Mid 20s, feels like 13 degrees, no problem. Just add another layer, but ALWAYS remember to 'go' first. If it took 30 min to dig up 7 or 8 layers so you can dress like Nanook of the North, I'm not about to disrobe because somebody forgot about having to 'go.' The roads weren't too bad, relatively speaking, and were better than the sidewalks. And I didn't get 'rundover', and even found some change so all in all I'd call it a successful run. I even had a couple of vehicles honk and wave, or roll the window down and yell 'you rock!' Go figure?!
Fun, strange, interesting, crazy, unusual, and totally unexpected treasures found every day on my run. From shiny pennies to sockets, lug nuts, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, tools to rubber duckies and more. You just never know what you'll find and where you'll find it.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
NANOOK 01 31 2023
Monday, January 30, 2023
The Weight is Over : 01 30 2023
Sometimes, it's not quantity, it's quality. Actually, sometimes it isn't either. But we finds what we finds, say thank you for being able to look, and move on. It's acting like winter again, it was 17F degrees with the wind chill when I started out this morning and fortunately the freezing rain waited until I was safely back. That's a shiny penny right there! Speaking of which, I did find a very shiny penny, and also a dime, and two quarters. It took a little doing picking them up, I was wearing a pair of leather gloves and wool mittens over them so nothing I did with my hands this morning showed any dexterity. But the main thing today was that everything was warm, which was not surprising given that I had 7 layers on top and 4 on the bottom. There's always NutsInTheRoad, four today including a lug-nut off something large. The eraser I'll use with my new classic shorty point Dixon pencil from Saturday--thank you for the like minded comment from that day. Next, I'm pretty sure there's some inquiring minds out there that have had this very question on their inquisitive lips for a long time. That question ladies and gentlemen is, "what would 1/2 oz. look like if I could hold that weight in my hand?" And for our friends 'across the pond' that would be,"what would 14 gm look like?" Well, the weight is over (not sorry), I've found a weight in the road that just happens to be 1/2 oz., which coincidentally is 14 gm. I know everyone will sleep well tonight with that weight off their mind (still not sorry!).
CALLAWAY : 01 29 2023
Saturday, January 28, 2023
The Painter's Holy Grail : 01 28 2023
That giant pile of keys at the lower left I picked up within the space of about 100'. I bet there was that many I saw and left because I think I would have run out of pockets -- literally and figuratively! So, besides somebody setting up a locksmith shop in a lane of traffic on Hwy 377, how do you lose that many keys in one place? They were useable keys, they were cut, not blanks, so how does that happen? You could argue aliens or sasquash which would be as good as anything I can think of. This has been one thing about these runs that I truly love, you are ALWAYS going to find something unexpected, or surprising, or silly, or stupid, or totally off the wall, or any and all. Hopefully the rest of this stuff isn't anticlimactic. I saw those glasses frames at a gas station and I'm going to ask my honey if they make me look smarter. Just as soon as she's done laughing. And the eye-roll. That's OK honey, take your time. Another chance to bungee today, this time it's with a yellow cord. Hopefully I can sneak that one into the garage to add to the other 8 zillion. I found another 2nd chance lotto scratch ticket and again it puts our name in the hopper for a chance at $100, and maybe a trip to Austin with even more chances to be zillionaires! Really honey, do these glasses make me look smarter?? Drum roll please.....I found the holy grail of painting tools today! It's a Hyde Tools 5 In 1 Painter's Tool, and "this standard 5-in-1 painter's too features a stainless-steel blade that is detailed to function as a putty knife, a scraper, a gouger, a paint roller cleaner, and a paint can opener all packed into one multi-faceted device!" That's that honey, we're selling the house and erecting a shrine, right here!!! Whuhuoy! Next, that metal oval shaped thing below the lotto ticket was another one of those "I'm taking it so I can figure out what it is" finds and once again 'Da Googles' came through. It's a Replacement Strap Anchor Bracket for a Croft Tow Dolly. You can't make up stuff like that, at least not with a straight face. Lots of misc pig-iron and stuff, another drill driver bit, a little do-it-yourself furniture wrench, lots of NutsInTheRoad for OneMoreNutInTheRoad to pick up, as well as all the coins. I 'hit for the cycle' today when I finally found that well driven over nickel in the road. And then I found 6 more after that, about every few minutes, there was another nickel. Ha!! Lastly, thank you Creator of all things for all the little symbols of your infinite abundance as well as all the laughable stuff I keep finding out there. Or maybe that keeps finding me!
