Fun, strange, interesting, crazy, unusual, and totally unexpected treasures found every day on my run. From shiny pennies to sockets, lug nuts, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, tools to rubber duckies and more. You just never know what you'll find and where you'll find it.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
I have to hand it to 'Da Googles', they have really helped me to identify a large number of items that I've 'run' across that I had no idea what they were. Today 'DGs' identified that large bolt on the left as a zinc plated concrete anchor bolt. Go figure. Since it was in the road I'm guessing that it escaped from the "zinc plated concrete anchor bolt" truck. There also was a black lug nut, no doubt from a black rim, I think that's the only color other than chrome I've seen. The usual machine screws, washers and 'nuts in the road' (just say it quietly to yourselves..) today. There were 11 pennies and a nickel and they were scattered pretty much from the beginning of the run to the end with the nickel somewhere in the middle. Not a whole lot, but each one is a little blessing, thank you Creator!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
GET BACK JACK! : 04 27 2022
This is not the 1st car jack I've 'run' across. Recently, on one of the longer Sunday runs I saw one as I passed a gas station. It was lying on the ground next to the air pump and I debated picking it up. I thought it best to leave it there, because if it was me and I lost it I would return to the gas station to look for it and hopefully the guilty party has done that. I'll have to look the next time I run that route. But, this one I found in the grass between the curb and the sidewalk on a really busy street with no gas station or place to change a tire close by. According to 'Da Googles' it's a 1/2 ton worth about $32, so we have something to keep the hub caps company until the next "stuff in the garage" sale. And BTW, that steel rod with the big eye on the end was with the car jack and again I needed 'Da Googles' to assist. Seems it's an emergency tow hook eye bolt which makes more sense now. Jack up the car, put spare on, tow it away.....hopefully to a happy ending.
I hit for the cycle again (penny,nickel,dime,quarter)! I was waiting for a nickel to show itself and passing a car wash, something caught my eye in the cracks between pavements. It was a false alarm but a few feet away, hiding in the dirt, was my nickel. Ha! Thank you Creator of all things for these symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeahuh!! Only the star drill bit attachment today for tools, unless you count the pen as a tool, and I guess for some of us it is.
There was an "InsideOut Coaching card on the ground today and it has memory joggers about "G R O W", Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward. I see that it's the work of the late Brittish race car driver and author John Whitmore and it looks interesting, I may have to investigate further. Also we have a retro Parking Permit from 2017, it's what all the chic older cars are wearing these days. The long white thing at the bottom looked like a roll of paper. It's wrapped in plastic and upon unrolling some of it, in my expert opinion, it seems to be just be just regular, everyday, ordinary, ol' paper. And you can quote me. I did consult 'Da Googles' to be sure, who didn't have anything useful to share on this one, but 3 out of 4 is pretty good.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
100th BLOG POST : 04 26 2022
This is the 100th blog post and I debated on what route to run as I wanted it to be memorable. I had hoped there'd be some cool stuff scattered about to collect but it was more of an ordinary day out there. The weather was nice, that's the 1st shiny penny, and then right off the bat there was a shiny nickel on the curb line. There were pennies routinely scattered and another nickel in the road. The dime was a little harder to spot, it had been run over and bent. But no quarter today and I was really expecting to find one. I had found everything else I needed to hit for the extended cycle (penny,nickel,dime, quarter,socket,lug nut) but somehow I missed it. Still though, thank you Creator for all these symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
I found another mini lug nut wrench, ideal for a small car, this makes two now, There were a lot of 'nuts in the road' (I know...) today, and I'm pretty much obligated to take those. There was another hitch pin as well as a medium sized nylon bag. The bag is perfect for storing some plant covers I have, so I took that as well. And, Allen has been doing pretty good the last few weeks, but he left another one in the road today. Get with the program Allen!
