Fun, strange, interesting, crazy, unusual, and totally unexpected treasures found every day on my run. From shiny pennies to sockets, lug nuts, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, tools to rubber duckies and more. You just never know what you'll find and where you'll find it.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
ALWAYS A PLUS : 12 31 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022
How Much Beauty? : 12 30 2022
I find lots of gift cards in the road and this is the 1st ULTA one, but I have a question. If it's a $5 beauty card, how do you go there and ask them for $5 worth of beauty? I don't even know what $5 of beauty looks like. Don't you think that would be kind of subjective anyway? Moving on, that's an 8" Flo-Pac counter or bench brush which I expected you'd use in the shop. They show it in use on a kitchen countertop on the web site which would be beyond my kitchen skill-set. Wouldn't be a lot of help brushing up peanut butter off the counter. There was another radiator cap along the curb and for whoever lost it I'm sure it won't take too long to figure out it's gone when they start seeing steam under the hood. There were two bullets in the road today, one a 9mm Luger round, the other is a 5.56mm spent cartridge and I always'd they end up in the street?? The live one was out in front of a Mexican restaurant so maybe whoever is guarding the enchiritos dropped it. There were five pennies and two dimes that sought me out today and that's good for a route where the coins tend to be a little shy about finding me. And as always, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
Coming To A Street Near You! : 12 29 2022
Changed my mind about the route to run at the last minute and I was glad I did. I haven't run this route in about 6 weeks and you can see what kinds of treasures I would have missed out on. No, really honey, I wasn't serious I.......and again with the internationally famous eye-roll. I think two sentences is a record for us. (Ha-Still love ya darlin!) OK then, let's call it lots of oddball stuff at least. I have found rubber snakes before that I can plant and then 'save' my honey from, and this polka dotted one is sure to earn me a 'smack to the back of the head.' That was an OK bungee cord I found and I never noticed it before but this one says it's "not to be substituted as a primary tie down for load." Sure. What else would people use it for? That pile of stuff blowing around on the highway isn't going to get there all by itself you know. Next to the bungee is what 'Da Googles' says is part of a 'Metal Lugz Spike Lug Kit.' Now why on God's green earth would anyone want (or need) spiky lug nuts? To help their gas millage? To help keep their tires balanced? To compensate for their.......... well, let's not go there. Moving left in the picture is an android phone USB cord and then a '$12 Carhartt Men's Knit Cuffed Adult Beanie One Size' (ya gotta love 'Da Googles'). I've found Carhartt stuff before and they're an American company so good for them. Above that is a kid's holiday sock and I see they come with a belt, bear, elk, snowflake, stripes, or Santa designs which all scream Merry Christmas. (yawn) There's really a lot of different kinds of stuff here which I'm not going to bore people with (anymore than usual) but I will mention the partial credit card in the middle is an Alaska Airlines Visa which is a long way from home. And then of course there's the glove, this one is an 'Extra-flex' not to be confused with Ninja-flex, or Maxi-flex, or Super-flex, or 'I-Don't-Give-A-****-Flex.' Flex, we get it. Lastly, (I think I heard a cheer) I 'hit for the cycle' today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) and I seemed be to finding coins everywhere I looked. The last quarter was in the middle of 5 lanes at an intersection and was pretty well stuck in some tar which took some doing to get out, as well as not getting run over. It took 4 or 5 light changes to finally pry it out, but I do love a challenge. I've been trying to change up the route when I can and I'll be looking for some new areas. New headline---Coming to A Street Near You!