Friday, January 27, 2023
Everything's Got A Story : 01 27 2023
Another go figure moment, I ran part of this route two days ago and found part of a 8mm wrench. Well I found the other half today on the other side of the street even from where the first one was. And it's got one of those ratchety ends on it too. A shame somebody torqued it and broke it in two. I found most of an Android phone today, it was in a turn lane on Rufe Snow and the body, the digitizer, front and back really got crunched. The leather phone case next to it might have gone with it, but it was quite a ways down the street from where the phone died. Not much inside except for a lot of band-aids, a raffle ticket from Watauga Road Bingo, and a Trinity Trojan Football Banquet ticket. Hope it was fun. There were two more small wheel covers, a Ford and A Chevy and I figured if I picked up the foreign made Toyota one two days ago, I should give equal time to a couple of honest to goodness made-in-the-US-of -A ones. Gosh I feel like having some apple pie now. That's a very large sprinkler head at the top middle and I would ordinarily leave those because they'll pull them out to flush the lines leaving them on the ground beside where they go back in. This one was nowhere near anything green, it was on the sidewalk on the bridge going over Loop 820. I might ask one of the NRH city guys if it's one of theirs I guess. That pink pen at the top was in a driveway and I wondered if it was pink ink--yup! The blue thing below Pinky was in a lane of traffic and I thought it was a lego. Turned out to be a holder for a set of drill driver-bits, with only a straight blade left. Don't know what happened to the rest of the set though. And of course, I 'hit for the extended cycle' today!! (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug-nut). Woo hoo!! Ya gotta laugh, I picked up everything that was interesting out there on Tuesday, three days ago. And you see all the stuff that accumulated in just a short time. That large coin at the top left with a young looking Queen Elizabeth on the face is a one dollar piece from Hong Kong. I found it on the bridge going over 820 at Rufe Snow and I can't think of any touristy attractions anywhere near there. That kind of stuff always makes me wonder--how in the world did that get there?? Everything's got a story. Part of my story is saying thank you for the wherewithal to find all this silliness!
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Polka Kings or Elvis : 01 26 2023
What popped into my head when I saw that RAM thing today was that it was the name of the 1st album Paul McCartney did with 'Wings' back in 1971. I like to wore the grooves out on that album. Well hey, didn't everybody? Yesterday it was Alvin & the Chipmunks in the road, today it's equal time for the Bible Land folks. Tomorrow I'm expecting either the Polka Kings or Elvis. Those stout Scotch Titanium scissors were heading up the on-ramp from Davis to Loop 820 and were in about the last spot I could have gotten to without getting 'rundover' (which is never fun). Next, somebody lost their toll tag today and finding it reasonably close to the highway made sense. That's a pretty decent Milwaukee 1/4" nut-driver bit that I can add to the collection. I don't expect to find very much more Christmas stuff lying in the street but of the 8 ornaments I saw, these 5 were still intact. I stashed them to pick back up at the end of the run or else it would have just been a bunch of shiny ornament pieces in my pocket. There were 4 very shiny wood screws one after another along Davis this morning, there was a hole in someone's bag? The two springs above the scissors I was curious about but 'Da Googles' thinks they're some kind of suspension spring. Not likely as they're just over an inch long. The change today was very misused with almost half of it bent or missing part. I did 'hit for the cycle' though (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) which is something to be thankful for. That and the fact that it was only cold and not cold AND raining this morning!
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
ALVIN!! : 01 25 2023
Question, what's better than finding two Alvin and the Chipmunks DVDs in the street? If you answered "only finding one" you win our grand prize, two fun filled weeks at the Yogi Bear Jellystone Campgrounds in lovely Hoboken New Jersey, and a Dairyland's Best cheese straightener--deluxe model II. Boy, that'll get your pacemaker going. OK, deep breaths. There was another TX Lotto scratch ticket 2nd chance promotion with 5 more chances to go to Austin and play the 5 Zillion Dollar Cash Blitz Challenge. If the instant win odds for $200,000 are 1 in almost 3 million, I expect the odds at the 10 Million Dollar Cash Blitz part have to be one in "you've got to be kidding me" million. There abouts. I found another Pokémon card in the street and this little Pokédude is Graveler, who is listed at 3' 3" tall and weighs 231.5 lbs. Yes, that's 'and a half.' Who comes up with this stuff?? Moving on, I found most of an 8mm wrench which ought to be good for tight places. And there's another socket to add to the herd, a pretty decent 17mm 3/8" handle. Alright, this is in fact the wheel cover that I've previously mentioned that I've passed twice already and didn't pick up. Yes, I know honey, I was doing so well. But in my defense, I just went through all the wheel covers I've found since the last garage sale, threw out 5 that nobody was going to want, and kept 20 including 4 Toyota. So now there's 5 Toyota wheel covers, one for all four wheels and the spare......and there it is....the internationally famous eye-roll at no extra charge. Thanks honey! There were a few nutsintheroad, a baby hose clamp, and a zipper-pull, nothing new there. I did' hit for the cycle' though, a quarter, 4 dimes, a nickel, and 18 pennies. Half the pennies I found near a car wash and they had some kind of goo on them that took over an hour to get off. Granted it's just 9 cents, but it was the principle of the thing--those pennies were mine! If I was going to put them in the picture and then add to the latest penny container, I had to scrape the crud off. Which I did. For all of 9 cents. Which would make my hourly rate for that as..........Moving on! We'll finish by saying thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
