Fun, strange, interesting, crazy, unusual, and totally unexpected treasures found every day on my run. From shiny pennies to sockets, lug nuts, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, tools to rubber duckies and more. You just never know what you'll find and where you'll find it.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
I BEAT THE MAZE : 06 30 2022
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
WHEEL COVER WEEK : 05 31 2022
There are weeks when you find an abnormal number of most anything, like shoes, or lug nuts or gloves, and sometimes......wheel covers. Used to be that you just had a hub cap that covered and protected the lug nuts but now it's almost always a wheel cover that protects the entire wheel. Except for when they don't and end up in the street. Both of these are Toyotas but from different vehicles and they can join the other 10 or 12 in the garage. Last garage sale I got around $50 for about 40 of different sizes and models. "Yes Honey, we do need to have another garage sale", or rather a "stuff in the garage" sale to move these on. (Whew, that one was just a small eye roll.)
There was another lug nut (somebody's wheel cover didn't do a very good job), the small shiny ones are easy to spot. There was a button battery and I took that one just to show what kind of stuff's in the street. These look like a quarter, nickel or dime so I usually end up doing a double take on them. But, for a shorter run there was a phenomenal amount of change scattered about. 11 quarters, 3 dimes 4 nickels and 11 pennies--wow, that would have gotten you a gallon of gas in Oct of 2021. But it's still a blessing!! Thank you Creator for all these little treasures!
TRUST ME, I'M PYS-SYKICK! : 06 29 2022
I didn't know but I was sure 'Da Googles' would know, what the blue thing at the top corner is. Seems it's a ZUARFY Baby Cup Feeding Bottle Trainer. Well of course it is. And I suspect the ZUARFY ad copy folks are paid by the word too. So, I guess we have something to add to the 'Rundover' Store's fine line of baby products, to go with all those bippies I've run across. And BTW, more baby stuff in the road?? Really?? I sure hope there's some supervision when these babies are playing in the road. (Sheesh)
Somebody's #1! Not sure what they're #1 at, could be anchovy eating, or knitting humorous cummerbunds, or at hitting their car horn .0001 seconds after the light turns green. Maybe we get to choose? There was an Alley Cats Rechargeable Play Card which I'm guessing is for the game area at a bowling alley. Trust me, I'm pys-sykick. Found another USB cord, S-hook, and a hitch pin, already have those in spades. There was a very long bird feather which used to belong to a crow I think. Guess he was done with it.
Lots of change, and yes, I did hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) but the quarter was the hard one today. I included the 'slug' I found, sitting in the road looking all shiny and quartery. Ha Ha--made me look! But I found the quarter, in last several hundred yards before finishing, in a spot I've found quarters before, so I was counting on there being a little treasure there. And there was. And again, thank you Creator of All for all these symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeahuh!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Some days you get it right off the bat and some days you don't get it at all. Missed finding the nickel to hit for the cycle yesterday (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), today I had it in 4 minutes. Go figure! And on a route that I run at least twice a week, sometimes more. There's an advantage to the times when I'll go drive somewhere and park to run a new route, or to hit a route that I haven't been out on in a while. Stuff has a chance to build up so to speak. But it cracks me up to keep finding change, and tools, and stuff in the same old places.
I had another opportunity to 'assist' a train through an intersection, this one over on Rufe Snow. I just happen to get to the tracks as the crossing arms were coming down and of course I'll wait on the sidewalk until the traffic's stopped and the arms are down. I'll step into the street and hold out my hands to stop the already stopped traffic. I'll make sure they continue stopping, and then motion the already oncoming train through the crossing. Then I'll let the traffic that's going to start up anyway know that they can continue safely on their way. And the folks up front that could see me all 'got it.' I always think about what it would be like if I had moves like the famous Pittsburgh traffic cop Vic Cianca did. He was so cool moving traffic through an intersection. Everybody loved this guy, he put a smile on everybody's face. That's a heck of a legacy.

Monday, June 27, 2022
Wonder What's in the Dallas Morning News? : 06 27 2022
I love it when a penny finds me right off the bat, which it did today. That means I can focus a little more on all the silly stuff that's out there. I think the socket was second, a good start. It's not all that odd to see a newspaper in the road and today I 'ran' across the latest edition of the Sunday Dallas Morning News. Picked it up to see what it was just because I was curious and set it back along the curb. And 100' later there's another one. And another one, And a fourth. At which point I decided that maybe there's something in the Sunday paper I'm supposed to see so I made a note to come back for one of them when I circled back. I haven't had time to look through it yet, hopefully my obituary isn't in there, that would really suck.