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
AND PUDDING : 12 28 2022
I forgot to mention yesterday that I had another chance to 'direct traffic' on Rufe Snow. At the RR crossing I could see train lights coming from Grapeville so I ran close by until the crossing arms came down. And as usual, I stepped out into the road and I stopped the already stopped cars. While keeping them already stopped I directed the train through the crossing, which it was going to do anyway, and I then signaled the cars to continue on, which they would have done anyway. And it wasn't the usual commuter train, it was the Grapevine Vintage Railroad. Not sure if the cars I 'stopped' got the humor but maybe some of the tourists did, at least the ones I didn't scare.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
777 ZIP : 12 27 2022
I think the space heater is what I saw 1st and I decided I'd come back for it after I was finished. It may or may not work but it's representative of the kind of stuff I find so it will at least make the picture. The open end wrench was in a lane of traffic on Rufe Snow and it's 7/16 and 1/2" which is a common size. Somebody lost their Big Lots Membership card, so now how's Big L going to monitor and track what those guys are buying? Back to anonymity for them. Next was something I picked up to look up, I was curious to see what a 777 Zip was. And it's logical, it's a ticket for riding "The Soaring Eagle" zip line at Turner Falls in Davis Oklahoma. Go figure. We've had a lot of wind of late, didn't realize how much until now. I also found a Pioneer in-dash car audio CD receiver remote control. Is it just me or does that seem a little unnecessary to need a remote in the car when you're there inside tooling down the road? Now if you've stopped and are outside and blaring your all time hit list to everyone within your zip code, I suppose that would really be a blessing not having to walk 8 steps over to the car and push a button. And as an aside, how come folks that are really proud of their music and always crank it up really really really loud so that they can share it with the world never play anything good? I mean I like a lot of different kinds of music but it's always something.....else. I found several tools, the wrench of course, a drill driver-bit, an Allen wrench, and also a combination Phillips/straight blade screwdriver which unfortunately jumped out of my pocket and escaped. I'll keep an eyeball out the next time I run that route. There was a 12V USB car plug-in charger I found but it's only 1A and more devices want at least 2A or more to charge now. There was a little bit of loose change out there today, and I missed the dime to 'hit for the cycle' but considering how often I scour that piece of road, I did well to find a quarter, nickel, and 8 pennies. Lastly, thank you Creator of all things for all 10 of those little 'rundover' guys.
Probably Not Me : 12 26 2022
Cold morning, brand new route, and there were a lot of familiar 'visitors' out there. First there was another perfectly good auto registration sticker, this one with a whole week left on it. How wasteful it that, and besides they only got 358/365 of their money's worth out of it. Like yesterday, there was an interesting air freshener out there. I took the wrapper off so it was easier to read the "does it smell good in here or is it just me" message, but it had gotten wet so I couldn't tell how good "me" smells. Probably not like me after running. There were a couple of Panera Bread gift cards which interestingly enough I found in a Sonic driveway. That's a nail punch on the lower left and I've found a few of those before. The Toyota wheel cover I'll admit that I stashed where I could come back and get it when I was finished running. Holding something like that in your hands when it's this cold out isn't great for keeping your hands warm. Two sockets today, a 7/16" and a 1/2" to help build another set. S-hooks are always good for hanging something, not to mention on the end of a bungee cord. The lug-nut reminds me that I need to get a plaque for the 'Lug-Nut Award' I keep threatening to make. Which of course I'll forget after I get back until the next run when I find another lug-nut. In the driveway in front of the Hobby Lobby I found another bank card, this one a Bank of America Visa debit card. The name was very uncommon and I was able to go online and look up someone with that name locally, and called two different cell numbers, but could only leave a message. Guess I'll drop it off at a B of A. There were quite a few small blessings in the street again today, this time 2 dimes and 11 1/2 pennies. For a while I had hopes of 'hitting for the extended cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket lug-nut) today but no worries. Just being able to enjoy the crisp morning air and get out and stretch my legs was plenty for me. And thank you Creator of all for the wherewithal to go get at it.
AUTO WHIFF : 12 25 2022
Happy Christmas! I expected traffic would be light which it was, and there were few other people out in the cold besides me and the other two lunatics who were also out running. I had run past an outside bank teller drive-up and in the driveway was a pretty nice North Face glove. I didn't take it with, but placed where hopefully whoever lost it would see it next time they did their mobile banking. On down the street I did pick up the $30 Nike 'Therma' men's gloves as there was no owner in sight. Now, I see a lot of air fresheners, you know, the ones that dangle on your rear view mirror and most of them I'll leave on the ground. You have to admit though, an air freshener that's called 'Dark Ice Auto Whiff' has got to get a look (or a sniff!) 'Da Googles' tells me they sell these 36 to a case for $16.50 and they smell reminiscent of men's cologne. It would be fun if they had an Old Spice one, it would remind me of my dad. Wonder when the 'auto whiff' stuff starts? You gotta love those marketing people. There wasn't much in the way of pig-iron in the road today and I'm thinking that fewer cars means fewer things falling off the fewer cars. But I did manage to' hit for the cycle' today, with 2 quarters, 12 dimes, a nickel, and 35 pennies that were all waiting out there for me. Lots of little blessings. And since the few gas stations I passed that were open usually had no customers then, I popped my head in the door and wished them a Merry Christmas and most of them recognized me and I got a smile and a Merry Christmas back. There were even a few honks and a wave as people drove by this morning. That's my expectation when I hit the streets every day and that's usually what I see. And that's the kind of thing that multiplies. That's another shiny penny!
