Update---I know I said two days ago that I had a firm grip. I stand corrected, today I have an Even Firmer Grip! I have to laugh, Tuesday's glove was a lefty from one location and today's was a righty from a spot 5 miles away. Yesterday was penny day and washer day, today it seems like it was bolt or machine screw day, everywhere I looked there was another one .
Fun, strange, interesting, crazy, unusual, and totally unexpected treasures found every day on my run. From shiny pennies to sockets, lug nuts, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, tools to rubber duckies and more. You just never know what you'll find and where you'll find it.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
EVEN FIRMER GRIP! : 03 31 2022
Update---I know I said two days ago that I had a firm grip. I stand corrected, today I have an Even Firmer Grip! I have to laugh, Tuesday's glove was a lefty from one location and today's was a righty from a spot 5 miles away. Yesterday was penny day and washer day, today it seems like it was bolt or machine screw day, everywhere I looked there was another one .
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
THE RACOON FACTOR : 03 30 2022
Got an earlier start, traffic was better this morning, and for some reason it was penny day. The first one was the one with a bite out of it. Looks like it has had a tough day already and it was only 7am. Ten pennies or a dime all at once?? I'd much rather have the ten pennies find me, ten chances to be thankful instead of only one. I found one of the stretchy bands with the blue velcro end on the way out and on the way back, on the other side of this 6-lane road (with a median) I found the other one--go figure.
Lots of washers too, and I know I passed some by, they probably weren't shiny enough. That can make a difference in whether something gets picked up or not. That's probably the "Racoon Factor" my brother Dave (from up in the land of ice and snow) tells me about. I guess maybe un-shiny is harder to see, especially when you're moving and scanning the path and the road at the same time. And I don't pick up everything I see. Why just today I passed by two chap sticks and a toothbrush, never even got near them (that will be another major eyeroll from my honey--sorry babe!)
The ring I found looks like it has 5 small opals and 5 stones that look like diamonds but I suspect are probably cubic zirconia or maybe Moissanite. It's still a nice ring and I found it on a concrete median between 7 lanes of traffic. How it ended up there without getting beat up is a mystery. So friends, step right up, we now have one more addition to the line of elegant jewelry at the 'Rundover Store'.
FIRM GRIP : 03 29 2022
I pretty much run this route once a week and even with the regularity, every week there's something new. The first thing I came across this run was the step drill bit, kind of a handy little guy and they run from $30-$50 online. And I did hit for the extended cycle today (penny,nickel,dime, quarter,socket,lug nut), with the socket showing up with about 200 yards to spare. I know I can't MAKE it happen, I just allow it TO happen.
I take sports drink/electrolytes with me on each run. How many 10oz bottles I take with me depends on how hot it is outside, but I usually take a couple and I always get a big boost from it. There's not much sugar in the Sustain Sport I drink so it's not a sugar rush. All I know is that it works. I have found that you need to rinse the bottles and disinfect them, or stuff will want to grow in them--and it's not pretty! I use SoluGuard Botanical on them every day, it's plant based and it kills everything from salmonilla, to staph, strep, even Covid and it's not toxic like Lysol or bleach can be. 'Nuf said.
We've been over this before. Yes, I have a Gorilla Grip and yes, I also have a Mega Grip, but some days that's just too much Grip. So thankfully, today I am happy to say that for those days when you need something less, I also have a Firm Grip. It had to happen. Now available in the 'Rundover Store' .
Monday, March 28, 2022
I hadn't run this route in 2 weeks and as usual, there were lots of surprises. I found the credit card right off the bat, in the Bk of Amer parking lot I was cutting through. I looked up the name on the card and although it was uncommon, there wasn't anyone listed that was local, so I called the bank whose best suggestion was to take it to the branch whose parking lot I found it in. And.....lots and lots of change, it was pretty much everywhere. 10 quarters, 21 dimes, 3 nickels, and 49 1/2 pennies. Ha! Thank you Creator of all for these symbols of your infinite abundance!!! So, when I finally found the socket, I had hit for the extended cycle (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lugNut). Even found one of Allen's tools, he lost another wrench it seems. Three lug nuts, two metal tire valve caps, and a little blue kitty cat chair. (on the 4th day of Christmas......... ha!)