YO! : 01 24 2023
Not sure who it was that angered the rain gods but I hope they had to be out in the downpour as well this morning. I had waterproof socks, 4 layers and a slicker, but I'm sure I still looked like a drowned rat when I finished. And the one guy in a company pickup that moved over in his lane to spray me, it was all for naught Zippy. I was already soaked and couldn't have gotten any wetter. Zippy probably forgot that life has a payback for that kind of stuff, his loss. Well, there were a few things at least that didn't float away this morning. I found that travel mug out next to the median and since it fits nicely in a car cup holder, it just might come in handy. Next to the mug is a plastic cap from our friends from Iron Cross Automotive out of Oklahoma. What it's for I'm not exactly sure, 'Da Googles' had no clue either, and it's not nearly interesting enough to look any harder than that so, moving on. I found an audio cable which is a little surprising as everything is more and more going wireless. Quite a bit of change out there today, and I wonder if it was because it had been pouring down rain for quite a while, maybe all those coins that were buried under the dirt here and there got rinsed off and now were visible. Regardless, despite mother nature I 'hit for the cycle' three times over with 3 quarters, 3 nickels, 3 dimes, and 10 pennies. Nice little payback at least for getting half drowned out there today. Lastly, shout out to friend and barber JP whose floor I was dripping all over when I poked my head (and the rest of me) in the door to say howdy. Yo!
Monday, January 23, 2023
CAMLOCK : 01 23 2023
Kind of a slow Monday with a lot fewer offerings out there, especially after all the stuff that shows up on Sunday's longer run. But keeping it interesting, I ran across an odd metal fitting (at least to me) and according to 'Da Googles' it's a Camlock, an interchangable electrical connector used with temporary electrical power production. Who knew?? I found it on the sidewalk next to the street, it's got a few bumps but it's still usable. I see they run you $100 new so it's probably not something you'll easily find when you need one for a repair job at 2am. Heck, just call the 'Rundover' Store, operators are standing, or most probably sitting by, 24 x 7. There was another lighter-that-lights today, a little shaver, I found just out in a lane of traffic on MidCities. Not really sure where I would use it, I have a butane fire-log lighter already. There was a tiny 7/32" socket today to add to the collection, and also a little bit of of pig-iron. And lastly there were 7 well worn, driven over, pennies which I gladly accepted and as always, I appreciate. Thanks Creator for these seven little guys.
30!! THE BIG THREE 0!! : 01 22 2023
Number 30! The Big Three O! It had to finally happen, after a long drought I found rubber duckie #30 today. Woo and hoo! Looks like I'm going to have to add a shelf to the small table I keep the flock on. Between the duckies and all the little critters, pterodactyls, hockey guys, construction vehicles, Dumbos, Marios and the like, I'm running out of real estate! Good thing I've already moved all of the change containers to a shelf below the table top, I'm up to 24 of those now. Another reindeer shed an antler in the road today, this would be the 1st tan colored one. There was a pen and a pink marker to add to the collection, the pen to write the blog, the pink thing to highlight all the good stuff. Well, for when some good stuff shows up. The RWC ball cap at the upper right is a long way from home, it came from a Houston business that does refrigerated warehouse construction. Well, I guess somebody has to! There's a car wash on 1709 that always has microfiber towels blowing everywhere and the towel at upper left makes number lebenty eight I think. The 30' tape measure sitting on said blue towel is probably the 6th one I've rescued. Plenty of odds and ends stuff, a Wyndham Hotels room key-card, a 1" PVC joint, S-hook, air hose end, and a copper pipe joint. One of my favorite things though is 'hitting for the extended cycle' (penny,nickel, dime,quarter,socket lug-nut) which happened again today. 4 quarters, 6 nickels, 3 dimes, and 32 pennies, 45 coins in all found me, which I find really amazing. That same $1.92 would have been worth $32.71 one hundred years ago, and in 1901 the figure is $69.14. In 1901 a pound of ground beef was 7 cents and a dozen eggs was 14 cents compared to $5/lb for ground beef and $6/dozen for eggs in Jan 2023. I'm sure those coins would have been a HUGE blessing back then and I bet they wouldn't have been lying in the street or along the curb for long if at all. And I'm sure people back then would have seen that shiny penny on the ground as the same blessing that I do.