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Warm Hands! : 12 24 2022
Although it was 21 degrees out it felt like 20 degrees warmer than yesterday's run. That's a shiny penny right there. Tried different gloves today and it made all the difference in the world. Hoo and Woo! Found both quarters and the penny in different gas station driveways oddly enough. There wasn't a lot of 'pig-iron' in the street and I wonder if there's fewer people driving around or if it's just too cold for stuff to fall off people's vehicles. If I was an engine bolt I know I'd be hanging onto the much warmer vehicle. I saw the top part of the LED flashlight and figured that's what it went to but left it lying in the street. Until, 100' further along I ran across the rest of it so I had to go back and get it for the picture. No, really honey, it's only for the picture. I'm not going to try to fix........... and there's the internationally famous eye-roll. Thanks for sharing babe! There was a small car key from a key-fob along the curb this morning. I didn't see what it went to which I'm sure is probably well driven over and has gone to that great key-fob heaven in the sky. Not a lot of traffic today which is normal on a weekend morning not to mention it being Christmas Eve. I expect it will be just me out there early on Christmas morning. Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for the little shiny blessings, and for the big ones too like warm stuff to wear outside and the wherewithal to go get at it.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Mr Sock Hands : 12 23 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
WEATHER ALERT : 12 22 2022
Weather Alert!!!! It went from 43 feels like 38 degrees when I started running today, to 29 feels like 9 degrees when I finished. I can't remember my hands ever feeling that cold before and I was wearing running gloves too. Thought I got out early enough to beat the front blowing in, and blowing is the operative term. Oh yeah, one more thing; Wahh!!!! Moving on, there was a clothing security device which advised to please remove before wearing. This warning is for those mentally challenged folk that also need a reminder that coffee is hot so don't mess with it while you're driving. I found a little basketball doober which 'Da Googles' calls a basketball charm which lets you "celebrate your school pride, athletics, and your alma mater". Seriously? I wonder what an actual basketball would let me do? The blue God bracelet at the top originated with a pastor of a Waco church back in 2010 and it has spread to where over a million of them have been shared. Way to go! I saw the 'pop' bottle and I took it in honor the late Dr Wayne Dyer. He was very poor as a child and would collect bottles for the nickel deposit. He said he got pretty good at 'manifesting' pop bottles and of course giving thanks. I 'hit for the cycle' today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) but it was so cold toward the end of the run it was getting hard for my fingers to pick up the shiny pennies. Despite the numb hands I still am grateful for all the little blessings, and that I didn't turn into an icicle today!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
RACERBACK CLIP : 12 21 2022
A couple more new items today, first was a roll of garbage pickup rejection stickers with a list of all the things they aren't allowed to take. Common sense stuff, like no motor oil, no batteries, no nuclear waste, that kinda stuff. There was a 1/2" socket & an attached socket extender, which will help to build a new set since I just gave away a 100+ socket set. I took the heart shaped thing in the center to check on (since I hadn't found a lot yet), and wondered if some organization was using as their logo. Being a guy I wouldn't know this but it's a Racerback Bra Clip, it helps your straps stay put. Well yeayuh! Anything to keep our baby happy. Next, it was a miracle that I saw any of those three coins today. The dime was half covered in dust near some weeds along the curb and something caught my eye. The nickel was stuck to the road with a wad of gum and was another "what did I just see?" moment. The penny wasn't even in the road, it was in the dirt in the median where the grass had died back. I normally don't run that side of the road since it's not facing traffic but for some reason did. I didn't find a quarter for the "cycle" but these three little miracles are much appreciated.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Lebenty Seven to One : 12 20 2022
It was penny/dime day and they were neck and neck for most of the run. The pennies eventually won out, but then they usually do. And 12 coins on a route that I run a lot is pretty good too. So thank you 12 times Creator of all things for these little treasures. There were a couple of NutsInTheRoad today, picked up by, yes, we all know, OneMoreNutInTheRoad. There was a pink sheriff's badge out there today that says Silver Dollar City, and that's news to me. But 'Da Googles' knows......that it's an amusement park in Branson MO. You know, the one off of MO Route 76 on the Indian Point peninsula of Table Rock Lake. Yeah, that one. There was another magnetic sign on the ground out there, this one for some lawn service which makes 4 days in a row now for signs. Not sure why they've chosen now to start jumping off vehicles, but that does remind me that I previously found a "Student Driver" sign that needs to be shared. HA! I normally don't pick up wood screws but this one I did and of course, further along the way I found the right star bit it takes to screw it in. What are the odds of that happening? Not only is it the right size but I had to run where it was, and then to have spotted this very small metal bit in the road, all while moving at break-neck speed. OK, it's all a miracle expect for the break-neck speed (which would be a miracle). It was reasonably paced speed, not tripping over your own feet speed, watching out for traffic speed, but still getting a good workout speed. So, back to what are the odds? If I was a betting man I'd say something like lebenty seven to one. Against.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Willy Wonka : 12 19 2022