Monday, April 25, 2022
LAST BUT NOT LEAST : 04 25 2022
Another phone bit the dust, this time it was a Samsung. I looked up the battery number and before it was roadkill it used to be a Galaxy J3, which came out in 2018. Time, for this little guy was not a friend. Hey, I hit for the extended cycle today!!!!!!!! (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug nut). Early on I had most of the coins except the quarter, followed closely by two sockets and three lug nuts, which is what, a Found-In-The-Road full house I guess? I found the 'half of a penny' first, another case where you pass by and then do a 180 as it slowly registers. Still, it's something to give a little thank you for. But, I just knew that the quarter would eventually show up.
Kept on looking and found the usual assortment of bolts, washers and nuts (yeah, yeah, I know, found by just one more nut in the road. Seems I've heard that somewhere). The good folks at Frost Bank and also Legacy Texas each contributed a pen, and I suppose it fits into their advertising budget somehow. I found another drill attachment and it was not far from where I found that cache of them a week ago. I just saved this one from going down that nemesis of all things in the road, that black hole from which there is no return, the storm drain. There was another little rubber ball too, I seem to be accumulating a lot of them too. So, only about a hundred yards left to run with one more intersection to cross and of course, last but not least, there's my quarter out in the road. Somehow they find me. Case in point, yesterday my wife and I took a drive and decided to play miniature golf. It was a nice drive out a country road and we pulled in the lot and parked, and I open the car door and what's at my feet? Six shiny pennies! Out of all the places to stop, and of all the parking spaces we could have chosen, we end up where there's six pennies. Ya gotta laugh!!!! (And of course say Thank You!!!)
H H M : 04 24 2022
I found a ball cap with H H M on it and this time "Da Googles" wasn't able to tell me much. But Wikipedia could, seems it's a fictional Albuquerque law firm from Breaking Bad. And so it also seems to me we have a new addition to the fine line of men's 'found in the road' accessories, our Breaking Bad Line.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
FISHING REEL (no, reely!) : 04 23 2022
Spotted a fishing reel in the road. How does one of those get there, and without the rod? Heck I didn't see any fish either. Not sure how it escaped out of the boat. Dunno. But, judging from my past fishing expertise, I could use that reel (or most any reel) and the fish would still be safe. I figured that snarl of fishing line is probably some special trolling technique, you put multiple lures on that mess and pitch it in the lake and then pull out your limit, right?
The steel pin/rod next to the fishing reel was at the curb line early on and I stashed it to get on the way back. I guess it's a chisel maybe? I found the small straight blade screwdriver at an intersection, not too far from the reel actually. I picked up the lock just for the picture, as representative of what's in the road. The red tag was curious, it was in a parking lot of a CVS nowhere near the interstate, and it says,"Reverse Logistics, highway transport only." It appears that some of the journey of what it was formerly attached to was not highway but local streets. I won't tell if you won't tell.
I hit for the cycle today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter)-- woo hoo! Several times over too, and the pennies were scattered out over the whole run, I kept finding them along the curb line. It's funny how they always find me. Last night I had stopped to get a Powerball ticket at a convenience store, and I opened up the car door and what's at my feet? My shiny penny. I'm hoping it was a sign!! (and thank you Creator!)
Friday, April 22, 2022
Rubber Duckie #16 : 04 22 2022
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Internationally Famous Eyeroll: 04 21 2022
Large deer coin? Wasn't sure until I found the round companion to it which said on the inside "base metal bezel, battery #377", so it's the case to a pocket watch. No sign of the watch though, guess its (wait for it) time had come. On the other side of the intersection just about to head down the storm drain there was the case for an Alcatel Flip Phone, the innards had preceded it in and the case was next. People----watch where you put your phones!
Lots of the usual pig iron in the street today, and of course I had to grab all 10 nuts-in-the-road, for obvious reasons. There only were a few coins, a dime and three pennies, but I'm thankful Creator, for those blessings. And I should say here, that I tend to make a lot of references to things that have gone on in past blog posts assuming that everyone has read these day to day and knows what I'm talking about. My apologies for any confusion. It's like when my wife says to me that we never discussed something and I always tell her "that must have been one of those conversations we had inside my head." Followed by her internationally known by now "eyeroll". Sorry honey, will a neck rub help?
