Normally, "if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands" (thank you Douglas Adams). In this case, substitute the word rubber duckie. And it looked like a rubber duckie. Sadly it was freezing out for this morning's run and when little plastic rubber duckies get run over they end in pieces. I picked up all I could find but we're going to need a team of specialists. Calling Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard!!! (let's see how many people 'get' that). FYI, that's duckie #33. Interesting stuff out there today, like for example there was a top post battery terminal along the curb line. I know that a car will run without the battery terminals, it just won't start without them, so I hope whoever lost this one got to where they were going before they shut things down. And it would hurt to tighten everything down next time too. Next, I found a functional folding utility knife which on the Milwaukee tool site goes for $12. Next to the battery terminal is one of those mystery items that I don't recognize but I'm curious about. And it's another go figure moment, 'Da Googles' says it's a 'Rear View Camera for probably a BMW and list them at $100-$200. Holy Bratwurst Hansel! I've found a lot of 25' tape measures on my runs but today's was the first twelve footer. My thanks to Stanley! Next, I had seen a number of shotgun shells today and I assumed they were all spent but at some point I found one that looked like it was in one piece. And it was, it's a live shell for a 12 gauge shotgun. Hopefully this guy wasn't the one that winged that rubber duckie I found! Lots of shiny little blessings out there today, 7 quarters, 6 dimes, 2 nickels, and 24 pennies, which means I 'hit for the cycle'! It's always the expectation especially on the longer Sunday runs but to be honest, anything past that first shiny penny is gravy. And BTW thank you Creator of all things for all this 'gravy'!
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