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Hoop-de-Loop : 01 21 2023
Today we have a genuine Express Oil Change mini football, it was along the road just down from their shop. I guess somebody went long, too long. Now it can keep the State Farm agent's football I already found company. There were two car keys out there today and I always wonder, how's a car going to go anywhere without the key? Whatever you do, don't lose the spare! There were a few odds and ends, a 2 of hearts, an S-hook, a few assorted screws and nuts-in-the-road (picked up by yes, we all know...) and another gift from our friends at Chase Bank. There was what 'Da Googles' said was a $10.39 Dangle Bead Hoop-de-Loop earring I found in a driveway today. I suppose it's a $5.19 earring since one's missing. There was a 10mm socket in the expansion joint of the road this morning. That's the popular size is seems. It wasn't raining when I started out today but it slowly worked into a pretty decent shower toward the end. I saw the forecast and was sure I'd beat the rain. Ooops. Moving on, I hit for the extended cycle today! (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug-nut) Ya-Hoo!! And the last penny I found was stuck in an asphalt seal along a driveway but wasn't much of a challenge. When you find as many coins that were glued to the road as I have, you keep some extraction tools handy. You know, professional ones like the small knife blades and nails I've found in the road. Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance.
Friday, January 20, 2023
The Usual Suspects 01 20 2023
I'm a fan of old B&W movies. At the end of Casa Blanca there's a classic line from Captain Renault before he and Rick walk off. "Round up the usual suspects," and today's finds are pretty much "the usual suspects." We've got all the major "food" groups here, we've got the bungee group and the coin group and the tool group and the socket group and the lug-nut group, and on and on. I ran across a Lexus driver's front floor mat which I might use in my CRV, I've been putting a lot of wear where the right heel sits. I found a pretty decent Under Armor workout glove but didn't take just the one, but I doubled back when I found the 2nd one under the non-skid roof pad at the bottom left. And worst case I could cut up and use the 35"x44" non-skid pad for shelf or drawer liners. See honey, something else useful! And he waits, and he waits, and... no internationally famous eye-roll this time. Whew! Next, there was another bungee cord and honestly, it just followed me home, I didn't encourage it or anything. And...no waiting for the I F E-R this time. Thanks honey! Glad we got that out of the way. Just to give equal time to the Beemer people I've got a BMW 3 series trunk logo, in great shape, only been 'rundover' 4 or 5 times (ok maybe 6 or 8?). You'll be able to find it in the automotive section of The 'Rundover' Store. I knew what that orange thing above the bungee was before I even got near. Those pencil sharpeners are the only thing that will decently sharpen one of those gigantic Homer Depot project pencils. There was a small Kroger shopper card on the ground at--big reveal--a Kroger gas station. Who knew? There was a Wally World One Card, One Stop, One Shop, One whatever card in the road and it wasn't anywhere near The Wallinator or a Murphy gas station. Who knows, maybe they left me a gift? Also today, a 9/32" socket, a 1/4" drill-driver attachment, and a little baby 1/2" wrench, the kind they give you when you get put-it-together-yourself furniture. At the upper left is another one of those 'what the **** is that supposed to be' things and 'Da Googles' best guess is it's some kind of hydraulic coupler. OK, mystery solved. I 'hit for the extended cycle' today!! Woo and hoo! (penny, nickel, dime,quarter,socket,lug-nut) It started out really slow today but I hadn't run this route in at least 5 or 6 weeks so there was plenty of time for 'fun stuff' to accumulate. 5 pennies, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and a quarter, 70 cents which is pretty small 'potatoes'. But think about it, why is any of it there at all? My take is that it's just a very small symbol of the Creator of all things' infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Terri Dactyl : 01 19 2023
Found a new little friend today along Rufe Snow Dr, a Miss Terri Dactyl and if memory serves I ran across her brother Leonard about a year and a half ago. I think he said she was traveling abroad, in Pangea? Anyway, now Leonard and Terri Dactyl are reunited, don't you just love happy endings? Moving on, granted I probably would have picked it up anyway because it was 'shiny' (don't start with me brother Dave!) but I was more wanting to know what it was. And once again 'Da Googles' came through, it's a brake shoe Y-Pin for model years 65-82 and although it's not labeled with a car, it's listed with other Corvette brake parts so I'm guessing Vette. That'll save me $2 next time I have to re-shoe the Vette .I found a black Sharpie which still had some sharp left in it. I did find a mostly unhurt Toyota wheel cover and I debated bringing it back but ultimately decided if it's there next time I go by, I'll add it to the garage sale collection. Honey, did you hear that? I left one there! Hmmm, I was hoping that would at least be worth a neck smooch. There was also a small little suction cup thingy I picked up which still will hold on to a smooth surface. Something else for the side of the tool cabinet in the garage I suspect. Lastly, I 'hit for the cycle' this morning (penny,nickel,dime,quarter) which is pretty good considering I ran this exact same route three days ago. I can pretty much count on there being new treasures out there waiting to find me every time I hit the streets. And I appreciate all the little symbols of the Creator's infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