FORK IN THE ROAD : 04 20 2022
Pennies And Lug Nuts And Dimes (oh my!) : 04 19 2022
Where is all the fruit coming from? In the last week I've had a lime, an orange, and now an apple show up in the road, and all were intact and untouched. And a number of weeks ago there were cherry tomatoes, I guess I'm going to have to open up a produce aisle in the 'Rundover Store'. There was a baby bottle nipple today as well. I've found 3 pacifiers already so I guess it was inevitable a baby bottle nipple would show up.
There were 8 more nuts in the road today, 4 of which were lug nuts (yes and all picked up by 'OneMoreNutInTheRoad', yeah, yeah, yeah, I know). Additions to the tools collection include a center punch tool and another drill attachment, this one for a star end.
There was a different kind of lock, had not seen one like this and not sure where you'd use it but included it for the picture. There was what's left of a roll of electrical tape, and lastly an little American flag. It was lying on the ground and I hate that, so I rescued it. That probably make at least 4 or 5 I've saved, it'll be handy come the "Fourth"
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Attention Student Drivers. : 04 18 2022
Ever see a fellow driver out there and you wonder what Cracker Jack box they got their license out of? Although I've been known to give them a virtual Zen wedgie, putting a magnetic Student Driver sign on their car might feel better. And I found one at the curbline of a very busy intersection near the freeway (or should I say, the payway). That was a laugh out loud moment!
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
PURPLE HUB CAP : 04 17 2022
A purple hub cap???? In the road? The longer Sunday runs never disappoint. Yes, that is a purple hub cap. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, there's one of these guys. I found it a few miles out and I stashed it to pick up on my return along with the a gas cap and a 25' measuring tape. Both were in the road and in pretty good shape, that's got to be the 4th or 5th tape measure and it's probably the best one I've found. I checked on line and they're $15 new--go figure. I found a UPS ball cap too, I think that 's 2 or 3 of those I've found now. One of those guys that drive those 'convection ovens on wheels' with the doors open probably had one blow out. 'Brown' is usually delivering a box to me 4 or 5 times a month with either Access Bars, or protein, or Sustain sports drink, or the like so I'll have to ask Mark my driver if he lost one.
My command of the Spanish language comes from 3 days of HS Spanish class, whereupon I went back to French class (hey, at least I tried! It's not like I live in Madrid.) That said, I found, what says on it, to be a Mexican Consular ID card. It seems our foreign visitors have the same trouble some of us do keeping track of our driver's licenses, credit cards, and passports. Go figure. Next, (trumpet sound) I found another rubber duckie!!! Woo Hoo! That makes 15! I'm getting a regular flock going here. He's blue and has a 3rd eye in his forehead?! Not sure if he's psychic, but there was though, back 20 or 30 years ago when Pokeman was a big thing, a character called Psyduck who was psychic, but strangely he was a platypus not a duck. Be sure to be taking notes, I'm almost positive this will be on the mid-term.
I found a painted rock in a driveway off a busy intersection that said "Parker's Rocks" with a cute little yellow duck on it. Come to find out it's a commemorative for a little person named Parker Cole who unfortunately was only here for 5 months. It's the family's way of dealing with their loss and they hope it will be uplifting. Whoever finds the rock goes to the website to let them know it was found and then that person hides it again. That's sweet.
And of course, I hit for the extended cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug nut)----yeayuh!!!! Thank you Creator of all for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance! I was talking to my UPS driver recently and he is finding change everywhere as well. I'm thinking that on the days when I happen to be running along his route, I'll need to head out before he gets there, beat him to the punch! (sorry Mark!)
