
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Wow Zebra Sarasa : 11 22 2022


       What I thought was another roll of electrical tape was in fact a roll of Tesa Tape.  'Da Googles' says it's basically fuzzy electrical harness tape, the kind that Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes use on the interior. From what I saw on the YouTube video, I'm going to throw away all of my electrical tape and start using this. See, ya learn something new every day!  There was half a pair of dice in the road today over where I saw those Life and Risk games a couple of weeks ago.  About all that's left of them now is the Game of Life spinner wheel, all the play money and game pieces have blown/washed away.  Mother nature cleaning up after us.  I thought I knew what that long pen-like thing at the top was but 'Da Googles' knew better.  It's really a "Pen Lot Pilot Rexgrip Pentel Wow Zebra Sarasa Pilot G-2 07 Bk440 Black 1.0"  They showed the price at $14.99 and they've got to be charging by the word.  Or maybe the "Wow Zebra Sarasa" part makes it schmancier.  Sheesh!  I wonder if I can get a job making up names for stuff?  I'm going to call that thing at the top left a "Spiff Total Stork Zord Wanna Pin and I'll sell it to you for $9.95.  Operators are sitting by. 
     That coin in the middle looked like it might be worth something, but after taking a close look when I got done running, it's a car wash token.  It was a nice thought while it lasted. There were a couple of kinda large engine bolts and a few smaller cousins, not a lot of pig-iron out there today.  There were three dimes though and nine pennies and that always makes me smile. I never know how these little guys will find me, but they'll find me.  And of course, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance.  Yeahuh!

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