FLOWERS. : 01 18 2023
JERRY RICE : 01 17 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023
Above My Pay Grade : 01 16 2023
What I thought was another phone in the road today was thankfully just a protective case. It was shiny side up and from a distance I was sure another one bit the dust. There was another Android USB cord out there getting run over and I've been seeing a lot of cords of late. The seat belt clip to the left of the phone case I don't have much of a use for. It was lying out in the middle of the intersection and like a lot of what you see here, it's just shows you the kind of stuff I find every day. Actually, I think it's more the other way around, it finds me. But I do have to ask, how is it that a seat belt clip gets out in the road, all by itself without even a seat belt? And no seat for that matter? I'm sure it's way above my pay grade. Two more sockets today and although one looks bigger that the other, they're both 10mm, and just use different size handles. Also, I found two more drill driver-bits, and one was at "that" intersection, the one I've previously found 70 plus at. I keep thinking that surely by now I've found everything in that intersection. And of course, I remind myself that I can run a section of road twice (out and back) and often end up finding things I missed the first time by. There was a lot of change out there today, particularly well 'rundover' pennies. Along with the 12 3/4 pennies there were two quarters, three dimes and a nickel which means I again 'hit for the cycle.' Eight lug-nuts yesterday but not a one today so no 'extended cycle' but as always, I appreciate all the little blessings that found me, as well as a morning 30 degrees warmer than yesterday's 35 degrees. (wah!)
STAND STRONG : 01 15 2023
8 lug-nuts and 2 lug-bolts in the road today so I guess we need to have the 'talk' again. If you want to keep the wheels on your vehicle---Snug-The-Lug people! Don't make me ground you! When I first started finding them I thought lug-bolts might make sense, you've got the lug and nut all in one, with just one thing to replace. But how do you keep a heavy tire balanced over the hole to get the 1st lug-bolt in? Seems you'd have to have a "lug-rod" just slightly smaller than the lug-bolt threads to put in the 1st lug-hole to line the rest up and then insert the lug-bolts. Or maybe two of them? I should probably offer "Lug-Rods" in the automotive section of The 'Rundover' Store (ha!). There's one last hill near the interstate toward the end of the run that often seems tougher than the rest and it dawned on me that with all this pig-iron and stuff I'm picking up, who knows how much heavier I am? That's one way to also get your weight training done. Adding to the 'weight training' today was that giant hitch pin with a lock and according to 'Da Googles', it's a Ymiko Tow Receiver Bent Pin Carbon Steel Trailer RV Accessory for Class III IV Hitch. Whew! Something else that's sold by the word ($19) it seems. Lots of writing utensils this morning and those are just the un-rundover ones. There were a couple of gift cards, 151 Coffee and Chick-A-Fil which may have a little gift left on them. I'm always learning something from these runs and today I found a Stand Strong fitness center membership tag and I need to give them a shout out. Not sure how the tag got to TX as they're in Dowingtown PA, but it's a family run fitness center that is more than just exercise. From what I can see it's uplifting and fun, building strong bodies, families, and communities. They also offer adaptive athletic training for those who have experienced a traumatic physical injury to get strong, stay strong and live confidently. Way to go guys!! I'm sure I'm not giving them their due so ask 'Da Googles' about them. Moving on, that small plastic remote-ish thing at the bottom still works, you press the "1 button" and it plays a little ditty that I don't recognize. It goes to a Matel toy but 'Da Googles' couldn't tell me which one. Well, I was curious. Lots of other stuff, like a 7amp fuse, and 5 sockets including one that's a star-bit drill adapter. The socket collection continues to grow. I 'hit for the extended cycle' today, many time over even (penny,nickel,dime,quarter,socket,lug-nut) woo and hoo!! It's been 5 weeks since I last ran this route and lots of change (among other things!) has had a chance to accumulate. 5 quarters, 18 dimes, 6 nickels, and 33 pennies, a whole $3.68 which ought to get you a gallon of gas now. It's almost enough for a gallon of diesel or maybe a cup of java from our Star-mega-Bucks friends. Anyway, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Yeayuh!