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Friday, April 15, 2022
LOST ZIP : 04 15 2022
Found the steel chisel near the start of the run. It was where a driveway hit the main street and I almost decided to stash it and come back for later. But it managed to stay in the pocket the whole run, otherwise I wouldn't have taken that very large machine screw in the picture. I hit for the cycle, but I did seed my pocket today with a shiny nickel and dime that found me yesterday. They were, as always, in very random places where there really shouldn't be any change on the ground. As it turned out I only needed the nickel as I found three other dimes, or rather, they found me. (thank you Creator!)
BASILIC TOOTH : 04 14 2022
Had a lot going on today and the run was a little shorter, also I was listening to a song I needed to do later in the day and had it on an earbud going over and over and over and over......and over. So I was a little distracted, but looking at the picture now, you wouldn't know it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
What Do Small Sockets Aspire to? : 04 13 2022
Another potpourri day, lots of useful stuff. Anyone need half a flip phone? I'm thinking it must have belonged to a very strong or willful senior citizen who flipped it WAY too hard. Poor little phone never had a chance. There were a few small and large 'nuts in the road', there was a junior and a senior S hook, and also a baby socket and its much bigger brother. If you ever wondered what the small little sockets aspire to, look no further. That little, tiny, 1/4" socket for a 1/4" handle wants to grow up to be that 1/2" long barrel socket. Ya gotta have dreams!
No pennies made an appearance today. No doubt there was one out there somewhere, just too well hidden today. But I did find two quarters, a dime and......... a rare, circulated, 2011, much runned over, sittin in the turn lane of a 7 lane piece of road, $5 Peso. I've found any number of foreign coins, guess we'll have to open a new wing of the 'Rundover Store', the 'Rundover Currency Exchange'. And BTW, thank you Creator for all these little symbols of your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
One of the last things I came across was the box of rubber gloves. It's a $23, brand new, unused box of 100 Gloveworks HD 8 mil Nitrile Industrial gloves with raised diamond texture. Yes, you heard me right, raised diamond texture. I couldn't believe it either. I was so verklempt I almost missed the 36" piece of pipe insulation that was just around the corner. I have an immediate need for that, as I've got insulation on a Freon pipe to my AC unit that's getting worn. One more little blessing. Go figure!
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
LIME-AIDE : 04 12 2022
I've found cherry tomatoes before, but this is the first lime. And it was right at the cross walk of an intersection, where they had marked the utilities on the roadway. The lime was sitting right in the center of a small painted white square, so I figured if it's that obvious, I guess I'm supposed to take it. And who knows, I might even make some lime-aide out of it. There were two 10mm sockets, one for a 1/4" handle, and one for a 1/2 " handle, found in two different places. Ha! Almost hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) but I somehow missed seeing the dime. There were 14 on last Sunday so I guess it all evens out.
Monday, April 11, 2022
BRANDSMA WHO? : 04 11 2022
It would have very easy to pass on the hub cap if it was cracked or just beat up, but this one was only dirty, and since I was maybe a half mile from being done, in a weak moment, I added this one to the garage sale tub. Now I need to figure out when the garage sale is going to happen. Right next to the hub cap was a Brandsma Productions ball cap, not sure what that is though. I asked "da Googles" and found there's a number of business people with that last name but mostly elsewhere, and nothing for Brandsma Productions. Maybe the hub cap was theirs? Maybe they offer hub caps? Maybe they steal hup caps? Who knows?
Little Pink Hitchhiker : 04 10 2022
Found some new stuff today. There was a brand new $24 roll of black flashing tape that was headed down a storm drain that I rescued. Fortunately, it was at the end of the run so I didn't have to lug it around too terribly far.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
BIG WORM FISHING : 04 09 2022
I ran this route last Sat and found the glove on the way out, but it was very wet,so I stashed it and was going to come back for it on the way back. Oooops. Remembered it today! It's one of those gloves that make you laugh, it says Big Worm Fishing, and it also explains a lot. All these years I've been doing it wrong, I've been using Little Worms and I haven't caught a thing. It's Big Worms.....why didn't anybody tell me?!