I almost hit for the extended cycle today (see Jan13th), had three of 4 coins, and the socket and lug nut, but somehow, I missed out on the nickel. Now there was something in the street next to the quarter I found, half hidden, round like a nickel. But no, it was another slug, and another case of the road messin with me. Ha ha. Not really complaining though, I know how blessed I am. There were a few bolts, washers and nuts (ok, ok, don't say it just think it), and there was another Grease Monkey glove. Ha! To go with the one I found yesterday. There also was a Klein tool handle that should come in handy as I have found a tool or two that's missing the rubber grip. Lastly I found a pretty decent 20" rubber bungie cord. Anyone that needs to do a little bungie-ing, let me know, I've got you covered.
R.I.P. RUBBER DUCKIE #21.5 : 06 26 2022
I can usually count on Sunday runs being interesting and today, that's really an understatement. Once again, there were some firsts, for example, the plastic flowers in the road. Believe me, nothing screams romance like some dusty plastic flowers ya found in the road. Women go nuts over stuff like that. Don't worry though, I'm safe, I already bought my honey yellow daisies yesterday. There is another addition to the 'Rundover Store's' selection of fine footwear today, we have a pair of Champion sandles. They weren't together and since I only found half a pair of flip-flops in the 22nd (just a flop) I was surprised when the other one showed up. Funny, there was one of them and a tennis ball together at the curb line. I'm thinking that would make for an extremely noncompetitive game of tennis. FYI, can you remember when the name tennis shoes and sneakers were pretty much used synonymously? (yeah, yeah, I was sad when the dinosaurs died, ha ha).
Seems the most useful little treasure today was my 1st find, a 13mm combination wrench, and for some reason, I find a lot of 13s. Since it was too big for a pocket or even the overflow belt, I stashed it where nobody would see it and came back for it. Now the purple Lei was another first, it was in the grass between the curb and the sidewalk and I'm guessing it was Aloha-ware from a Hawaiian Luau nearby. Not a lot of change out there today, but then just one shiny penny makes it all worthwhile. And as always, thank you Creator of all things for those small blessings.
Friday, June 24, 2022
LAUNDRY CLINIC : 06 24 2022
Yesterday I talked about keycardless hotel rooms, today it's coinless laundromats. Today I found a Laundry Clinic (?) reloadable cash card which by-the-way was nowhere near the laundromat I had passed. Clinic? That's a new spin (pun intended) on laundry, taking care of sick clothes? And no change involved??? That's just wrong!! I remember back in the college days when doing laundry meant going through all the couches in the dorm looking for change for the washer/dryers. Guess things have changed "since the dinosaurs ruled the earth". Excuse me just a second, "hey ya dadblame kids....get off the lawn!" Sorry about that. Speaking of quarters, and pennies, nickels and dimes---I hit for the cycle today--woo and hoo! The quarters were the last to present themselves, thank you Creator of all things for these little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!!
Missed the socket today so no extended cycle. I found a hose clamp, first one I've seen in ages that wasn't really really flat. There was a #2 pencil with the eraser mostly gone. I figure somebody must have been getting at a whole bunch of ciphering, plum wore the eraser right off. There also was a new package of hose caps and it was a good thing too, I was probably down to my last cap. And there's usually a number of things here that I don't mention. They were interesting enough to pick up but not interesting enough to write about that day. And it also keeps these from turning into "War & Peace". You're welcome.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
A really good day, but then any day I get out to run is a really good day I think. Well, I got to direct traffic again and this was a really good one. The timing at the RR crossing was perfect, I heard the alarm just before the crossing arms came down so I got to pick the side of the tracks with the most cars. So I position myself in the center of three lanes, hold my arms out to stop the traffic that's already stopped, keep them already stopped, and then wave the oncoming train, the train that is coming through anyway, wave the train through, and then let the traffic know that I'm letting them cross now, which they're going to do anyway. It's all ludicrous, but everybody got it! Everybody either waved, honked and waved, or gave a thumbs up. And everybody smiled. Granted it could be a smile saying, "and she lets him out of the house unsupervised?", or it could be just a fun moment and we all share a smile. I love those moments, you start out with one smile and it multiplies. I think we need a few more smiles these days.