Saturday, January 14, 2023
WANGO TANGO : 01 14 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
POTPOURI : 01 13 2023
Thursday, January 12, 2023
GLOCK 19 : 01 12 2023
Yesterday, 85 degrees and running in a short-sleeved shirt & shorts, today it feels like 35 out. I must have missed the memo. I have been at races where they dress like that when it's freezing out, but I seem to be turning into a weenie as I get older. I'll run in ANY weather, I may just have 6 layers on though. Ok, I passed the intersection today where I've previously found 70-80 drill driver-bits and found two more that I somehow missed (the last 6 times through). Two more to add to the fine selection of tools in The 'Rundover' Store. There was another live round in the road, and 9mm must be the weapon of choice because the ammo I find is almost always 9mm. Now I've asked this question before, rhetorically speaking, how does a bullet, unfired, get from somebody's Glock 19 into the road? Last I had heard, reloading your gun in the middle of the road wasn't a sign of genius. And what about the cost here? That's 22 cents flushed right down the toilet "Mr I've Got So Much Ammo It's Coming Out Of My Butt". Somebody's pistol is going to get locked up in the gun-safe until they learn not to be so wasteful. Whuhuoy! Now where was I? Oh yeah, moola! Even though I've run this route on Jan 4th and Jan 9th most recently, there was still more change out there waiting to find me. And it was dime day, 10 of them found me today along with 3 quarters, 3 nickels and 10 shiny pennies. Woo hoo! Now if that same amount of change continues to find me day after day, not counting compound interest, I'd be a millionaire by the year 3393. But I doubt if that's going to happen because they're going to stop making pennies this year. In 20, 30, or 40 years I could be hard pressed to even find a penny. (because I'd already have them all!)
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Cranky Pants : 01 11 2023
Another work glove and again I ask, what is it that makes this a Firm-Grip instead of a Maxi-Grip or a Gorilla-Grip? They all look the same to me. Anyway, below the glove is a lug-nut with lug still attached and you can see how some of these lug-nuts I'm finding every day end up where they do. This one was loose, started backing out, and after grinding on the rim for a while finally sheared. Here's the process; old tire off, new tire on, lug-nuts on finger tight, lower the vehicle, then SNUG THE LUG. Should be easy to remember. There were 3 drill bits along the curb on Davis today, and they look to be high dollar titanium ones. I suspect there's more out there so I'll check that part of the route a little closer next time. There was also a ratcheting 17mm wrench lying on the curb, a really handy addition to the tool section at The 'Rundover' Store. Believe it or not there were some things in the road that I passed today but left where they were. Like, oh, the power cord that I could have fixed (because I love fixing things) but then thought....do I really need another project? Excuse me a sec....... yeayuh!!! .... a smooch from my baby!! Note to self; remember to leave stuff out there more often, or perhaps be a more selective treasure finderer. There was a small 1/4" socket yesterday, today to give equal time to the metric side we found an 8mm socket. I'm slowly building the collection back up. The change came in twos today, two quarters, two dimes and two pennies, but two few nickels so no 'hitting for the cycle.' Still, thank you Creator of all things for all these little symbols of Your infinite abundance. Lastly I got to 'direct traffic' again over at the RR crossing on Davis east of Smithfield Station. For the regular blog readers, you're accustomed to this little bit of silliness, but for anyone that's new, I'll explain. The RR crossing arms come down as the bells are going off. I pick the side of the crossing with the most cars, today it was the one where the cars are usually 50 yards away behind the traffic light. I step into the street and stop the already stopped traffic. I keep them already stopped while directing the train through the crossing, and then signal the traffic to continue onward, which they're going to do anyway. There was one car close up and I'm not sure that he 'got it', but two trucks that were way back behind the traffic light honked and gave me a thumbs up as they went by. They 'got it', we're just having a little fun instead of being a cranky pants about having to wait for the train. Life's too short to get all torqued about little stuff, and it's almost all little stuff don't you think?
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Danika? : 01 10 2023
I debated about taking the 'Danika' ski hat but finally took it because I was curious about the what and where of it. Unfortunately neither myself nor 'Da Googles' could figure out what the deal is with a Danika hat with a star, but I'm good with that. It'll be donated and somebody that needs a warm hat will get one. The tennis ball could be useful for stretching some tight tendons. That copper tube at the center must be a plumbing sleeve for joining two 1" pipes, and last I heard copper was a sought after metal. So it made the picture. I'm not sure what that hooky thing to the left of the copper piece is, but I can use it as a pegboard hook. There was a golf tee in the road, along with half a pair of dice, and another USB cord. Nothing new there. At the upper right is what I thought might be a small bracelet charm. Looking close though, the white part kinda looks like a Bulldog and iit has a broken post on the back so best guess, it was an earring. There was another very small 1/4" socket and some very beat up change. Two quarters, three dimes, and a shiny penny are pretty much par for the course these days, but nonetheless I'm grateful for all these little blessings.