I think I prefer the hub caps that cover lug nuts right in the middle of the tire like the GEAR one I found today. Much easier to carry and don't take up much space in the garage (awaiting the next garage sale). I found a pair of sunglasses with a lanyard which is kind of handy. Even if I don't use those sunglasses, I can use the lanyard on another pair. I do find a lot of drill bits but this one is a little bent at the tip and won't be seen after the picture. There were two socket/drill adapters and I'm starting to get quite a collection of those. I may have to add those to the "fine selection of tools in the 'Rundover Store' ."
Not a lot of coins today, but the shiny pennies I always expect (and give thanks!!). The quarters all came in about the same place and I'm starting to see a pattern now. I'll have to keep looking in that area going forward (although I'm not going to say where!) I found the neckless chain in a bank driveway, not sure how somebody loses one there. The little black bag goes with an air compressor, it has the adapter ends to blow up a pool float or an air mattress.
The rest is the usual stuff, a pen from a bank driveway, a copper water hose adapter, an aluminum air hose coupling, an eyebolt , a couple of hitch pins, and of course more nuts in the road (ok, everybody on three...picked up by another nut in the road, yeah yeah I know). What fun, eh?
Friday, April 8, 2022
SWEET SPOT : 04 08 2022
My route today took me past that 'sweet spot' where I found all those quarters earlier this week and of course I had to give it a quick look-see. And go figure--I found 4 more quarters, that's 40 from that spot now! Ok, a large thank-you Creator of all things for these symbols of Your infinite abundance! You just never know!
Most of the pennies today were pretty beat up, but of course that's what happens when they get run over so no surprise. The lock I took just for the picture, I have tons of found locks and this one has no key so, buh bye. I picked up all 7 nuts in the road I saw, I'm kind of required to (after all, the name is OneMoreNutInTheRoad after all..) and yes they were all picked up by a nut in the road, yes I know. Lastly, there was another 13 mm socket . I seem to find a lot of those so I'm thinking it must be a popular size. Right off the top of my head, it's the size for the battery connections on my car so I know at least I can use it.
No cell phones, no wallets, no rubber duckies (darn!), nothing really unusual today but that's how it works most of the time. Makes you appreciate the crazy days even more I guess.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Yesterday's and today's routes had some overlap, and I again passed the "dinosaur dig site" I wrote about yesterday. And I had to laugh, I missed a couple of 'relics' which must have also been there yesterday. I found the other foot, and also the head of maybe a velociraptor. And to think, these could have been lost to posterity. HA!
There's always nuts and bolts in the road, but no lug nuts today, but I think I'm covered though with the ten I found last Monday. There are usually tools to be found and today it was a socket and a socket adapter, also Allen left another wrench lying in the road (he never listens!). There were lots of shiny pennies today (my favorite!), pretty much from the start to finish, 17 of them as well as 3 dimes. (thank you Creator!!)
I have found too many cell phones now to count, with some of them still working and some pretty beat up. But I have to say that somebody is NOT setting a very good example. Today I found a Samsung phone back and battery in the street which means that phone is history, but just a little ways away I found a face plate for a children's 'Kid Tech' play phone. Isn't that cute? Wanting to be just like mommy and daddy and losing your phone in the road. Somebody needs to set a better example for that little tyke. Just sayin!
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Today was another "go figure!" day. I was finding the usual nuts, bolts pennies, etc. when I stumbled on the 'relics'. I'm sure they're millions of seconds old. Ok, I found the arm/claw first and got a chuckle out of that, and then here come more pieces--the jawbone, then the foot, and the thigh. I was worried that the 'site' might be disturbed but fortunately for us, shortly after unearthing these 'relics', across the street, heading down a storm drain, I found the orange cones so that the 'dig' area can be secured.
I thought I might 'hit for the cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) but somehow the nickel didn't present itself. There's no telling, it could have been out there and I missed it. Case in point, on the way out I found the orange cones and stashed them on the other side of the street to collect on the way back. I put them behind a utility pole and when I passed on the way back, there was a really shiny penny right on the curb line, right in front of my nose, that I missed before. It never hurts sometimes to look in both directions. Regardless---thank you Creator for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance!