That was not the first flop I've found, and I did look around for the flip. I figured it would have to be close, I'm mean after all, how fast will anyone be going with those on. Now I usually see a lot of silverware in the road that I'll just pass by but even though this fork was pretty beat up, I'm going to pick up a fork in the road at a fork in the road (yeah, yeah, picked up by a 'Nut In The Road' I know, I get it...). There was a long rod with a bent end that secures a battery in the engine compartment and since my son is missing one I took that for him (you're welcome Adam!). Another socket, this time a very new looking shiny Craftsman 5.5 mm. I didn't remember they came in halves, go figure. There was another pair of work gloves or maybe just a pair of "doing something and I'd rather not get my hands dirty" gloves. Lots of change, 4 quarters in one spot even. I think I like that spot. Didn't hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) as that nickel was elusive for a second day (and I'll probably find 4 tomorrow). But thank you Creator of all things for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance. Oh Yeah!
Lastly I needed a little help from 'Da Googles' again on that big piece of 'pig iron'. Seems it's a steel hose end with crowfoot couplings, good to 150 psi. Probably worth 4 or 5 bucks. Almost a gallon of gas, I'm thinking that would be a good swap.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
WHERE'D THE SIGN GO? : 06 17 2022
I run a lot of routes starting from my house but more and more I'll get in the car and drive somewhere close and start from there to keep things interesting. This was a new route so the expectation of finding something I haven't seen before is always higher, despite the fact that even the regular routes I'm on every week still surprise me. I found another tool, another USB cord, and there were 6 lug nuts fer cryin out loud! Three identical ones (and they looked new) were together in a turn lane and since most cars have 3-5 lug nuts---what does that say??? Not sure anybody gets better gas milage on three wheels. I almost hit for the extended cycle again today (see Jan 13), but I just didn't see any nickels. I have to think there was one out there, I figure I just missed it.... or maybe, it just missed me? Nicer to have something else to blame, and an inanimate object that can't defend itself works for me.
There was a very long skinny (actually they prefer to be called slim) socket and a socket adapter for a drill. I need to put together a small kit with a selection of adapters, so appropriately, I guess I need to find a case in the road now.
There was another hitch pin, and an S hook, most probably off a bungie cord, and the eleven billionth pen. It'll be a sad day when I can't find something to write with. Lastly, there was a large magnetic sign, the kind you'd see on a van or something pretty big, one for a hotel or a hotel conference center. But somewhere between the drive back and taking the daily picture, someone must have put in in a very safe place. "Honey......have you seen a 18" x 24" magnetic sign?" Da**! There's that internationally famous eye roll again. Hmmm, maybe it's out there in the garage somewhere, waiting to pounce??Tuesday, June 21, 2022
ORDER UP FOR #51 : 06 21 2022
Whataburger order #51---ready to be driven over. Actually, I haven't ordered anything there in I can't remember when, so I'm not sure if this was for a drive up-pick up, or something inside they had to cook and bring to your table. There was a Whata-you-know-what in the vicinity but still, how'd this end up in the road?
The last two days I missed hitting for 'the extended cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lugnut) because I didn't find a socket and today that's the first two things I came across. One was a ginormous 12mm for a 1/2" handle the other a pretty average 1/2", so I guess it all averages out. I found my 3rd chainsaw Scrench tool today - at least that's the moniker Lowes gives them. And thanks to my buddy Carl D, I now know that these don't belong to an extremely small Japanese car. They go for $4.99 at Lowes so....big payday here! Now, the air compressor end definitely was playing in traffic too long, it disappears after the picture.
There was a Pinnacle golf ball at a side street crossing and although I used to hit Top Flights when I played, Pinnacles are ok. In fact I've heard that another way to play golf is to go to the course, take a dozen balls and throw them into the woods, and then head for the clubhouse for lunch. Saves time instead of hitting 12 into the woods over 4-6 hours and then heading to the clubhouse for lunch. At least that what I heard. Another pen, probably from a bank driveway. And another drill adapter tool, this one for 1/4" sockets. I've found a lot of sunglasses, some good and that I've used, but these were a little iffey. I may take the screws out and trash the rest (see honey, I do throw some of this stuff out!---Hey look, no eye roll!!)
I think I've passed a few of those long yellow metal handles before. Decided to grab this one and 'Da Googles' says it's the handle for an Apollo ball valve. Good to know the next time I need to open/close one and the handle's missing. I mentioned not hitting for the cycle and one lone nickel was all I was missing today. I thought I had it as there were two 'slugs' in the road (no, just two, I ran ok today) that made me stop and look because they're round and about the size of a nickel. Nope. So, whoever is pitching these in the road, it'd be a good thing for you to stop messin with me! Last thing I'll mention is that cloth mesh bag. They're kind of handy, and maybe I can stash road finds in it (no really honey, I'm just kidding ...)