Monday, January 9, 2023
Christmas Lights : 01 09 2023
I found the Christmas lights early in the run and I thought trying to squeeze them into a pocket would ruin them so I stashed them to pick up later. I saw the small solar panel sticking out of a storm drain and being curious, I picked it up and there was a large string of lights still attached. I had to laugh, the solar panel had been facing the sun and when I hit the on-button the light came on and started flashing. Go figure?! I found a small roll of cloth tape like you'd see in a 1st Aid Kit but no band-aides or other other stuff you might find with it. I found another Allen wrench, thanks Allen. There was a lone Pokemon card today called Klinklang and of course I'm thinking they probably throw silverware down the stairs to name these guys. Whatever sound it makes is what they call it. Whatever. There's a token to the right the little Poke-dude and I'm not sure what it goes to. There's two grooves on one side and the other side says there's no cash value and I wondered if it came from a batting cage or maybe a car wash. I did 'hit for the cycle' today after being short a nickel Sat and Sun. I got out kind of late today and thought it might be harder seeing assorted 'stuff' and coins in particular because there would be more traffic to watch out for. But 21 coins found me so it was all good. And I even got to direct traffic again today at the railroad crossing on Rufe Snow. I was just thinking about that as I approached the tracks when the crossing arms came down as the bells started going off. So of course I then step out into the road, stop the already stopped cars, keep them already stopped while I wave the train through the intersection which of course it's going to do anyway. I then direct traffic to continue on, while getting my butt out of the road because they're going to continue on anyway. It's just the absurdness of doing that that people get, and usually laugh, or honk or give me a thumbs-up. We all have to stop and wait, might as well have a little fun while we're at it.
Say Hello and Go : 01 08 2023
45 coins found me today, not a record by any means but still kind of amazing that any of them do really. 5 quarters, 9 dimes and 31 pennies which is pretty normal for a long Sunday run but no nickels which is not. So no 'hitting for the cycle' today, but it's still a lot of little blessings. I got out decently early so there was less traffic to navigate, which also tends to make is a little more private as there's less people out there. Just me mostly so you're alone with your thoughts. Well, except for saying hello to the kids at the 151 Coffee place, the one where they used to have all the little rubber duckies people had given them on display. My flock of 29 was small compared to what was there. Unfortunately, the only one that's still left out is the very large 'mama duckie', which is kinda sad. Continuing, there's also the guy at the 'Quickie Mart' where I pop my head in the door, say "good morning, have a great weekend", and pop out. Same for the guy at the Shell station just up the street, where I always get a big smile and a hello back. I'm pretty sure they enjoy the 'hello' and have gotten used to the 'mature' guy stopping by early every Sunday morning just to 'say hello and go.' Hmmmmm, that could be a cool bumper sticker----"JUST SAY HELLO AND GO." Remember you heard it here first.
Judging by the picture, there wasn't a lot of "stuff" today, unlike some days where you have to decide if it will fit in the pocket without wearing a hole in it. I see tire valves in the road a lot but I think this is the first one that looks brand new and has the shiny valve cap still attached. Not sure how one would pop out of a tire all by its lonesome though. I found a functional utility knife which was undamaged because it was wedged in an expansion crack at a street crossing. They normally don't do so well, like the last one a few days ago which I only kept for the picture. Yes honey, I just took the spare blades out and gave it a decent burial. Really. Wait for it, wait for it....and there's that internationally famous eye-roll. Well honey.....thanks for being on the show, here's some lovely parting gifts along with our thanks for being such a good sport. And another eye-roll, and a great smile!! Ha!! Love ya honey! Moving on, there was another micro-fiber cloth in the grass beside the road which must have escaped from the car-wash just down the street. Since it just had minimal 'stuff' sttached to it there's now another new shop rag available in The 'Rundover' Store. All in all, it was a pretty good day, a little sunshine, not unbearably cold, at least one shiny penny found me. Life is good!
