
Friday, March 24, 2023

SMILES! : 03 23 2023


     More plastic today, I had never heard of The Grand Galvez Hotel in Galveston but 'Da Googles' says it rates well up on the schmantz scale.  Since the room key-card was left on the on the ground near a car wash it seems that whoever stayed there was expecting room service to pick up their trash.  Erk jay.  Next to the 'GG' one is a 'S Club card that might have been good at Sam's once upon a time. Next,  let me say I see a lot of smoking stuff littering up the road, curb line, medians, sidewalks, all over the place.  And I took great joy in going out of my way to STOMP a Camel cigarette pack I saw.  My grandfather was a Camel smoker for years and years back when nobody knew how loaded they were with all kinds of crap to make them as addictive as possible.  He had tried for a long time to quit but couldn't and died from lung cancer when I was 7.  Thank you very much R.J. Reynolds.  Mega erk jays!!  There were a lot of very nice people driving around today that waved me past them at driveways and at street corners, and I very much appreciate the smile and a wave they gave. And I got a very nice smile and greeting from my favorite teller at the drive-up window at Chase Bank on Watauga Road.  You start out with one smile, then there's two and they always seem to multiply.  I think this world needs a little more of that.  Anyway, I find a lot of sockets in the road and today there was another 10mm with a small extension beside it.  I'm sure there's some kind of cosmic payback going on here, I've worked on every car I've ever owned and I've lost sockets that fall down in the engine compartment when you're working on them.  And since they cram everything in such a small space, stuff will fall inside where only a contortionist can reach it.  So when all these other shade-tree mechanics and I lose stuff and start driving around, they'll shake loose along with various washers, bolts and NutsInTheRoad.  Which is where I come into the picture.... a lot!  Moving on, at the lower right is a zipper-pull and I've lost any number of these myself.  This will get reused.  At the top middle is a shiny washer with a plastic fitting next to it and I understand now why I see so many large washers in the road.  They're washers with push-on connectors for holding fenders and car panels in place.  With winter mostly having passed, you can see the beating the streets have taken from the weather and now all those vehicles are hitting all those holes in the road.  Hence all the pig-iron in the street.  Lastly, I 'hit for the cycle' today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) when that last elusive nickel found me amongst the traffic on Rufe Snow Dr.  There was no good reason for it to be there really.  Well, other than me needing one that was somewhere I couldn't miss it.  Always makes me laugh.  Well, for it and for the other 6 little treasures I found today I say thank you Creator of all things for them, for a nice morning where I didn't get rained on, for fun stuff in the road, and for all the nice people I encountered.  And the smiles!    (oh yeah... I meant to talk about 'genius time', remind me to mention that tomorrow!)

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Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