This little guy was face down in the dirt along Hwy 26 and looked like he needed rescuing. At 1st glance, with the hat and cane I was thinking leprechaun, but never in purple. It says on him he's Willy Wonka and that I would never have guessed. For him I guess getting found today would be a golden ticket. Although I know these streets extremely well, I've never run over here before so I was expecting there would be an assortment of stuff. For the third day I saw a magnetic sign in the road, this one for somebody's lawn service and it wasn't all there, so it stayed not all there over there. (I was sure that was going to get another eye-roll from my honey?!) There was more evidence of vehicles slowly falling apart today as you can see by all the bolts and NutsInTheRoad. There was another little bent wrench found today and I hammered it out for the picture so it's actually useable now. That's a 14mm socket and since I made up a socket set as a gift, this one will start a new set. I found another S-hook out there to keep the one from Sat company, and there were 2 more lug-nuts which reminds me that I still need a nice piece of wood for the "Lug-Nut Award." Eleven pennies found me today, most of which looked like they had been out in the road for quite a while. But they're treasures to me, little symbols of the Creator's infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
Mr Einstein! : 12 18 2022
Today's magnetic sign is a little more romantic than yesterday's chicken place magnetic one. When I spotted it, it was bent in half out in the median and I started to wonder if maybe the wedding didn't go well, but it's intact so maybe those kids will be OK. I found a RAM truck key-fob along Keller Pkwy with at least a house key, and a Smith&Wesson key on it. I haven't figured out how this one could be lost where it was, not near a driveway or sidewalk or anywhere you might have stopped the vehicle even. And with no ID on it I don't know how to get it back to the owner, so I'm open to suggestions. A plumber or irrigation guy's truck must have sprung a leak as there must have been a dozen or more of those PVC pipe connector pieces along the curb. Now I need to find some 1" PVC I guess. Next, what looks to be a small screwdriver in the picture at center is, according to 'Da Googles' a $24, NTD My MAC Pocket Prybar. Right. And I'm a blue, four foot, one eyed, pirate named Einstein. (that's MR Einstein to you brother Dave!). Whuhuoy!! There was the usual assortment of pig-iron today; an S-hook, a very shiny security type lug-nut, screws, washers, and NutsInTheRoad which are pretty much expected. There were lots of coins out there as well, and today it was dime day with 11. Also 4 quarters, 4 nickels, and 19 pennies. Ok, so maybe it was penny day too, but it all makes me laugh. And reminds me of how blessed I am.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Reindeer Games : 12 17 2022
Well, guess who lost the magnetic sign off their car? Yup, that would be Chick-A-Fil. Let's hope they do a better job of hanging on to your food than they do with their magnetic signage. They didn't have many cars in the lot at the restaurant this morning so maybe the signless Chick-a'Fil stealth cars are out with food, saving somebody time, and tear and wear on their vehicle. Which might explain why like traffic seemed lighter this morning. Next, since we're well into the Christmas season, you might expect Rudolph and his reindeer buddies, who are probably practicing for the reindeer games, to lose an antler here and there. Well, I found one here.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
EARWORM : 12 16 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Maybe CBD Cream? : 12 15 2022
More new stuff today, like the ITZ Fun Card which 'Da Googles' tells me goes to a food/fun place in Euless. Kind of like a Chuck-E-Cheese without the big rodent. With the card gone it looks like no fun for Wyatt now. There was another Pugs work-glove today and I took it because I found it's mate a few days ago. I found something that has to do with Paw Patrol, and near as I can tell, it might have been part of the handle to a 'Mini Toddler Umbrella'. Thanks again to 'D.G.' Next thing to identify was the Titan Strap which I see is a 25" work horse tension strap. I never knew work horses got stressed out. Where is this tension coming from? Go figure. Maybe CBD cream will help. The next unknown was that bolt at the top right. It was slotted and had that 'arm' coming off the bottom (which I snapped off trying to straighten it) and I just wondered what it went to. Seems 'Da Googles' didn't know either so buh-bye! There was a 4" wood deck/fence screw which I normally don't pick up. They're pointed and could put a hole in the pocket, and I didn't have to pick it up and toss it in the bushes as they're too long to get stuck in a tire. I took it because I've found so many star driver-bits lately, now I've got something to use them with. I found another Apple USB cord, a jazzy green one to go with the pink one I found recently. OK, that ought to be the VERY last "Are you Smarter Than A 5th Grader" game piece from this route unless of course it's raining game pieces. It's been a very long time since I didn't have a shiny penny find me on my run, but I did at least find two dimes today. Some days there's 15 pennies, some days 4, and every once in a while, they're out there and I just happen to be looking the wrong way at the wrong time. Still, I'm thankful for the two dimes, for the sunshine, for the wherewithal to hit the streets, and for all the smiling waving people I saw especially two of North Richland Hills finest in a patrol car stopped at a light. Yeayuh!
