
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Squirrel Wacker :4 03 2023


     I wasn't sure at first which animal the scoopper was for, dog or cat?  But now I'm thinking it's a squirrel handler, for encouraging squirrels to hustle their furry little 'digging up the flower beds', 'chewing on the side of the house', tookuses down the street.  The openings on the shovel would let you swing faster which is key when dealing with those crafty little guys.  And.......this could actually be a big time saver on a run.  No more slowing down and bending over to snag that shiny lug-nut along the curb.  Just scoop-there it is, scoop-there it is......  Lets see, the scoop, coupled with a metal detector, coupled with a 'magnet-on-a stick' and I wouldn't miss anything.  And with all that extra stuff I'd get my weight lifting in as well.  I suppose I could take a lawn chair too for those really long traffic lights at street crossings.  And a gallon of lemonade and some snacks.  Yup, that's really going to speed things up.  Moving along, there were high school 'senior pictures' scattered all over this morning.  They were the little thumbnail ones and of lots of different people.  I was feeling bad for whoever lost these, I mean they're a big deal, it's a rite of passage and here they are discarded along the curb.  But for there to be be so many different photos, it couldn't have been one student losing theirs, it had to be the company that took them that made the oops.  OK, not as big a deal.  There was the usual stuff today, socket in the street, and various pig-iron scattered about, nothing new there.  I did pass a gas station today that had a new drive-in lane.  In fact someone had decided to drive right inside the store.  Let's hope it was only some distracted knucklehead and not someone that had a stroke and passed out when they reached the store.  Lastly, there were 8 little shiny pennies that found me this morning, thank you Creator for those little blessings.  I wonder......if, in addition to the magnet and metal detector, if I brought a shop vac too, I wouldn't have to slow down for the pennies either.  Nah, then I'd have to change the name of the blog to OneMoreNutPassedOutAlongTheRoadCauseHeWasCarryingAllThisCrapWithHim.blogspot


  1. Squirrel wacker may come in handy. I can think of a few uses.🙄

    1. Ohhhh, I recognize that eye-roll. Ha! And we even found it a good home at Deb's garage sale. Go Figure!


Chapter 2.2

The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
