
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

THANKS MOM! : 10 16 2022

     Second run in Marble Falls TX and even though I had run most of this route yesterday, there were still three quarters, 4 nickels and six pennies that found me.  Missed the dime to have 'hit for the extended cycle'  (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug-nut) but I'm pretty sure it was there and I somehow missed it.  Wouldn't be the first time.  There were 3 more lug-nuts out there today, and all told, if lug-nuts were dollars, I'd be a hundred-aire several times over by now.   There was another credit card in the street today, a Visa Debit from Wells Fargo.  Although their people are very nice on the phone when you call, it's pretty much worthless trying to get any help from them reporting a lost card, they just suggest that I look up a Wells Fargo location and then drive all the way over there to give them their card back-- another reason I stay with my Credit Union.  There was a strap and hook at the upper left that I passed by yesterday which didn't 'make the pocket' then, but somehow seemed more interesting today and here it is.  There was a music CD, by a British group named Dirty Vegas, and after checking out a track (Days Go By) I think these guys might be kinda interesting.  We'll see.  The little pink ball in the middle of the CD, well, Pepto Bismal pink, how could I miss it?  There was a hotel room key card and I love the instructions on these, especially "ensure to close door behind you." I keep forgetting that one and someone ends up stealing all my bath towels.  Two more sockets were on the ground, the dark 11/32" one was a tough spot in the dirt, but I did a 180 and went back to look.  The other one was an 8mm, a change from the 10s and 13s I usually run across.  It was a nice morning to run, blue skies, cool breeze, and I even had an encouraging shout out from somebody who had a mic and speaker in their vehicle.  You don't see that very often.  I just got a flashback to some of my high school track meets where my mom would be in the bleachers yelling "run you turkey, run!"  Ha!  Thanks mom!

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
