Flash drives and duckies and change! Holey underwear Batman! I got pretty overheated yesterday and debated maybe taking a day off.....and miss all this??? I think not. Sunday is the long run for the week with more places to look to find cool stuff. The change was everywhere today with a couple of stretches of road where there was a coin every few feet, 5 or 6 in a row. On that last stretch I 'hit for the cycle' right there, for cryin out loud. But as always, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of your infinite abundance. Go figure. I found a flash-drive at a traffic circle early on and it's workable and has a lot of reference files on it but nothing that tells me whose it is, so it's probably going to be hard getting it back to the owner. Worst case, it's 16 GB so it's useful. I found the pair of scissors (yes, two scis that found each other) at an intersection. So how do you lose your scissors and in the middle of a busy intersection, what, you couldn't think of anything to text so you moved on to crafts?? Geeze Louise!
There was another target gift card as well as a game card for the Chuckmeister, Ol' Chuck E Cheese himself. Found them just around the corner from the Chuckster's lair. Next I found another hat, and this one, according to 'Da Googles' is a Yupoong Salty Rodeo Snapback Turquoise Lightning. Now if that isn't a mouthful. I must lead a sheltered life because I've never heard of a Salty Snapback Turquoise anything. I just looked at their web site and the hat's sold out. So.....I'm taking bids! There also was a very small wrench, used in very close quarters I'm sure. I'm sure it's pals with the small 10mm socket I found as well. I found a lug nut too and you know what that means...we 'hit for the extended cycle' again! Woo and hoo!!
Another pen and I really can't tell you how many of them there are now, hundreds. And pencils and markers..... As soon as it stops being one hundred lebenty something stupid hot out there I've got to start thinking about a garage sale so all my treasures can be your treasures. You know the difference between a Garage Sale and a Garbage Sale? Besides the letter B? It just depends upon if it's your stuff or the guy down the street's stuff. Last thing, and it was almost the last thing to find me today, was I think the 25th rubber duckie!!! Not sure if he's a Pirate Duckie, but he does have a treasure chest and he's got a pointy sailor hat to boot. Just makes me laugh, and don't you think we need a little more humor in this world? So, bring on the rubber duckies! Oh, and for anyone counting, 5 quarters, 14 dimes, 5 nickels, and 41 pennies. Which is just about enough for a gallon of gas again. Yowzuh!