The wire cutters are useful as are the socket and the phillips head socket adapter. I've found lots of trailer hitch hardware, and found another to add to the group. That little oval shaped thing below the 'relic' arm opens and closes to connect links of a chain. I have a good number of those but nothing that small til now! Lastly, looking at all this various stuff, I just have to laugh. There is no way I could have predicted what I'd 'run' across today.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
ANTI GRAV SHOE : 04 05 2022
I see so many tire weights in the road and I was wondering if they get recycled, or if there's any value in taking them to a scrap yard. They're made out of lead, or zinc, or steel and the ones here were mostly lead but a few had a steel center coated in lead. I'm thinking it's more trouble than it's worth, and it's not like I don't have enough pig iron here already. It was nut-in-the-road day yesterday, today it's bolt-machine screw in the road day, and I suppose tomorrow it will be washer day, ya just never know. Personally, I’m voting for hundred dollar bill in the road day.
Now available in the 'Rundover Store' we have a woman's 'Easy Spirit' Anti-Gravity shoe. Seriously, it says Anti-Gravity right on it! I have not been able to get the anti grav stuff to work yet but it may be that it only works for women, so I'll keep an eyeball peeled out there for a men's version. I didn't even know they had perfected Anti Gravity technology yet---go figure.
Another 'flying wedge' of coins today, and I did hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), but I did have to finagle it just a little. I was missing the quarter so I ran by the spot where last Friday I found those 35 quarters all together in the grass and lo and behold, there was one I had missed. Woo and hoo! (and thank you Creator!!)
It would appear that Deputy Fife was here again as there was a lone bullet there in the street. He probably doesn't even know it's missing from his shirt pocket. Well, we won't tell him. Lastly, I found the counterpart to the very short pencil I found last Friday, the one for all the regular, every day, nothing special, etc. deals. This one would be the one for all those big, super duper, gigundo enormous, mega triple throw down, gettin down to brass tacks deals. Wouldn't we all like to need one of those!
Monday, April 4, 2022
Talk About Yer Nuts In The Road... : 04 04 2022
This was an entirely new area today. I've driven through it countless times and I even lived in the area 25+ years ago, so I was open for anything. OK, if there was ever a "nut in the road day", it was definitely today. 12 regular nuts, and 10, count'em ten lug nuts! (yeah, yeah we know, picked up by a nut in the road...) Doesn't anybody own a lug wrench anymore? They were at every street corner it seemed. And of course, today there was a Nissan label to go with the Toyota, Eagle Flight, 5CC, Kia, Dodge Ram, Ford, Chevy, etc. ones that have already turned up. There was a spark plug gapping tool today and I hadn't seen one of those in years, it was from back in the days when you could actually work on your own car, and you didn't have to be Houdini to get parts off and on. There were other tools too, a 7/16" wrench and a 13mm socket, for when you were going to not work on your car (ha).
There have been every once in a while, a few reindeer antler stragglers in the road, I think I've seen maybe two of them, but just when you think the season is over here's a little Christmas Wreath ornament. Not sure if it's just been on the curb line for a really long time or if it fell out of the box of Christmas things that somebody was taking to storage. Or maybe it just escaped. Lastly, I also found a green crayon, I guess for those occasions when you wanted to be really really informal. Or maybe to just sign something unofficially. Or maybe so you could write on the tablecloth at Macaroni Grill. Just sayin.
Almost forgot, the most important item of all--14 pennies!! Found one pretty quick outside a carwash and the rest just trickled in. And the dime was just icing. So, thank you Creator of all, for all those symbols of Your infinite abundance! Yowza!
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Sunday runs are always interesting, they're longer so of course more places to find things. I found a shiny dime right off followed by a quarter and a penny so I pretty much assumed I'd hit for the cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter). Next was the 3 pronged cord and I have been needing a short cord so, put an end on it and bing!