Final note: I had to stop and get gas later and what's on the ground 8' away? My shiny penny! HA! Playing a little hide and seek with me it seems.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Can We Keep It? : 12 14 2022
Although running in yesterday's rain was kind of an adventure, it was very nice not getting drowned out there today. True to the blogs title, I kept finding OneMoreNutInTheRoad after another this morning, 12 in all counting the two lug nuts. I guess that makes up for almost no pig-iron to be found yesterday. I ran across another pair of work gloves and 'Da Googles' ID'd them as Memphis Gloves' MCR Safety gee whiz nylon liner knit wrist God's gift to the work glove industry at only about 2 bucks a pair. Good thing for me I didn't miss those. I found another bungee cord today, it was so cute, it was just a little one, and it followed me home. Really honey, it followed me home, can we keep it, can we keep it?? Whuhuoy, such an eye-roll! You'd best hope they don't freeze like that. There were a few odds and ends, like the mechanical pencil at the top and the zipper pull on the right. I can always use the pencil at least, but the zipper thing is more iffey, it may just be something to keep for the picture and then recycle. There wasn't a lot of change to be had today. The two pennies were tough to spot in the dirt along the curb and I'm thinking maybe yesterday's rain washed enough crud away that I could see them now. The nickel was along the curb of a side street next to the gas station where I met Sergio. He was just someone that you pass by and say hello to. I found out he walks and runs a bit and he asked what I was using in the drink bottles I carry. I usually have Sustain Sports drink in one and Amino Boost with branch chain amino acids in the other which is just a little extra edge for when I hit the streets. So who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other some morning when we're both out for a workout. Lots of friendly people out there this morning, the kind of folks that wave you across the driveway or intersection and give you smile and a thumbs up. That's something I always love about running around here and something else to be thankful for.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Get Any Wetter? Yup! : 12 13 2022
It was a regular cloudburst out there! It was coming down so hard it was raining sideways and it would even keep changing direction too. I was trying to hustle this morning, there was a tornado watch so I needed to get out, get the run done, and get back. I heard the tornado sirens when I was running which I think means tornado warning but I was already half way through the route. And it was coming down!! I remember thinking to myself, "how could I possibly get any wetter?" And of course it was too late then, you can't take back the thought, Mother Nature had been inadvertently challenged which meant I would find out that I could indeed get wetter. Soaked right down to my drawers and then some, and add to that some moron in a truck that was way too close to the curb caught all that water and sent that my way too. I really don't need any help getting wet thank you very much! I didn't have any kind of high expectations about what I'd find today and I didn't see OneMoreNutInTheRoad or any pig-iron really except for that shiny washer. Then there was the coinage. Even with all the water everywhere, I still managed to 'hit for the cycle' (penny,nickel, dime,quarter), three times even. I kind of figured when I found that penny right off the bat where a shopping center driveway hit Rufe Snow, that it was going to get interesting. Well, a big thank you Creator of all things for all these little blessings, and more importantly for getting me out and back safely. Yeayuh!