We've already discussed my Gorilla Grip, but now I have a MADGRIP. It just appeared out of the blue. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I found a small exacto knife, the kind I usually get at Harbor Freight for 97 cents, so I can "take that to the bank", all 97 cents worth! I ran across several blue microfiber towels but only grabbed one, I'm just being a little selective as I 've found so many. Found a couple of hooks as well, I shouldn't have any trouble hanging anything up for years to come. In the upper left corner I have 3 rolled up contractor size trash bags that were in the grass just off the curb. I use these all the time for trash so I'll have a use for them.
Lastly, I found a blue-tooth ear bud and the charger case that goes with it. Found it right there in the road, and it must have just recently ended up there as the first car to hit it--- it would have been flattened. I looked up and down the curb line and in the grass behind the curb but the earbud had escaped.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
BARBASOL : 03 26 2022
Although I've run this route at least once already this week I still always wonder where all the new stuff comes from. About half way through the run I found the can of shaving cream. But let me tell you friends, this is no ordinary can of shaving cream, no sir, this is Barbasol, Rich & Thick (yes both!) for sensitive skin, and even protects from irritation. That's correct, you heard me right! I wonder if that would extend to rush hour traffic on the Bush turnpike, that's pretty irritating. Seeing as I still had several miles left to go I decided to stash the can not far from where I spotted it. I could have carried the can I suppose. The can of shaving cream. The full can of shaving cream. Shaking it up for another 3 or 4 miles. Nah, it just doesn't float my boat. I happened to see a steel chisel on the opposite side of the road from the shaving cream so I ran it over and set it with it to come back for in the car when I was done.
I found another phone case but again there was no phone in sight so hopefully the phone was safe. I found another two sided hook, I use those to hang stuff from in the garage. I also found a tape measure and a pair of pliers to add to the "Rundover" Store's tool section. There were several lug nuts and a socket, but no extended cycle today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lugnut) as I was missing the nickel. I bet I find 4 of them tomorrow though.
Every once in a while I find a wheat penny and today I found a 1953S Lincoln penny. It was face down in the dirt in the road but wasn't at all scratched or beat up, so that one goes in the coin collection. There was another hitch-pin, and an S-hook, a wingnut, and a rechargable Lithium battery today. Typically there was a little bit of everything out there, "treasures" galore!
Friday, March 25, 2022
NO TRAIN HORN TODAY : 03 25 2022
Looks like another phone bit the dust, this time it's a 4 Patriots phone. Odd, I thought those guys were more into storing away food and preparing for the worst, didn't know they did phones too. And just when you thought we'd seen the last of winter, here's one last little shot. It's a single Urban Air snowman ankle sock, which I might add will be available from the 'Rundover Store' while supplies last.
I found a 'quick link', they're made to easily connect two lengths of chain, and I've made use of a lot of them, all found in the road I might add. I almost hit for the cycle today (penny,nickel,dime,quarter), I found what looked like a quarter (next to the quick link) but alas, it was a slug. I suspect I'll make up for that come Sunday, I normally do well for finding quarters on the weekend.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
WELCOME. : 06 14 2021
This was from June 14 2021, and I had a note that it was very humid. Once it gets hot here I always try to get out to run before 7AM, otherwise with the the heat and humidity, it's a beating.
So....Welcome my friends! Actually that's what the flag I found says, which is always nicer than a flag that says " hey ya dadblame kids, get off the lawn." That person probably needs a little more fiber in their diet. Also found a short bungie cord, those I use to hold a stack of nylon groc bags together.
I found a very short USB cord, it's handy and sometimes that's all the length you need. I see lighters all the time, usually they're out of fuel, but this one ought to be good for lighting a campfire or two.
