Seems it was pig-iron on steroids day today judging from the collection of metal cast-offs. The washer at the bottom right was about the biggest one I've found on my runs and I was wondering what could have possibly lost something that size. Then I came across Boltzilla and I really wondered what big ol beast was losing parts. Even the NutsInTheRoad and the lug-nuts were large. Must be something in the water. On the other end of the scale there were two socket pieces, one a 1/4 to 3/8" adapter and the other looks to be around 3/8"-ish. It was stuck in the asphalt and I haven't scraped away the tar yet to see. There was a to-go pack of Clorox disinfecting wipes along the curb-line which will get pitched after the picture is taken. You kill germs but at a price with those, I use Sol-u-Guard which is botanical and does a better job. I wash out the sports drink bottles I use every day with it even. You have to ask yourself, how many unnecessary chemicals do I need to expose myself to every day? I'm sure there are plenty of other threats out there (like lysol) to worry about, no sense adding to the list.
I find a lot of gloves while running, not always in pairs and not the sturdy leather ones I saw today. The switch blade knife at the lower left was open sitting out on the median and it was very sharp. Fortunately it retracted as carrying share knives in my running shorts pockets isn't very high up on my list. I wasn't sure how may coins there'd be (beyond the shiny penny I always expect) but 3 dimes and 14 pennies showed up today. These small blessings never cease to amaze me. But lastly thank you Creator of all things for the wherewithal to get out there again today, and for all the silly stuff that seems to find me!
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