A BICYCLE?? : 06 14 2022
Another day of firsts. I hit for the cycle (see Jan 13th) in just 6 minutes -- woo and hoo! And as always thank you Creator for all these tiny blessings. Now I normally wouldn't get within 10' of Lysol-anything (I use SoluGuard- it works better and won't 'ill-kay ou-yay'). I gotta say though, that I loved how it had been stomped and driven over, how appropriate! Another gas cap, I didn't realize how many I've accumulated as they usually just go into the auto tub in the garage (sorry honey--don't look---d'oh--too late, got the eye roll again). The little pink sock was a holdover from a week ago when it was shoe week, there were shoes everywhere. I'm waiting for it to be $20 bill week--that could be outstanding!
I saw the shiny phone screen and was relieved to see that it was only that. I had just found a fairly new iPhone last Sunday so it wouldn't have surprised me to find another. Believe it or not I found a bicycle! It was in a driveway/parking area of a small shopping plaza. It was still early so none of the stores close by were open, nobody was in sight, no good reason for it being there. It wasn't too beat up but both tires were flat, and you could see that they hadn't held air in a very long time. That of course didn't go in a pocket, I came back in the car for it. I did include a picture here though. Lastly, we needed another recycle bag and I found one off the sidewalk in a flower bed, not your normal flower blossom, but something useful at least.
Monday, June 20, 2022
How Does HE Do That?? : 6 18 2022
Got a late start and it was getting hot already, will need
to set an earlier alarm going forward.
Not a huge collection of stuff out there today, but then you just never
really know. Just a few bolts, just one
nut in the road (yeah, yeah, just the big one, I know). The pennies were pretty well spread out over
the whole run with a nickel thrown in to keep things interesting. Not sure what’s left on the sonic gift card,
there have been a few cards with a dollar or two, one had just a penny left on
it which I saw as symbolic. “He” does have a sense of humor. There was an adapter plug so you could use a
desktop computer cord for regular appliances, which I have already but they’re
handy none the less. The strap thing I
thought ‘Da Googles’ might know what it is, but it drew a blank too. A rod could go through one end and something
a couple of inches round on the other but that’s as hard as I care to work.
Lastly there’s a
dirt caked penny kind of by itself and that was from yesterday afternoon. I was walking a job site way out in Forney,
and I was wrapping it up after looking things over and taking the usual
pictures. As I’m getting back in the car
I happened to think, “Where’s my shiny penny? Where’s something fun?” Now I’m at the back of a small strip plaza,
out in the middle of nowhere, and I look down and half buried in the dirt,
there’s my penny. How does He do
that????? (and as always a huge thank you for this symbol of Your infinite abundance.
FARBIE : 06 20 2022
No, your eyes don't deceive you that is in fact a fish Barbie, or as her close friends call her, Farbie. If you ask 'Da Googles' you'll find her listed as a "Dreamtopia Barbie Mermaid Doll," Nope, it's really a Farbie. For the second day I missed hitting for the extended cycle (see Jan 13) needing just a socket, but of course thank you Creator for all these little blessings. There was another iPhone charger cord, I don't have an iPhone but we won't tell my honey about that (you know, the eyeroll..). There was a Best Western room key card, and I always thought you were supposed to give those back when you checked out. Or maybe this one just grew legs. There was an earring, I only found one so it could be a pirate earring. It's kind of small though, maybe for a small pirate? There was part of a kid's play phone face, I didn't see the electronics part but that may have ended up down the Black Hole (storm drain). Last 'shiny penny' was the nice morning, cool breeze and the wherewithal to get out there and get at it. Thanks for that last blessing.
WHAT'S A BergHOFF? : 06 19 2022
Lots of useful stuff today. Funny, I was thinking just this morning, how am I ever going to adjust my BergHOFF? And as it turned out I just happened to find a BergHOFF adjustment knob. Check that off the list. And, I am also a medal winner for excellence in sportsmanship, or so say the folks at i9. I shall wear the medal proudly.
Another rubber duckie--#20! One of the coffee places I run past has a huge collection of them. I usually say hello as I go by, and as they had a lot of additions to the 'flock' this week they had me select a new friend. Thank you to the very nice young ladies at 151 Coffee.