I hit for the cycle that day (penny,nickel,dime, quarter)!! Not sure when I started calling it that, but I think it's hilarious how all those coins seem to find me. In the rain, in the dark, in obscure places, it's crazy! But as always, thank you Creator of all, for all these symbols of Your infinite abundance. Woo hoo!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Not sure why there seems to be so many gloves in the street lately, but that being the case, I can be selective with what I pick up. Today I found a Milwaukee Cut Level-1 glove, normally $4 at Ace Hardware ...and today only at the 'Rundover Store'....it's half price! 😃 Also found another lottery ticket, a Tinseltown Takeover scratch off, which I entered for another shot at Hollywood. Not a lot of change today (relatively speaking), a nickel and 3 pennies, but then all of them are appreciated. And more than I had when I started the run. Quite a few nuts in the road this morning, literally and figuratively, and I'm pretty much required to pick those up. The key I assumed was a car key, but is pretty smooth, not a lot of 'teeth' so it might go to a lot of things. There was another socket where the driveway of an auto parts store hit the road, which is a little ironic. I figured somebody was working on their car in the auto store parking lot and lost a socket in the engine compartment, which fell out when they left. There also was a little silver A-frame shaped metal thingamabob, picked that up because I hadn't seen one in the road before. Lastly there was a little squishy multicolored ball, with a smiley face on it, he'll have a lot of rubber dickies to keep him company!
GORILLA GRIP : 03 22 2022
It's a little known fact, I don't usually mention it and I don't like to brag. But yes, I have a........ Gorilla Grip, fun fact number 47. Moving on, I have been finding lots of restaurant gift cards lately and today there was one from Taco the Bell, I'll have to see how many pennies are left on this one. Some of the 'pig-iron' I found today I probably wouldn't have gotten picked up last Sunday but since it was kinda slim pickens early on today, I did pocket them. That is an extremely long wood screw in the center, maybe it could work on a fence? Today I found a FORD emblem, yesterday it was a Toyota symbol, but pretty much everybody is represented in one of the tubs in my garage. I've had thoughts about doing a shadow box of different things, one for the duckies, one for lug nuts, maybe one for all the BMW, Mercedes, Chevy, Ford, etc logos I've 'run' across. And maybe one for the different kinds of coins 'that find me', foreign and domestic. Who knows?
A couple of pennies, a quarter, and 4 nickels even today but somehow I missed seeing the dime. Would have hit for the extended cycle with the dime. Thank you though Creator for what I did find! I know how it works though, tomorrow four of them will find me. And I'll laugh.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
AND "DA GOOGLES" SAYS.... : 03 21 2022
As I have been known to say, you just never know what will find you. Sometimes it's like yesterday (Sunday) where you're practically stumbling over shiny pennies, and then there's today when I was very happy to find four of them. Actually, all it takes to make it a good run is to just find one shiny penny, so after that the rest was all gravy. I also found a pretty good pair of gloves, and 'Da Googles' said the MaxiFlex 34-874 gloves sell for $67. Go figure!!
UNG JE SERVIRAY : 03 20 2022
Let me say, this is not a typical day's findings. This is a longer Sunday run, which means more places to explore and more potential stuff to find. The biggest item was the Eagle Flight hub cap and there was no way I wanted to carry that the last 6 or 7 miles. I stashed it away from the road and came back later in the car for it, along with the pink women's sandles that were close by. And speaking of women's sandles, good news friends, you'll be able to find these in the 'Rundover Store' and remember, it's first come first serve.
WHAT'S TAMARINDO? : 03 19 2022
Another hat today and someone from the Services Response Team is missing their lid. Hope that won't keep them from responding--with services. Not sure what the triangular shaped cloth things were, and 'Da Googles' had no clue either. I hit for the extended cycle today (all 4 coins,lug nut,socket)!!! Thank you Creator of all for all these symbols! Ok now, that has to be the smallest credit card I've ever seen, it's about the size your cat might use (and you thought they just sat home all day sleeping???) The little rubber tag below the MC says 'Tamarindo' and I found out that it's a drink made from the tamarind plant. It's native to most tropical regions and it's used for, among other things, medicinal purposes. Who knew? So, I wonder how the little rubber tag got into the road?
