran an old route today, the one I would do after getting cranky tendons and muscles worked on last year. Another shout out to Dylan Hoover at Therapy Partners who helped get all the moving parts working so well. A year ago I was wondering what kind of shape I was going to be in to run the traditional Thanksgiving Day 10K Turkey Trot. Another blessing to be thankful for! So, moving on, it looks like it was 'Nut In The Road' day, 10 of them counting the lug-nut. Which reminds me, I still need to pick up a plaque for the "Lug-Nut Award" I keep talking about. Like my honey always tells me, I'm putting it in my calendar on my phone. Yes, a phone similar to the ones I keep finding in the road. And writing about. I guess I really need to expand my readership if I'm going to make a dent in that. Working on it. Thank you to the nice people at Walgreens that contributed today's pen. I may have to work up a picture of all the different kinds of pens I've found, just because I'm curious. I could do that for ball caps too, I probably find as many of those as I do pens.
I had been thinking lately that it's just not as easy to tweeze as it used to be, and wouldn't it be great to find something to help that. And what do I find...right there where a driveway hit the street? Yup. Tweezers. I am saved. That long wood screw was probably too long to have done any damage to anybody's tire, but I got it out of the road anyway. I figure it's good Karma. There was another house key, and what looked like padlock keys strewn along the curb line. Hopefully somebody didn't put those on top of their car too. There was another nut-driver attachment for a drill today. Like the Allen wrenches, I guess I need to start putting together sets of those. I needed a quarter to 'hit for the cycle' today and finally found it after waiting for traffic to clear at a pretty busy intersection. It had been driven over a lot but hadn't been bent up yet so if I get strapped for cash I could always take it (with all it's cousins) to a Coin Star. I've never thought about taking all this change there really. I started out just wondering how long it would to take to fill up the container I was using. And then CONTAINERS. 16 luncheon-meat containers full now. I just recently started separating the coins out so I see how they're adding up. Obviously more shiny pennies than anything else and the penny container did fill up pretty quick. I'll need to count the other three as it may look like more quarters than dimes but the quarters take up more space. Just sayin. I found the socket at the Davis & No.Tarrant intersection, another wait for traffic to clear moment. And with that I 'hit for the extended cycle.' It always makes me laugh how all this stuff is out there, and has probably been out there all along. Wonder why I didn't see it until now? Or better yet, why it waited this long to find me? Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for the sunny day, the cool breeze, the wherewithal to get out there and get at it, and for all these other little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!!
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