Almost hit for the extended cycle (penny,nickel,dime quarter,socket,lug nut), was just missing the socket. 6 quarters, 6 dimes, 5 nickels, 31 many symbols of His infinite abundance!!! Yeayuh! Found another feather too, it reminds me of the one in the opening of Forrest Gump so I had to take it, at least for the picture.
A green casino chip, funny how heavy they are. I know they have denominations and 'Da Googles' says that greens are $25. If we were a little close to Vegas that could be another cycle to try to hit for. Lastly, I found another credit card and a Miss. state drivers license. I found them in separate places along the curb line, but they belong to the same person. Called and texted the best phone number I could find, but without success so far. Hopefully that guy didn't lose his cell phone as well.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
RUBBER DUCKIE #18 : 06 11 2022
After getting Dorothy's Wizard of Oz basket yesterday, you wonder how can match that? And along comes rubber duckie #18. Ha!!! He was sitting out in the road looking all forlorn, now he's already made friends with Pirate Duckie # 17. Life is good!
Another Toyota wheel cover which makes 4 I think, in the last week or so. I would have thought whoever was losing these would have noticed they lost the first two, but at least now all 4 wheels match.
Yesterday there was almost more change than nuts, bolts, and washers. Today there were 15 nuts alone (alright, everyone on 3, picked up by one more nut in the road, yeah yeah). Lots of other pig iron too, ya gotta wonder what's holding some of those vehicles on the road together.
Didn't "hit for the cycle", I was missing the quarter, but lots of 'shiny pennies', though just one would have been enough. Lastly, there was a lacrosse ball not too far from where I found tennis balls the last two Saturdays. Guess somebody ran out tennis balls and used what they had. Or maybe it was just a bunch of tough tennis-heads.
Friday, June 10, 2022
A DOROTHY BASKET! : 06 10 2022
I got a "Dorothy Basket" like in the Wizard of Oz! The route I ran today went past a barber shop I use, and he knows I run every day and find crazy stuff. I stopped by quick so say howdy and he gave me a basket to help hold all the sockets and lug nuts and change I find in the road. That was a hoot! Thank you, JP!!!
I hit for the cycle today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) and having found a lug nut already, I was only missing the socket for the extended cycle. About a quarter mile from finishing up, what's right there on the sidewalk? In the middle of the sidewalk? In the middle where I couldn't miss it sidewalk? Where I'd almost trip over it if I didn't pick it up? Everyone who said pliers.... go to your room! The correct answer was 7/16" socket. Once again, lots of change, 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 3 pennies-- thank you Creator of all for these and all the symbols of your infinite abundance.
Oh yeah, and I was "refreshed" today too, go figure on a hot day like we had!
Saturday, June 4, 2022
THE GRIPSTER 06 03 2022
I’ve had a Firm grim, I’ve had a Firmer grip, I’ve been able to Maxiflex, I’ve had a Hardy grip, I’ve had a Mad grip, but today, you can call me the ‘Gripster’ (koo koo ka choo). Not too far from the ‘Gripster’ I found a Dobie sock, so I guess somewhere some little house elf is now free. Good for you! An unusual mix of stuff today (like that’s new!) and, I can’t say that I’ve found a stove burner thing before. I suppose it could be used as a cooling rack so to speak. Three plastic cards in the road, 2 gift cards and one that’s some kind of ad for a magician. Ya just never know. And I almost hit for the extended cycle today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lugnut)---just missed the nickel but I found something else that I wouldn’t trade for one. I found my 17th rubber duckie!!! He’s a pirate duck and he’s been really talkative---arrrgggwack, arrrgggwack, arrrgggggwack all morning now. I think he’s trying to tell me something (arrrggg).
Another bungie
cord, I should be able to bungie with the best of them by now. There was another cable remote keypad, looks
like somebody won’t be able to channel surf, but with the vast cable TV
wasteland out there, it’s probably a blessing.
And I found what I’m guessing is some kind of hitch ball thing. I consulted ‘Da Googles’ who didn’t know
either. I’m thinking this could be
decorated and become an exclusive “Road Art” ‘Rundover Store' paperweight,
Chapter 2.2
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
Still Karen here. And, it will be for a while. Day 10. Every day, there are new developments. News about little things could seem like forw...
It's chapter 2 for this blog. Not for Jim. very well could be. Without getting into the why's, where's, and what t...
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...