Saturday, March 19, 2022
6 IRON : 03 18 2022
Quite the selection of stuff today. I passed by the wrench and did a double take, it registered and I did a quick 180. I spotted the bungie cords pretty close together, and today there was a second red one, which of course, is perfect for securing one's red bungies. I found a really small spark plug, and all I could think of at that moment was of the little tiny clown car it fell out of, which now wasn't hitting on all cylinders? (hey, be nice now!) I saw the key and thought maybe it was a lockbox key? Not sure but it made the picture.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Where to start?? I think a lot of the change showed up first, all but the nickel I needed to hit for the cycle. I found a brand-new roll of box tape, the dispenser was in about ten pieces but the tape was good. I had passed that steel ball bearing in the picture several times before but just wasn't curious enough then to grab it. I guess it was the first thing I saw today and I had an empty pocket so.... The small red tab says "Twisted Technology" and although I did look around, I didn't see anything unusually twisted or that looked like technology close by. Hope that whatever evil tech it was attached to doesn't fall into the wrong hands!
A little further down that side of the road I saw something that cars were dodging in a lane of traffic. After the traffic cleared I saw it was a Dewalt chalk line, in good shape. Guess that goes in the garage sale tub. I found the work glove right after that, that makes, what, 4 this week? Now the electrical cord I picked up because I have more than once needed a short cord and all I seemed to have were 6' or 8' ones. So this will be handy. There also was a nylon strap-about 15' worth, and a pegboard hook that will go on my pegboard above the work bench in the garage, (said bench which of late seems to be more of a place to store stuff from the road than a bench to work on-let's not share that with my honey!)
I saw the phone at the curb and was hoping that it was just a case, but when I spotted the screen digitizer, I knew another phone bit the dust. Although I've gotten a lot of phones back to their owners, more often than not they've been pretty beat up, never to work again. There also was half a Racetrack Rewards card, oddly enough it was at different gas station. The last thing I found today was another "Racing Bippy" (see 02/22/22). This is the 3rd bippy or pacifier I've found in the last few weeks, another green one this time. Not sure what the deal is, maybe the pink or blue ones taste better? At least this one wasn't right in the road, it was off to the side in a driveway safely away from a lane of traffic this time.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
I've been over this route countless times in the last month and I'm always amazed at the change I keep finding in places I've already looked only a few days ago. I'm sure I don't always spot everything that's out there, but I think I've improved at picking up on small round things in the road. Hence today's haul - 3 quarters, 2 nickels, a dime, and 14 pennies. And one of the nickels was from 1942 and in pretty good shape, that one will get added to the coin collection. For the second day I missed hitting for the extended cycle by missing the lug nut. But I bet tomorrow there will be 4 - Ha! Regardless though, thank you Creator for all these symbols!
I thought the coin with the different colored center was going to be a foreign coin, but it says "Amusement Hall" so probably a game token. The lock I debated on, but I finally took for the picture. It was open but you'll only lock something once with this one. I found another small socket, 5/16 this time. And, in another spot that I don't usually get to look in, there was a lotto scratch off with a 2nd chance entry for a Tinseltown Takeover (again). So...one more in the hopper.
Now I'll admit that I have, on occasion, had to dress in the dark. And I have, on occasion, ended up wearing one brown sock and one black sock, but they were close at least. Today it seems that somebody put on (and of course lost on the side of the road) a black Rebok sock and a purple Altitude sock. Or we've got someone that's trying to make a fashion statement. And failing.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! : 03 15 2022
Just so you know, it's not my birthday, or at least I'm pretty sure it isn't. But if it was, I'd be ready for the party because right off the bat I found the Happy Birthday Tiara. Almost looks like the gloved hand is holding it, but no, I only took it because I've found so many gloves in the last week or so. Anyway, here's a blanket Happy Birthday to all you Ides of March babies.
Found a bracelet with a Big Sis-Lil Sis charm and a Love the Life charm. Guess we'll be branching out into women's fine jewelry in the 'Rundover' Store next. I found several pieces of clear tubing at the curb and from what else was there, it may have been part of a fish tank. The yellow hooky thingamabob I had to take just because it was odd, but I also wanted to figure out what it was. Seems "Da Googles" knows, it's a Jameson Corp No. 24.01 S-Hook. If it hadn't been run over so many times, I probably could have read the stamp on the side.