Saturday, April 2, 2022
SWISS ARMY KNIFE : 04 02 2022
After yesterday's mega-haul I wondered "how do you follow that?" Silly question, I didn't find the amount of shear coinage today but found lots of everything. There was a glove that I almost took that had something about worm fishermen on it, and I may have to nap it next time I run that route. Right off the bat I found a beat up dime in the road followed by a socket a short distance after. I knew at that point that it would be an interesting day. The hook in the upper left would be good for putting in the garage ceiling to hang a bicycle from, I just have to find another one now. And that is probably the smallest length of chain I've seen, it goes perfectly with the tiny pencil from yesterday. There was also a pegboard hook that I can make use of right now.
There was a Toyota symbol in the road, I suspect that this one was once part of somebody's vehicle, and now it can keep the Ford, Chev, Mazda ,B-Mer, etc emblems I've found company. I hit for the extended cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lugNut) today, extended with tools! And the shiny penny was the last thing I found, and I didn't think there'd be one today. I was about finished and thought I'd poke around a few more driveways in this plaza and I had just started to say, "the last time I came through here I f....." and there it was at my feet. Ha! How does He do that?! Well, actually I know, that was just rhetorical. Ok, as for tools, I found a decent pair of needle nose pliers and a handy little wrench. And....a small Swiss Army Knife. It's perfect for all those time when you only want to Swiss Army a little. So, there you go!
There also was an "Etched Crystal Nail File With Case" which I found in a CVS driveway, guess this one never made it home. It was definitely nut in the road day, 13 regular or with a collar, 1 lug nut, and one nut to pick them all up. And there were three sockets and one socket adapter, can you ever have enough sockets (no honey...I wasn't asking you, that was just rhetorical. Thank you for the eye roll though!)
Friday, April 1, 2022
The Every Day, Run o' The Mill, Your Regular Old, Pretty Much Average, Nuthin Special, Deals : 04 01 2022
Hard to believe this is post #75! Keep in mind that I make reference to previous blog posts a lot especially the 'hitting for the cycle' thing. I'll try to either reference the blog date or explain the common thread to help explain some of this craziness.
Today I ran a route that I've run on 3/28, 3/25, and 3/18 most recently. I wasn't expecting all this!! It's probably a record for found change, $9.49! $8.78 came near the end of the run and was in the grass between the back of the sidewalk with a gas station parking lot directly behind. AND in the same spot I found an UNO card game 50th anniversary gold coin (it's in the upper right). Not a scratch on it. How does that stuff find me???? 35 quarters, 3 pennies, and a collector's coin. And that's in addition to the regular coinage I 'run' across every day, which in today's case was a pretty normal 2 quarters, 3 nickels and 6 shiny pennies. I do not know, but I'm thankful, Creator of all things, for all these symbols of your infinite abundance. Yah Hoo!!
There were a number of finds that would definitely be car related, the lug nut, the car key, and the gas cap. The car key was in the driveway of a gas station which makes me wonder, how did they drive off without the car key? The orange thing on the left says "Multi Wedge" and according to 'Da Googles' it's part of a three-piece pry-bar kit which runs $14.12, which would make mine a $4.70 Mono-Wedge. There was also a room key-card at Stay America extended suites. Hopefully they won't charge 'Zippy' for having to create a second room key.
I've found quite a few micro fiber cloths on my runs, but I didn't have a white one. Now I do. I also found an extremely small pencil with a mostly unused eraser today. I wonder, if you use really big paperclips and big pencils for the really big deals, I suppose then that the really tiny pencils (they don't like to called nubs!) would be for the every day, run o' the mill, your regular old, pretty much average, nuthin special, deals. I suspect there's more of them than the big deals, hence the really short pencil.
Chapter 2.2
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
Still Karen here. And, it will be for a while. Day 10. Every day, there are new developments. News about little things could seem like forw...
It's chapter 2 for this blog. Not for Jim. very well could be. Without getting into the why's, where's, and what t...
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...