Saturday, January 7, 2023
SMOOTH : 01 07 2023
I found a tablet this morning, and the poor little thing had a bad case of 'rundover.' It probably won't power up but I'll plug it in and see what happens. Next, there was a day-glow yellow softball which I found across the street from the tablet. Not surprising as this area has been fruitful in the past for tennis balls and other assorted round things. Another glove today and I have to ask: what makes it a firm-grip and not a maxi-grip or gorilla-grip? (see previous blogs) Who knows? Next, the credit card was out in the middle of the road in a turn lane of 7 or 8 lanes and I came back in the car for it, and I was soooo smooth. Fortunately I was the only one in the turn lane so when the light changes I eased along, when I got close I opened up the car door, continued forward and reached down and scooped up the credit card without stopping and headed out. Did I mention smooth? I even got to clear up some past business on my way back to the house. I dropped off the Chic-Fil-A magnetic car sign I found last week at a Chic-Fil-A on 26 and was surprised at how little they cared to get it back. I must have been interrupting the exciting task of deep frying something. I dropped off the Blink membership card at a blink location that used to be a Fitness 2000 which used to be something else. Thank you pandemic. There was a lot of small change out there today, 3 quarters, three dimes, 16 pennies, and a mystery coin. It's not a US coin and it's been well introduced to the street so it's hard to make it out. It's nickel sized and I think there might be a small Jeep stamped on it? Nothing even for 'Da Googles' to go on. There was no 'hitting for the cycle' today without the nickel but 23 coins counting the jeep coin, ya gotta laugh! Don't care how it finds me as long as it finds me. And it always does. (thank you!!)
Friday, January 6, 2023
Folding Money : 01 06 2023
Thursday, January 5, 2023
2nd CHANCES : 01 05 2023
There's a 2 yr old student ID for an Aiden at Keller Central that just showed up today. I don't suppose he's missing it at this point. There was a game card from a Turnt Up Trivia game and from what 'Da Googles' tells me it's a drinking game. They ask questions and you drink shots. I'm guessing that the longer that people play this, the less smart they become. There was another drill nut-driver today, which a number of weeks ago would have been a daily find. I also found a wing-nut in the road today and I don't know why I like them. Maybe it's because I don't have to go find a wrench to snug them. That's not lazy, just fewer steps. Lastly, it was a nice, crisp morning with lots of sun, that's a blessing. $1.73 found on the ground, another blessing. 15 chances at TX Lottery falderah, that's ....... something.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
20 SWOOZLE : 01 04 2023
PLASTIC : 01 03 2023
It's not unusual to find a credit card on my runs but finding 2 cards, that is. Neither one is damaged like it had been driven over a lot so they couldn't have been lost for long and I've called the banks on them. Moving on, there wasn't anything special about the work glove I found today, other than someone being able to see it from a mile away. In the original picture it's so bright that you could work at night wearing it and not need a work light. Whuhuoy! There was another android USB cord, it's equal time I guess because there's been a lot of iPhone ones lately. There was an S-hook but no bungee cord (my honey gives a sigh of relief) and of course Allen graced me with another wrench. Not a lot of coins found me today, in fact it was just one lonely quarter. But as always, thank you Creator for the little symbol of your infinite abundance.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
WING EXPERT : 01 02 2023
Little known fact, even though my favorite hot wings 'heat' would be a minus 3, nevertheless I am a WING EXPERT and now I have the patch to prove it. There was a nice pair of Head Ski gloves in the road today, and they advertise them as texting and touchscreen gloves. You would really hate for anyone to not be able to text or do selfies without taking their gloves off, but that will be a nonissue today for someone shopping at The 'Rundover' Store. There were a few more repeat offenders out there, a lighter that lights, an LED flashlight that doesn't, pliers that pli, and a very large hitch pin clip, minus the hitch. I found the small child's sneaker with the 'Swush' on it on a bridge crossing the interstate, and I keep telling those dadblame kids to keep off the lawn. Seems now I gotta tell them to keep off the interstate bridge too. Whuhuoy! My life is so huahd (pronounced that way)! That little green ball looks familiar, I think it goes to a kids 'pop-gun' that shoots foam balls. Again though, it's on a busy road where you wouldn't expect to see kiddos. It was nickel day today! That's usually the coin that's hardest to find on most runs and today there's almost more of them than shiny pennies. 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 8 nickels and 11 pennies so I again 'hit for the cycle' (penny,nickel,dime,quarter). How all this loose change keeps finding me every day just cracks me up, but nonetheless I'm still thankful for all these little blessings.
Formal Run or Not? : 01 01 2023
Chapter 2.2
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...
Still Karen here. And, it will be for a while. Day 10. Every day, there are new developments. News about little things could seem like forw...
It's chapter 2 for this blog. Not for Jim. Although...it very well could be. Without getting into the why's, where's, and what t...
The new blog is set up. Running. And should be wrinkle free. This blog remains... for Jim to return to. In the meantime, you can encourage, ...