Lots of nuts in the road today (picked up by yes, we know...) and a socket too, picked that up where a driveway hit the street. I was finding lots of shiny pennies, one after another, and when I spotted the quarter and dime together, then I started thinking Hit-For-The-Cycle! And it took a while for the nickel to show up, but of course I knew it would. It ended up being in a turn lane that I usually don't get to see, I'm usually across the road seeing as that's what the traffic normally allows. But for some reason I ended up over there, and then asking (rhetorically) how does He do that??? Had a big laugh over that. A big smile, and a bigger yet "thank you Creator of all things for this symbol of your infinite abundance." Yeayuh!
Monday, March 14, 2022
MORE GOOD KARMA : 03 13 2022
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Are Lebenty Seven Hubcaps Really Enough? : 03 12 2022
I thought I'd change things up a little and drive to a spot on one of my routes and start the run onward and upward from there. Got there and had forgotten sports drink, watch, overflow belt, etc. Sheesh! Drove back to the house and decided to go somewhere else to run, to the end of another area I've only run twice. No idea what kind of treasures would be there, but you can see from the picture there was a little bit of everything! And a lotta bit of sockets and lug nuts! Lots of pig-iron, I think it was 20 "nuts in the road" today (21 counting your truly). I definitely hit for the extended cycle this morning (all 4 coins-socket-lug nut). And I found both small sizes of sockets and also an adapter to use with either socket handle, definitely handy.
What a pretty day today!! That of course was the 1st shiny penny of the run. I got out pretty late for me, it was probably 10am already and it was brisk but not too cold. I did make the Sustain sports drink warm today, I forgot yesterday, and it was brain-freeze cold on a cold morning.
The change today was kinda beat up, with one quarter bent in half, and for one of the pennies there was only about 25% of it left. Small treasures, small blessings, still something to be thankful for. I picked up the 1st glove thinking I had another one like it, and then saw a 2nd and grabbed it to keep the 1st one company. The hubcap was in the turn lane of a pretty busy intersection and people must have been driving around it since it was pretty much unscathed. So, here's another one to add to the tub in the garage that already has lebenty seven hubcaps in it already. Or better yet, that could be part of the 'Rundover' Store automotive section along with the 12V car cigarette lighter I found this week.
I found the garden hand spade just down the street from the hubcap, and I probably have a found-in -the-road handle around here somewhere. It's better than the hand spade I already have, the spade part bends too easily. The small convex fisheye mirror I found I remember having on several cars years ago, I guess we'll toss that in the automotive section (you lucky shoppers!) There was half a credit card today, and fortunately the number part was gone so I won't worry about getting it back to anyone. Also another S-hook for a bungie cord. Those guys are also really good for hanging stuff, I have all kinds of things hanging in the garage with those. Lots of little treasures, lots of little blessings, a whole lot to be thankful for.
Friday, March 11, 2022
Ah Bartleby, Ah Humanity! : 03 11 2022
First run in three days and everything felt back to normal, so there's my first shiny penny of the day! I wasn't sure what to expect this morning, they were predicting cold and rain or ice or snow. I'll go out in anything except if it's ice everywhere, and it was just cold early on, the sleet didn't start until 3 or 4 miles out. Which turned to rain-thank you very much! Some days you find little stuff and some days it's bigger stuff and it was bigger day. Two more hats today, first another ski hat to add to the two or three others of late, and also another ball cap, this one a "Gig'em Aggies" cap. That's right friends your own Aggie ball cap right here at the "Rundover Store". And as always, operators are sitting by.
I have found a lot of shoes too, occasionally there's two but this time it's just one, a red woman's 'tennie' size 8 1/2, well broken in. There was another bungie cord, this one a little different from the usual rubber cord and steel S-hooks at the ends, this is elastic and plastic, not really made for the long haul. I hit for the cycle, all four coins!! Woo and Hoo, that always makes me smile! And almost hit for the extended cycle, I found two sockets but alas, no lug nut, ah tragedy! Ah Bartleby, ah humanity!