Monday, December 12, 2022
One Size Fits All : 12 12 2022
Hadn't run across any cell phones in the street in ages, but today I did at least find parts of one, the back and the screen. With so much of people's lives in those phones, I'm glad that I'm not seeing many that got lost lately. Next, I'll bet that everybody probably has a pair of those gloves on the right. They're the little stretchy ones that are always advertised as 'one size fits all'. I get a lot of use from of them, good thing I've got a 'fits all ' sized hand. Now I picked up the metal thing on the left side of the picture and figured 'Da Googles' would give me some jazzy description. For a change it didn't, just speed bottle opener/bar key. Heck that's too easy. I did find OneMoreNutInTheRoad today and you know, it sounds so familiar. I know I've heard that somewhere lately. Oh well, it'll come to me. Lastly there were just 4 pennies out there today as opposed to 21 on Sunday but that just goes to show, you never know what you'll find and where it'll show up. But, as always, I appreciate any and all little shiny treasures that I'm gifted with!
Inquiring Minds : 12 11 2022
Saturday, December 10, 2022
It's Just A Buck : 12 10 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022
Pro VIP Camp Wild Gift Season Jersey : 12 09 2022
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Bring On The Big Truck! : 12 08 2022
Just when I think there's nothing new left to find, then the lineman's electrical insulating gloves show up. Back in the days as a telco repair tech I had a pair of these which I wore whenever you were around suspected high voltage. Thin cloth gloves 1st, then the rubber gloves, then the leather gloves to protect the rubber gloves. These are important, and it was careless of whoever lost them, they could literally save your life. OK, off the soap box. There was actually another glove, this one to give you a 'Firm Grip', but it seems kind of ordinary now. Sitting on top of the rubber gloves in the picture is something labeled as an unbreakable wallplate. Now considering that it's in one piece, and that I found it getting run over where a driveway hits the street, I think it's labeled right. That orange thing in the center was a mystery to me but not to 'Da Googles' who says it's a Roadpro Heavy Duty Plastic Corner Protector to keep straps and cargo from getting goobered up during a move. Well now we know.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
It Makes 'Cents' : 12 07 2022
Ok, this is not a normal day's finds. It's more coins even than the 78 from the long run last Sunday. I always swing through a car wash if I see one as somebody will usually shake the mats out and leave me a penny or two. It didn't occur to me that most folks are just vacuuming out the car and sucking up everything on the floor, pennies and all. Well it seems that they cleaned out a lot of the vacuum filters today and just dumped everything on the ground. Pennies and all. Ha!! You'd have thought I won the lottery! There's 85 coins in the picture and of that I probably found 60-65 there. It truly never ceases to amaze me! Another 1st today, one of the coins was a 2006 10-Sentimos from The Phillipines and according to NGCoin it's worth maybe 10 cents. Hmmm, 10 cents--10 Sentimos--it makes 'cents' to me. I also picked up a wheat penny, one from Philly in 1956 which is probably worth 2-3 cents just for the copper. I didn't find any quarters today so no 'hitting for the cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) but hey, I'd say it was a good trade. (and of course thank you for all the small blessings) Moving on, there were more writing tools, 3 pens and a little blue pencil and I kind of figured that if three thousand lebenty six pens is good, then 3 more will just sweeten the deal, right? Hmmmm, the internationally famous eye-roll tells me that would be no. The little guy to the right of the pens was another mystery, at least to me but according to 'Da Googles' it's a "Frozen Petite Surprise Rock Troll Cake Topper Love Troll." Just the thing for your mango & avocado cake with the sour cream icing. Sounds like a party just waiting to happen. Whuhuoy! Next at the lower left is a "Retro Water Glitter Bracelet", only $5 on Etsy it seems. There was another socket, this time it's a 12mm just to keep things interesting. There's another room key-card, this one for a stay at Comfort Inns. You'd best not forget your room number as there's nothing else on the card to tell you what you're unlocking. All in all, there was a lot of stuff out there, way more than I'd expect on a typical weekday run. I've started separating the change out with each type in its own 'luncheon meat' sized container and I'll need to start another (another) penny holder. I do find more pennies than anything else with quarters and dimes tied for second. The US mint has announced that it will stop penny production in 2023, but if anybody needs a few, let me know, I'm flush.
Chapter 2.2
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
Still Karen here. And, it will be for a while. Day 10. Every day, there are new developments. News about little things could seem like forw...
It's chapter 2 for this blog. Not for Jim. very well could be. Without getting into the why's, where's, and what t...
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...