Lots of bolts today, but just one (more) nut in the road. There was a room card for what says is "Americas Best Value Inn" but it's really Red Lion, don't know much about that one. And lastly, I spotted a fuzzy purple something in the road, so I had to look and it turns out to be a little baby roller brush, which I just happen to have a handle for. So that will go in the paint tub.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
WATCH OUT! : 12 02 2021
I've been unable to run the last two days, I picked up a stomach bug (seems I'm getting too good at 'picking up things') and didn't try to run from bed. But, since I've got several year's worth of pictures of previous runs, it's not like there isn't anything to post. So here's one from Dec 2, 2021, or rather here's two. I ran in the morning and was meeting a friend to go see a hockey game and both times fun stuff found me.
In the morning there was the usual bunch of change out there, all but a quarter this time. And speaking of time, I found a sports watch on the ground between a sidewalk and a parking lot. That was the first 'time' for one of those. I've got a lot of pens but I think I grabbed that one because of the name on it maybe? There was of course a number of 'nuts in the road' including a lug nut. No surprise there.
That evening I was meeting a friend over by a fast-food place off the highway in West Dallas. I got there and was waiting and could have been a little impatient, but nope. I know they'll be 'treasures' looking to find me somewhere. And of course, there was my shiny penny on the ground in the parking lot. There was also a pretty good looking set of Bluetooth earbuds on the sidewalk, and I checked them when I got back to the house and they worked and sounded great. Of course there'd be a lug nut, they're everywhere! And lastly, if you're short on trivial pursuit cards, I have a spare for you.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Chuck the Chuck It : 03 08 2022
Found a couple of things today that are telling of the times we're living in. First off, I saw a coil of black wire in the street and at first, I didn't think much of it, but after I saw a 2nd and a 3rd one, I had to take a look. I see a lot of these a lot at one of my consulting jobs, they were fiber optic cable patch cords, not something you would not have seen 30 years ago. And I also ran across a 12v car cigarette lighter, something you very well would not have seen since 30 years ago. Just made me laugh.
Monday, March 7, 2022
AGAIN : 03 07 2022
Not only do I never know what I'm going to find on a run, the route I take is, more often than not, uncertain until just before I'm heading out the door. Where I ran today is a route I probably do at least once a week, it has lots of busy roads, lots of intersections, lots of places to explore. Today was another day when you scratch your head and have this puzzled look on your face. There wasn't a lot to pick up for quite a while, but a few miles out I found another one of those things I'm just not going to take, even though it is out of the ordinary. Of course, there were two lip balms I saw as I cut through a gas station early on, but I see those a lot actually. No, this this is kind of an equal time thing. I've seen men's drawers and t-shirts in the road and recently in the same run even saw lady's drawers too, but today ran across, for the first time, a lady's brassiere to go with those drawers. Go figure.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
FEEDING AMERICA : 03 06 2022
This has to be one of my best days for finding change! 18 quarters, 9 dimes, 5 nickels, and 29 pennies. That's about enough for a gallon of gas most anywhere!
NEW OFFERING! : 03 05 2022
We've got another nice weekend in store, warm but not too hot, great weather for running in just shorts and a shirt (ok, yeah, socks and shoes too). It seems the dimes that have been so elusive were everywhere, or at least 5 everywheres. 17 pennies too, some of them were definitely ones that you ran past and something registered and warranted a quick about face. Found 3 quarters as well, but then those are a little harder to miss. Finding the ski hat makes 3 in the last week or 10 days. I don't think the wind has been strong enough to blow the hats off but, there they are. The round Kia car thingamabob might have been a hood ornament, and I might add it to the Mercades, BMW, Ford, Toyota, etc ones I already have. As for the little Marvin the Martian rubber thing, your guess is as good as mine, part of a toy or key ring?
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Calm down, take a breath, say thank you, move on. : 03 04 2022
Thursday, March 3, 2022
TRIBBLE HOCKEY : 03 03 2022
You know how we loves us some sports here in Texas. Well, we have a new sport ladies and gentlemen. Yes fans, it's soon to be the rage, it's TRIBBLE HOCKEY!! The sticks could be a bit longer, but that one is probably from the desktop version. Little Tribble guys actually don't mind getting wacked, but then they seem to be pretty much all hair--go figure
And, we have more chances in the hopper for the 2nd chance drawing to "take over Tinseltown" (once we take over....then what? I can handle just so much tinsel and then, boom----overload!) There was an air hose adapter which I think would be useful for patching two air hoses together. I found another wingnut, and for some reason I've always liked them, I guess because you could snug them down without a wrench or screwdriver. There was a dime and 5 pennies (all the pennies were whole today), won't really be able to float anyone much of a loan with that but at least there was an In And Out card for a free shake with their complements. Hopefully they meant the shake made with milk and ice cream and that kind of stuff as opposed to the manager just offering his hand. Just sayin.
JEDI : 02 20 2022
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
LEVEL 3 : 03 02 2022
Just so there's no confusion about this today, we are not at Level 1 or Level 5, we are at LEVEL 3. Case closed.
Ok, so why pick up a red Sterlite tub handle? As it happens, I have replaced all of the cardboard boxes in my garage with Steralite containers. They stack well, and don't crush despite some nameless person putting too many other heavy boxes on top of it (no self-incrimination going on here!). And specifically, I broke one of the handles and needed a new one and, voila!
I think the socket is what I found first, it's a 5/8 which is a handy size. I found a lug nut cover, and since I didn't find a regular lug nut, I'm counting this one. Besides, I also have a use for this guy. I found most of a penny next, it looks to be about 2/3 of one. They do get wedged in a crack in the pavement and then driven over and bent and eventually broken, usually in half. Looked around but, no third piece.
I found a ball that goes with a Paddleball paddle, I'm thinking somebody didn't know their own strength and launched it. There were a lot of coins here and there, and I did hit for the cycle (all 4 coins), and the extended cycle as well as I had a socket and I'm counting that lug nut cover the same as a lug nut. There were a few other odd pieces that I suppose fell off somebody's vehicle. But the best shiny penny today was the beautiful day!!! I got out later today than normal and by then it was almost 70 degrees, and over 70 by the time I got done. Thank you creator for that shiny penny!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
ARE 200 PENS TOO MANY? : 03 01/2022
This morning's run was after a session at PT where my friend Dillon helped get all those kinks out from the Cowtown race over the weekend. Weird, we were in the same (timed) corral and even parked in the same UNT Health Science Center parking lot, but never saw each other. Of course, with about 8000 runners there Sunday, I can see how you'd miss seeing somebody.
It was another morning with an assortment of stuff. I saw a shiny quarter at an intersection right off the bat and the gloves were at the curb right after that. There was a steady stream of "nuts in the road" including a lug nut. I found lots of change, 3 quarters, two nickels, 4 and 1/2 pennies, or maybe 4 and 3/4. I see quite a few lighters, and most are empty, but this little guy still worked. I even saw a slug that made me do a quick about face, thought it was a quarter. But, no dime. So big deal, I'm thankful for what found me.
Now as it turned out, I was getting 4 new tires on the CRV this week. The tire place called me when I got back from my run to say they could mount the tires today, just drop the car off and they'd "get-er done". So, I put the bike in the back of the car and drove over, and on the way back on the bike, what do you suppose I found in the road? Yup, it was my dime! Hit for the cycle!! I'm counting it toward today's treasures because I figure pedaling the bike was an extension of my workout. And after all, it was in the road, and that's the name of the game here. Oh yeah, I also counted an extra pen I found pedaling through a parking lot which adds to the Ft Worth Community Credit Union pen I found earlier. I know I know, are 2 pens enough, are 200 too many? Well, yes there are probably 200 pens and markers by now, and yes I would probably hear my honey remind me that I only have one hand I write with, and do I really need all those pens? Silly question, of course I do!
Chapter 2.2
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
Still Karen here. And, it will be for a while. Day 10. Every day, there are new developments. News about little things could seem like forw...
It's chapter 2 for this blog. Not for Jim. Although...it very well could be. Without getting into the why's, where's, and what t...
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...